Author Topic: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING  (Read 23958 times)

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Offline teesquare

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« Reply #-1 on: September 13, 2013, 07:31:36 PM »
Let me just point to something that many of us over-look. This forum has grown in a very organic, and friendly manner and we wish to preserve that going forward. We usually invite folks that we know. The commonalities of geography or social connections assist us in growing in this manner.
But - there is SO much that we can learn from other people in other countries about cooking outdoors - and their types of BBQ.
The one social commonality possessed by every nationality, and ethnic group of mankind is the tradition of cooking outdoors over a fire in some form or fashion. Think about that.... For some - it is ceremonial and for only special occasions - and for some, it is for daily sustenance. But ALL men and women around the globe enjoy what we love as well - outdoor cooking!
We now are gaining members from other countries, and everyone should have pride in their homeland. We just want to be good representatives of LTBBQ by not isolating ourselves from the rest of the world in our comments.( I am saying this to myself in the mirror as I type this ;D )
So, the less we allow politics to interfere with cooking talk, the more likely we will see new members from other countries posting pictures and recipes that add an entirely new dimension to you cooking fun....I want to be clear in this - I am NOT expecting anyone to feel ashamed of who you are, where you live, and what your political views are. Far from it!
But, I would ask that we try to not alienate others by posting things that clearly can lead to others stereotyping you or LTBBQ as ANY one particular group, political or otherwise. This is not always easy ( Again - I am talking in mirror here  ;)).

Balance, fairness, consideration for differences of opinion, and open minds. Those are the hallmarks of a true quality driven community - and I am confident that you feel that way as well.
Because our real strength is in the variety of concepts and ideas that we all bring to "the table" ( pun intended ) let's all remember that the "prime directive of LTBBQ is to HAVE FUN.
BBQ…neither verb or noun…it is an experience…& best when shared with friends
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 07:34:18 PM by teesquare »
BBQ is neither verb or noun. It is an experience.
Fine Swine and Bovine BBQ Team - Home of squeal and veal!
Beer, Butter and Bacon make everything better.
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