Recipes > Baker's Corner

Detroit style low carb pizza


Got to thinking how good my puff pastry turned out and decided to try it as a pizza crust.   Turned out VERY good, I was impressed on the texture just wished I had a better baking pan

The recipe was simple.....

2 cup Alomnd flour
1/2 cup VWG
1/2 cup Poolish 
1/2 cup warm water (110 temp)
1/8 tps dry yeast
1/2 tps salt

1 stick butter (to be used later for puff dough recipe)

Mix water and poolish together and let it sit 10 mins.
Mix all dry ingredents then add poolish/water to the mix stir and let it hydrate for 10 mins.   

I let it sit for a few hours to rise then devide into two dough balls.  Each should make a 9 in pizza crust

To make the puff pastry, take one dough ball...
I took a stick of butter and graded it like cheese to make it work better when folding into the dough for puff dough
I added butter and folded dough rolled it out added butter and folded,  repeated this step 6 times to build layers

After I folded it I set it back in the fridge for an 1 hour to set before placing in baking dish

Cooked at 350 for 25 mins   


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