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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: RG on December 05, 2018, 04:03:21 PM

Title: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 05, 2018, 04:03:21 PM
Who will win? We'll find out this weekend!

A while back, if y'all remember, I did a similar comparison with a Snake River Farms Wagyu brisket vs. a choice brisket from Wal Mart. The Wagyu won but not by much. This test was done way back when I had my Smokin'-It #3. I cooked them both on the SI for that comparison. I did another cook a few months after that one where I did a second SRF Wagyu, cooked on the newly acquired KBQ and a choice brisket cooked on the SI#3. I actually posted that here : http://www.letstalkbbq.com/index.php?topic=18241.0

So...it's a been a while since I've done anything like this. Over the weekend, I was at Costco and what do you know? They had a Prime packer for $2.99/lb so I found the best one out of the 4 and bought it. I have NEVER cooked a Prime brisket before, Wagyu which is rated higher of course, but never a Prime. I can't find prime briskets and when I do, it's just the flat for $5.99/lb. I finally found a whole packer prime and was HAPPY! A few weeks back, I went to Restaurant Depot and bought 2 Certified Angus briskets with the intent of smoking them at the same time. Both to eat at the time of cooking and to have some to freeze for later meals and to make brisket chili. I am going to have a group of friends over at some point for a "Game Night" and I'll feed them brisket chili and jalapeno cheddar cornbread waffles. Back to the topic at hand though :P

This weekend I will use the KBQ and smoke up the Prime and one of the CAB briskets and compare. I actually paid less for the Prime brisket! Will it be better than the CAB? We shall see. I'll do my best to document the cook, take some pics and maybe try and do my best Tom Horsman impersonation and record the goings on. As y'all know, Tom is a cooking machine! I think he makes a video of every cook he does and I don't think he ever eats out or lets his wife cook, lol! He truly is the BBQ Terminator!! Amazing!

Alright Tom, put the check in the mail, I did my part :P LOL!!
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: ronman451 on December 05, 2018, 10:50:24 PM
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: TentHunteR on December 06, 2018, 05:11:23 AM
Looking forward to this, and will be watching from afar!


Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Big Dawg on December 08, 2018, 02:31:49 PM
So, it's the weekend . . .

Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 09, 2018, 09:25:16 AM
So, it's the weekend . . .


Yes indeed my good man. They're on the KBQ gettin' happy as I type this. I'll post results later today once they're done. First impressions are that the Prime brisket is shaped funky. I like the CAB one much better, especially the thickness of the flat. The flat on the Prime is going to turn into a crispy piece of burnt jerky by the time it's done :P

Both were prepped in my usual way as of late. I inject with beer and rub with Peppered Cow rub and let them hang out in the fridge overnight and then a coating of kosher salt before going on the smoker (not much, but some to make up for the low salt in the peppered cow).

Stay tuned!
Title: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Pappymn on December 09, 2018, 12:44:07 PM
Watching. My Costco had the same price for prime too

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Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 09, 2018, 12:55:21 PM
One of the briskets is at about 170 and the other about 160. I will wrap with butcher paper soon. I rotated them to let the other catch up. The KBQ is hotter up top than the bottom. My wife came back from shopping and said that the smell outside was making her mouth water, lol. The KBQ smoke is unlike any other cooker, I wish I could post a video with "Smell-O-Vision" :P
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Big Dawg on December 09, 2018, 03:56:07 PM
Can't wait to see the review, also, how 'bout the Brisket Chili recipe ? ? ?

Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 09, 2018, 07:01:04 PM
Can't wait to see the review, also, how 'bout the Brisket Chili recipe ? ? ?


I can help you out with one of those requests ;)

The results are in and the winner is......the Costco Prime! It was an odd shaped brisket and the point was way too fatty, big chunks of fat that didn't render. It also cooked faster than the choice, by about an hour and a half quicker. The same thing happened when I cooked the Wagyu from Snake River Farms (both times they cooked faster than the lesser grade). I did a blind taste test with the flats and the points of both. My wife was the tester, she loves doing this kind of thing, lol.

Taste and tenderness of the flat were better on the prime. On the point she said that the Angus was more tender but the prime tasted better. I honestly think it was due to the pieces I gave her. She then changed her mind and said the prime was the better of the two in all categories.

I had her take some pictures but they didn't turn out worth a flip, the angus looks dry as a chip. I'll share them with y'all anyway.

Here's the Choice Angus from Restaurant Depot


And here's the Costco Prime


This shows the big blob of fat in the point of the prime brisket.


Now that we're full I'll put the rest in the fridge and slice some for meals and cube the rest for chili tomorrow. We've got lots left, already vacuum sealed some for some old folks my wife looks after as well as my wife's mother. She'll be delivering smiles tomorrow :)
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: HighOnSmoke on December 09, 2018, 09:58:24 PM
I'd eat either one of those! Both look great!
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: akjeff on December 09, 2018, 10:50:52 PM
Thanks for the review, they both look great! :thumbup:
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: retfr8flyr on December 09, 2018, 11:36:48 PM
Great review. I have almost bought the Prime Packer at Costco several times but I wanted to do it during a family gathering and too many of them will not eat beef, they love pork and chicken but not beef, go figure. I think I am going to get one and just cook it for me and my wife. The leftovers can be vac sealed, frozen and eaten another day. Have you seen the video Baby Back Maniac did comparing brisket's bare, with foil wrap and with paper wrap? They had some interesting results.
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 10, 2018, 05:38:46 AM
Great review. I have almost bought the Prime Packer at Costco several times but I wanted to do it during a family gathering and too many of them will not eat beef, they love pork and chicken but not beef, go figure. I think I am going to get one and just cook it for me and my wife. The leftovers can be vac sealed, frozen and eaten another day. Have you seen the video Baby Back Maniac did comparing brisket's bare, with foil wrap and with paper wrap? They had some interesting results.

I think I've seen that video. Aaron Franklin did a similar video, cooking naked the whole way, one with foil, one with peach butcher paper. I, at one time, always cooked unwrapped but started wrapping in paper once it got the color I wanted. It's been a good method for me. I've been doing it that way for about 2.5 years. I bought a BIG roll of peach butcher paper a while back, I'm about half way through it :P

As for vac sealing the brisket, works great for us. We portion it out into servings and when it's time to reheat, we heat it up slowly in a pot of water. I swear it tastes better than when it's fresh! If you've ever eaten at The Salt Lick, they always serve their briskets next day. They cook them up, chill them in the cooler overnight, throw back on the pit the next day to heat through, then serve. Crazy isn't it?
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: bamabob on December 10, 2018, 08:01:04 AM
Great write up Jason, they both look like winners.  I also prefer the Costco prime briskets.  What do you think about the prime vs. the Wagyu brisket?  I'd have a hard time justifying the cost of the Wagyu.

regarding the next day thingy, I agree.  I much prefer pulled pork and brisket after it has been vac packed and frozen.
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 10, 2018, 08:44:28 AM
Bob, the wagyu is not worth the extra money. They are good but not $100.00 better. I dare say that they are ever so slightly better, if at all, than the prime.
Title: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Pappymn on December 10, 2018, 10:56:25 AM
Didn't know that about Salt Lick. Been there once and loved it

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Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 10, 2018, 01:11:44 PM
I don't normally act so stingy when asked to share a recipe. Big Dawg, I once shared this chili with members of another forum, Bamabob being one of them. One member in particular liked it so much that he took some all the way from Alabama back to Connecticut for his Grandkids. They LOVED it so he asked me for the recipe. I thought about it and e-mailed it to him. He then tells me that he is going to open a restaurant and serve my chili! That bugged me, I have to be honest. He didn't even ask! I gave him a little piece of my mind and he said he wouldn't do it. I have lost touch with him so I don't know if he ever did or not. My guess is that he didn't as he was knocking 80 years old. At any rate, I am going to post it here for those that want to make it. It has a TON of things in it, I just made a pot (have it simmering now) and it took me at least an hour to prep. I made this one afternoon by winging it and I really liked it so I set out to recreate it, this time measuring the ingredients as I went. You'll see the list and think of it as a "Pantry Cleaning Out" recipe and it kind of was just that, lol. Without further ado, I give you Jason's (me) Southwest Brisket Chili. I have a recipe program on my tablet so I just exported it from there to make it easy.

Jason's Souhwest Brisket Chili

2 pounds of smoked brisket cut into bite sized cubes
1 large can of diced green chilis
1 tablespoon diced pickled jalapenos
1 whole fire roasted bell pepper seeded and diced (I use yellow)
6 strips of bacon cooked less than crispy and then rough chopped
1 small onion finely diced and sauteed in bacon drippings
1 tablespoon crushed garlic sauteed in bacon drippings
1 can of whole kernel corn (drained)
1 small can of tomato paste
1 small can of tomato sauce
1 can of stewed tomatoes
1 can of whole peeled tomatoes (crushed with wooden spoon as you add to pot)
1 1/2 teaspoons Ancho chili powder
1 Tablespoon chili powder
1 1/2 Tablespoons Cumin
1 1/4 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon oregano
1 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon coriander
1 can of chili hot beans (Kroger has them, it's just hot chili beans)
1 can of red kidney beans
1 can of black beans
1/2 can of beef broth
1/3 cup ketchup
2 Tablespoons KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce
2 shakes Tabasco
2 shakes Worcestershire Sauce
Whole Bottle of Corona or similar lager type beer

Fry up 6 strips of bacon
Sautee onions and fire roasted bell pepper in bacon drippings
Add crushed garlic at the end of sauteeing so as to not burn garlic
Remove onions, garlic, peppers from drippings and add to pot along with the rough chopped bacon
Add all of the remaining ingrediens and simmer on low heat for 2 hours to allow the meat to become tender and release smokiness into the chili
Adjust for seasonings at this time, add more cayenne, chili powder, pepper if desired. It shouldn't need any though. The brisket will release seasonings into the chili as well.


I realize most of you won't ever make this but if you do, give credit where credit is due :)

Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Big Dawg on December 10, 2018, 03:23:40 PM
D@MN ! ! ! 

That's a good looking pot of chili !

Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 10, 2018, 03:51:49 PM
D@MN ! ! ! 

That's a good looking pot of chili !


Thanks, it makes about 5 quarts. I ate a small bowl, for quality control purposes of course, otherwise that one container would be full. I'm feeding six people with it this weekend, I doubt they'll eat over a gallon of chili, at least I hope not! LOL!

Title: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Pappymn on December 10, 2018, 04:47:34 PM
Looks like my kind of chili

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Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: sparky on December 10, 2018, 11:34:27 PM
It's looks really good. 
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Ka Honu on December 11, 2018, 12:10:12 AM
...I wanted to do it during a family gathering and too many of them will not eat beef...
I'd seriously consider firing them and looking for new relatives. Jus' sayin'...

Bob, the wagyu is not worth the extra money. They are good but not $100.00 better. I dare say that they are ever so slightly better, if at all, than the prime.
There is no finer brisket than the SRF wagyu but I have to agree with you - the difference is relatively slight and not worth the considerable extra cost. On the other hand, if I were one of those people with too much money...
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 13, 2018, 07:01:18 PM
...I wanted to do it during a family gathering and too many of them will not eat beef...
I'd seriously consider firing them and looking for new relatives. Jus' sayin'...

Bob, the wagyu is not worth the extra money. They are good but not $100.00 better. I dare say that they are ever so slightly better, if at all, than the prime.
There is no finer brisket than the SRF wagyu but I have to agree with you - the difference is relatively slight and not worth the considerable extra cost. On the other hand, if I were one of those people with too much money...

I have cooked 2 of them, liked them fine but was not WOWED by them but like you said, if I had money to burn....why not? :P
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: focuspuller on December 13, 2018, 09:16:59 PM
He then tells me that he is going to open a restaurant and serve my chili!

Get the story straight....I never said I would open as restaurant...I'm not a "Colonel Sanders" !
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: RG on December 14, 2018, 01:44:57 AM
He then tells me that he is going to open a restaurant and serve my chili!

Get the story straight....I never said I would open as restaurant...I'm not a "Colonel Sanders" !

Hahaha, I knew I'd draw you out! LOL!! And yes, that is what you said. Joking or not, that's what you said so I do think I have the story straight Larry ;)

Glad to see you still lurking around. I hope you and your daughter and the grand kids are well.
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: TentHunteR on December 14, 2018, 05:43:18 AM
Great thread and info!  :thumbup:   This makes me want to search out a Prime brisket.
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Gunny on December 14, 2018, 12:22:31 PM
Great thread and info!  :thumbup:   This makes me want to search out a Prime brisket.

I know it's a ways for you to go Cliff....you need to get to Costco, Prime Brisket 2.99 lb here at my store...... 8)
Title: Re: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: cookiecdcmk on December 14, 2018, 01:05:19 PM
I agree about Costco Prime.  It is $2.99 per pound at my store.  If you do not see Prime in the display case, ask the people in the back.  I found that sometimes the Prime was there and not out front.
Title: Choice Certified Black Angus Vs. Prime Brisket
Post by: Pappymn on December 14, 2018, 01:38:57 PM
And they sell the choice flats for $5.99 per pound. For the life of me I can not figure out why anybody would buy those. But they do.

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