Author Topic: Site Rules Part 2... ( required reading )  (Read 14431 times)

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Offline Admin2

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Site Rules Part 2... ( required reading )
« Reply #-1 on: January 25, 2013, 01:05:16 PM »
Folks, as we continue to grow LTBBQ - have been fortunate to have some site sponsors. These companies help to pay for the cost of running the site which keeps it completely free for all of us as users.

We need to establish some guidelines that are fair for all;

1. Said site sponsors are vendors. They may be manufacturers or resellers. They have their own forum on LTBBQ to inform us of new products, updates to existing ones, technical bulletins - or anything related to their business. They are here at your service to answer questions about their company's products or services.
They are completely welcome to participate in the General Forums as individuals, and not selling product there. This preserves the integrity and objectivity of the site. It is important to your fellow members that you feel free to express ( in a manner that is not berating, or insulting) your opinion about all products and companies - in our outdoor cooking universe.
It is also important for current and potential site sponsors to know that we will offer fair, and real appraisals - from the perspective of folks that actually buy and use products - with the hope that we can contribute to the betterment of goods and services that we all crave.
If you are a member here and have a related business interest- but are not a site sponsor yet, please be respectful of the paying sponsors and do not post anything business related before you talk to a moderator about it. Sometimes the balancing act is more complex than first appearances, and we want to take all aspects into consideration.

2. And - this is important for YOU to know. LTBBQ is not benefiting financially from this. There is no hidden agenda. LTBBQ was designed to be user driven. And it will remain user driven. This is a different model and concept from other internet forums - which are owned by a manufacturer or reseller.
In complete disclosure - the site is owned by Tim Tucker, owner of But - there are no restrictions or rules that prevent anyone from discussing, using, showing what brands of seasonings they like to use. Again this is a user driven "open" site for discussing anything relative to cooking - and without prejudice.
LTBBQ is completely YOUR forum. If you have a suggestion, criticism, complaint, desire or even a compliment - please know that you are welcome to contact any moderator or Admin2 and you WILL be heard, and thoughtful consideration given to your concerns and ideas. You can PM - or email us at:
We value your input. YOU ARE LTBBQ.

3. If you own another forum - or blog, and fail to disclose that when joining LTBBQ - you may be banned. This is due to prior experience on LTBBQ with other forum owners/bloggers which joined us merely harvest/mine data and members.
If you want to join and currently own a forum or blog - tell us. We can discuss this an usually come to an agreement. The responsibility of LTBBQ is to it's members, and it's site sponsors. We will always be member driven first and foremost. But that does not exclude us from protecting the membership from the seedy and disreputable practice of stealing members via PM invitation, and slyly promoting another site in a post.
If you are building a site - congratulations! DO it the same way any credible site is built. Time and money. We ( and our attorneys) will take a highly aggressive posture if you are found abusing the privilege of membership on LTBBQ.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 10:28:25 AM by admin2 »