Author Topic: The amazing 6 Hour Amazon Anova Sale.  (Read 615 times)

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Offline Chief Mac

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The amazing 6 Hour Amazon Anova Sale.
« Reply #-1 on: June 15, 2015, 10:25:22 PM »
So today I have a busy day planned with my 17 year old granddaughter. I was asked to go to Juvenile Court with her and accept her driver’s license in lieu of my daughter and son in law who were both working and could not take any more time off.  In Virginia if child is under 18 years old the licenses is presented to the parents and or guardians by a judge. The judge tells the child that their driving is only a privilege and the parents can legally decide to take the privilege away at any time.  I had to be out the door to by 8:15 AM to drive the 50 miles or so, pick her up and be at the court house by 10:00.
Meanwhile I have been trying to decide whether I wanted an Inova Precision Cooker. I decided to pull the trigger this weekend only if I could get it with one of the offered discounts.  Well I could not get the limited time discount any longer at Amazon and I could not get to an ordering page at Inova. So I did an Inova sitting in my cart at Amazon I forgot to clear out after repeatedly trying to enter the discount code. This morning after complementing the 3 S's and a cup of coffee, I opened my Email and here is Amazon add a 1 time sale on the Inova Precision for $119. The sale would start at 6:00 AM PDT and last until sold out or 12:00 PM PDT. That is 9:00 AM thru 3:00 PM here on the East coast.  It is 7:40 and my wife has dental appointment at 11:00 AM. She knows I wanted this for father’s day and am trying to get her to try to order this for me, I showed her the way to get into the area of Amazon and did a run through placing another Inova for $179.00 in my cart to show her how to get around other than ordering her books for her Kindle. I asked her to try and if she could not figure it out on my desk top then try to get in with her kindle. I have to get on the road the road now so she is on her own. Things did not go as planned for either one of us. My wife could not get into the system, and called our neighbor who found the Inova but not for the sale price. Finally with her and the neighbor searching for Amazon support numbers to try to order by phone got a number and a human. Well my wife told the Amazon associate what she was trying to do and not able to find the sale price. It’s now after 9:00 AM she is hanging on the phone with Amazon trying to find the sale item. Finally Amazon associate finds the item and my wife says thank you please order this and use my credit card. The associate and her are going back and forth now about using her gift card credit up first and then put the remaining sum on her credit card. She is in no way going to give up her gift card credits for some item that she deems as useless. I 'm not sure what followed but she did get the  Inova at the sale price with free shipping and she was proud of that. But not happy about depleting her gift card.
I on the other hand got Jenna to the court on time but we could not find her name the docket for either the 10:00 AM or the 1:00 PM license presentation. Here we go! We talked to every person with a name tag to try to figure why we have an order to appear from the court and she is not on the docket. We found a clerk with an answer and this is now 11:15 AM and she said it may have been a name mix up. She assured us that at 1:00 PM we should be outside of Courtroom2 and she would makes sure that the license would be in the judges hands for the presentation. Jenna then asked me if I would take her to work and pick up her check and take it to the bank to cash so she can get Thank You cards and stamps for the gifts and card she received from her graduation this past Friday. So we stopped for cards also and returned to the Court house around 12:40. We went to the #2 Courtroom and a large gathering of teens and parents were starting to assemble. 1:00 PM came and people were milling around like flies wondering what was going on . The courtroom was occupied and finally cleared out at 1:12PM. We went in with 30 -40 kids with an adult or 2 and waited about 15 more minutes for the Judge to show. He give a 10 minute speech to the new drivers about their  responsibilities, and the destruction they pose to innocent people thru the lack of judgement or lapse in concentration. I was the third from the last of the people  to receive Jenna's license. She was beaming from ear to ear, and when leaving the court room she returned to long line in front of the clerk’s office to thank the women who made it happen. It was getting around 2:00 and I took her to eat lunch, ran back home to change for work and I dropped her off at work about 3:25. I headed back home at got stuck in traffic backed up at one of the bridge tunnels and waited out 30 min. in 95 degree heat going no were and hoping that there was not a bunch of cars shut down in front of me do to overheating. Finally arrived at home about 5:10 PM.
Then my wife tells me her story and she is still unhappy about using and depleting her gift card. I told her she did a magnificent job ordering the Inova and  I corrected the other evil and put $100 back on her gift card unbeknown to her. So today all worked out.  8) 8) 8)
And I got the INOVA at a good price and I am getting ready to experiment.  ;D ;D ;D
Weber Genesis E-320
Charbroil - CB600X Gas Smoker
Landmann Smoky Mountain Electric Smoker
14" Kingsford Charcoal Take Anywhere Grill
A Maz N Tube Smoker 6" & 12"
Anova--Sous Vide Device

Offline spuds

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Re: The amazing 6 Hour Amazon Anova Sale.
« on: June 16, 2015, 09:50:57 AM »
Feel free to share my pictorials anywhere you like.Could mention from Spuds if you remember.