Let's Talk BBQ

General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: RG on July 08, 2020, 06:12:14 PM

Title: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 08, 2020, 06:12:14 PM
I'm so disappointed in the way Americans are acting that it has REALLY started to affect me. I have friends from all walks of life and it's become painfully obvious that some of them must hate this country. It's gotten to me. Not to try to delve too far into politics but I am being assaulted by an all-out liberal blitz and it's taking its toll.

I have been a member of an NFL team's forum since 2007 and I just had an admin delete my account. It went from being a fun place to visit to an anti-American forum where IF you posted an opposing view (police brutality was a popular subject, defund the police and all that nonsense) you were called a racist, a liar, so forth and so on. I couldn't take it any longer, nor can I tolerate the NFL itself.

Lastly, I ditched Facebook. When you see your friends that you thought were good people, call the criminals the good guys and support looting and destruction of property, it's just time to unplug!

I guess I have just become out of touch. Conservative values are condemned and being a Liberal is in fashion. There are 2 sides to every coin, I get it, but it's now becoming a one sided coin before my eyes. What in the hell has happened to America? It feels like a bad dream!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 08, 2020, 07:13:10 PM
You are absolutely on track with your views. You are definitely not alone. I feel like an outsider in my own country. I know how I am voting in November, and I am praying that it will be enough for 4 more years anyway. How long can we hold out at this rate of destruction?
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: teesquare on July 08, 2020, 07:14:00 PM
Welcome to a shared reality. I am not in a mood for civility for much longer. Everything that has worked for America, and made sense...is now condemned.Including our history. Including my skin color. People have gone friction' STUPID. It is truly best for society that I live on a mountain, away from a mass gaggle of morons.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 08, 2020, 07:16:45 PM
mass gaggle of morons.
Perfect description!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: sparky on July 08, 2020, 07:34:31 PM
My son and girlfriend came up to Washington to visit for a week. His views are so different than my wife and mine.  There have been many arguments to the point where i have to go for walks just to get out of the house because I'm not taking someone who says im am so out of touch with society.   If he only knew what's going on in Seattle he would change his mind.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 08, 2020, 07:48:05 PM
Even wanting to change the team names. Where does it end? Ridiculous. Our daughter speaks to us very little because we are so out of touch. ???
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 08, 2020, 07:51:03 PM
Ahhhhh...I gotta say that your responses almost bring me to tears lol! It's SO refreshing to be among civil people that are like minded. My daughter and my oldest brother are both far left and it saddens me. I love them both but can't remotely understand their views and I am sure they feel the same in return. I actually feel like Archie Bunker, lol.

I am not racist but I've been called racist because I respect law and order and support the police. There is such a disrespect for America that I feel like I am in another country anymore. I am not what I would call a church goer although I probably should be. I have a strong belief in God Almighty and it seems like this is the end of days to me. It's almost as if this is leading up to something far bigger and at the very least, a possible civil war. In Atlanta, there is some scary stuff going on and it worries me to no end!

Stone Mountain park was invaded by a 100-200 man militia, carrying ARs, shotguns, pistols (don't get me wrong, I'm a proud gun owner) and basically took over the park July 4th weekend. The leader of the group was heard screaming through his bullhorn "F the white man" and "F the police" and lastly even "F black lives matter" so I guess they hate everyone and everything. Also was recorded telling his "army" that he expects them to use deadly force!! Can you believe that? In America? They were brandishing their weapons at families with their children, diverting traffic and making them leave Stone Mountain park! A State park no less! Officers stood down. These goons didn't pay admission, had no permit to protest, they just stormed the place.

It infuriates me. People are somehow okay with this. It sickens me to my core and I swear, if the Republicans don't do something to quiet these angry toddlers down, something real ugly is going to happen. I'm afraid, I really am.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: sparky on July 08, 2020, 08:06:36 PM

I am not racist but I've been called racist because I respect law and order and support the police. There is such a disrespect for America that I feel like I am in another country anymore.

This describes me 100%.  In Seattle the liberal mayor told cops to let people protest and 1 precinct actually closed down for 3 weeks.  One part of the city was being controlled by the protesters with no police presence at all.  I need to move to a Republican state.  Sorry if this is not permitted.   Please delete if it offends anyone.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 08, 2020, 08:22:59 PM
This cancel culture would certainly delete your post Sparky. I wouldn't.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 08, 2020, 08:24:34 PM
This cancel culture would certainly delete your post Sparky. I wouldn't.

Nah, Tim is in agreement with us, I think we're safe to speak freely as long as we don't go too overboard :P
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 08, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
No, Sorry, I wasn't speaking of this forum. I was referring to the cancel culture so prominent in our society right now.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 08, 2020, 08:58:35 PM
No, Sorry, I wasn't speaking of this forum. I was referring to the cancel culture so prominent in our society right now.

Ah, ok. It's a strange time we're in when Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are offensive.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 08, 2020, 09:15:28 PM
No kidding. We saw some Aunt Jemima cornmeal in the store a couple days ago. I had to buy it. Couldn't find any Uncle Bens, but I'm searching. When you mentioned being afraid, we have a legitimate reason to be. Seems that no one has any type of restraint when it comes to "peaceful protesting". Violence and destruction are the preffered method nowdays. Something ugly (is) on the way.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: HighOnSmoke on July 08, 2020, 10:01:34 PM
Thank you for bringing this up RG. I agree totally with your post. I am completely fed up with the so-called "protesters"who as far as I am concerned are nothing but clueless thugs! People now a days become so offended over anything. If something that happened 200 years ago upsets them then they need to get some counselling. Our higher education system has become a joke, especially at the college level. I am 71 years old and would like to spend the remaining years of my life living it, not worrying about offending someone. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but they are not entitled to tell me my opinion! The liberals are heading for something they don't want to see as they will lose. Everything has been escalating since the last election. Hell they haven't given the man a chance to lead this country, just defend his actions. The media is a joke and is to blame for pushing most of the false narratives out there. I just wish everyone would just agree to disagree and go on with their lives. I was raised to treat everyone as I would want them to treat me. This last generation has no clue on what civility and respect for others is.

Lastly, I am a retired police officer and it totally upset me with want went on in Minneapolis. But 1 percent of bad cops does not mean they are all bad! Yes I was called racist and other names before as I worked in a predominantly Hispanic area in Washington state but I continued to do my job. I am glad I retired when I did as nowadays these officers don't have the backing of their departments, city or the public.

Okay, I will quit venting, but I do feel better.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 08, 2020, 10:44:30 PM

Okay, I will quit venting, but I do feel better.
And so do I. Thank you HighOnSmoke, not only for the well written response, but also for your past service in law enforcement.
Some of us greatly appreciate our men and women who uphold law and order.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Smokin Soon on July 09, 2020, 12:43:25 AM
This kind of sums it up for me. No clue who wrote it.

"As an individual, I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent, two gender household which now,  whether I like it or not, makes me "Privileged", a racist and responsible for slavery.
I am fiscal and moral, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget and support myself.

I went to school, worked my way “up the ladder”, and have always held a job. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”.

I am heterosexual, which according to "gay" folks, now makes me a homophobic.

I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.

I am older than 60, making me a useless person who doesn't understand Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

I think and I reason, and I doubt much of what the "mainstream" ABC  media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.

I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive culture, making me a xenophobe.

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.

I believe in the defense and protection of America for and by all citizens, now making me a militant.

I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand during our National Anthem - so I must be a racist.

Please help me come to terms with the new me because I'm just not sure who I am anymore!
If all this nonsense wasn't enough to deal with, now I don't even know which restroom to use… and I have to go more FREQUENTLY!"

Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: BobDE on July 09, 2020, 06:56:25 AM
My son and girlfriend came up to Washington to visit for a week. His views are so different than my wife and mine.  There have been many arguments to the point where i have to go for walks just to get out of the house because I'm not taking someone who says im am so out of touch with society.   If he only knew what's going on in Seattle he would change his mind.

Your son's name is not "Meathead" is it? LOL

This brought a flashback to my mind with Archie and Meathead arguing over politics many years ago!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: teesquare on July 09, 2020, 07:30:18 AM
Isn't it absolutely unbelievable how fast things have changed in this country? In fact - when we started this forum ...what 5 or so years ago? No Admin or Moderator would allow a discussion like this to stand - because back then it would be viewed as "political". But today...it is completely relevant for ALL adults - and those who wish to act like it...regardless of whether they vote Blue, Red , Purple, or Green. We are in a time which re-defines what it actually means to be American, and to be free.  And - there are several extremist definitions developing. According to most of them - no longer should you feel blessed, or proud to be American.You are supposed to be ashamed and willing to be penalized financially, or be beaten or killed for things not done by you...or anyone you ever knew.  The discussion of actual history triggers reactions in people that are irrational. To the extent that they are maddened and offended such that the very sight of a historical or monument MUST be destroyed....REALLY? Have we REALLY dissolved into such a quagmire of ignorance and and emotional reactions ( READ: temper tantrums like that of a 3 year old with sorry parents...) that there is NO logical, intellect based discussion or decision making left?????
I am personally, and politically speaking a very "neutral" person. I have no affiliation with either parties of the Great Divide in America. I am an AMERICAN. First...AND Last. Because BOTH Bertie have clearly illustrated over and over that they have no real interest in you and I...only self preservation of THEIR power positions. And - if you are a fan of history ( And YOU SHOULD BE right now.... ;)  ;D) I will leave you with 2 facts to consider:
1. The average lifespan for any form of a Democracy/ Republic is 250 years. This includes the great republics and democracies of the Greeks, the Romans, and others. WE are now on year 244 - in the great American experiment.
2. The very first proposed ( not passed into our Amendments as law ) Amendment to the Constitution  was written by Thomas Jefferson. It was to make illegal the formation of political parties because he knew that "partyism" would divert the will of the people and the govt. THINK about what he observed, knew and predicted in that day.... And the media was not even as powerful as they are today.
So - as this discussion continue - and I hope it will....PLEASE don not think Republican or Democrat. THINK AMERICAN - and understand that we need to resurrect the art of "public discourse". That is - the ability to ALL talk about the problems, without pointing a finger at our friends and neighbors as the blame. WE have ALL been sold a bill of goods by BOTH sides.  The glove need to come off the American people - and we need to start reminding the govt. and all of it - that THEY work for US.  And of course...the US I speak of are the hardworking, and those that worked and retired people of this country.  Not based on any division, or contrived "identitifiers" that serve to separate us more than anything.
So - if I must choose a "color"...let it be GRAY. Still able bodied, and pretty fit...and frustrated enough to feel needed reaction to the stimulus provided by a couple of generations that clearly did not get their asses spanked when they needed it. So they never learned that choices have consequences..... And thus - this is what we are seeing today. They have never had to pay for their actions while growing up. Now - WE are paying for the ill begotten advice by those such as Dr. Benjamin Spock and his ilk..."Never spank your child...you will break his spirit"......just use time out as a discipline"....Horse sh!t.!!!!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 09, 2020, 07:43:42 AM
Isn't it absolutely unbelievable how fast things have changed in this country? In fact - when we started this forum ...what 5 or so years ago? No Admin or Moderator would allow a discussion like this to stand - because back then it would be viewed as "political". But today...it is completely relevant for ALL adults - and those who wish to act like it...regardless of whether they vote Blue, Red , Purple, or Green. We are in a time which re-defines what it actually means to be American, and to be free.  And - there are several extremist definitions developing. According to most of them - no longer should you feel blessed, or proud to be American.You are supposed to be ashamed and willing to be penalized financially, or be beaten or killed for things not done by you...or anyone you ever knew.  The discussion of actual history triggers reactions in people that are irrational. To the extent that they are maddened and offended such that the very sight of a historical or monument MUST be destroyed....REALLY? Have we REALLY dissolved into such a quagmire of ignorance and and emotional reactions ( READ: temper tantrums like that of a 3 year old with sorry parents...) that there is NO logical, intellect based discussion or decision making left?????
I am personally, and politically speaking a very "neutral" person. I have no affiliation with either parties of the Great Divide in America. I am an AMERICAN. First...AND Last. Because BOTH Bertie have clearly illustrated over and over that they have no real interest in you and I...only self preservation of THEIR power positions. And - if you are a fan of history ( And YOU SHOULD BE right now.... ;)  ;D) I will leave you with 2 facts to consider:
1. The average lifespan for any form of a Democracy/ Republic is 250 years. This includes the great republics and democracies of the Greeks, the Romans, and others. WE are now on year 244 - in the great American experiment.
2. The very first proposed ( not passed into our Amendments as law ) Amendment to the Constitution  was written by Thomas Jefferson. It was to make illegal the formation of political parties because he knew that "partyism" would divert the will of the people and the govt. THINK about what he observed, knew and predicted in that day.... And the media was not even as powerful as they are today.
So - as this discussion continue - and I hope it will....PLEASE don not think Republican or Democrat. THINK AMERICAN - and understand that we need to resurrect the art of "public discourse". That is - the ability to ALL talk about the problems, without pointing a finger at our friends and neighbors as the blame. WE have ALL been sold a bill of goods by BOTH sides.  The glove need to come off the American people - and we need to start reminding the govt. and all of it - that THEY work for US.  And of course...the US I speak of are the hardworking, and those that worked and retired people of this country.  Not based on any division, or contrived "identitifiers" that serve to separate us more than anything.
So - if I must choose a "color"...let it be GRAY. Still able bodied, and pretty fit...and frustrated enough to feel needed reaction to the stimulus provided by a couple of generations that clearly did not get their asses spanked when they needed it. So they never learned that choices have consequences..... And thus - this is what we are seeing today. They have never had to pay for their actions while growing up. Now - WE are paying for the ill begotten advice by those such as Dr. Benjamin Spock and his ilk..."Never spank your child...you will break his spirit"......just use time out as a discipline"....Horse sh!t.!!!!

BRAVO! Well said Tim. Although I am conservative by definition, it doesn't mean that I am 100% in favor of everything the GOP does. I like Trump, but not everything he does. I agree that BOTH sides need to grow up, have civil conversations and work this mess out. Instead, it's all about maintaining power, looking out for numero uno. Politicians care about themselves, not the people they serve and that's the problem. Also, both sides are so stubborn, they refuse to admit when/if the other side has a good idea that would benefit the country! Now, if THEY came up with the idea, then they like it, if the other side of the aisle does, shot down in flames. It's crazy.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: ACW3 on July 09, 2020, 07:49:02 AM
Our son is a police officer in Durham, NC.  We pray for his safety everyday.  Durham is typically a hot spot of activity as far as shootings go.  I believe Charlotte has jumped ahead of them lately. 

He has been quarantined twice since the pandemic started.  The first time was for the stupidity on the part of a "millennial" new officer in training who failed to report to his superiors that he was sick.  He was part of a shooting class my son was teaching.  When he didn't show up for work (un-announced), the powers-to-be put everyone on quarantine, immediately.  He may have been exposed a second time while he was on the streets.  Home again.

I know he can take care of himself.  I pray he never has to draw his weapon and use it in the line of duty.  If anyone is foolish enough to try to shoot it out with him, they will likely come up short.  Our son competes nationally in 3-gun matches.  He can shoot.  Boy, can he shoot!!

We had an incident here in Morganton  about a week ago.  Protestors were coming to town to "protest" the statue on the court house lawn honoring the Confederate soldiers who went to war.  Two things happened.  First, all the local police were out in force.  Second, a rather large contingent of the local "rednecks" showed up armed to the teeth.  Between the police and the armed rednecks, the protestors were outnumbered by a significant margin.  Fortunately, nothing happed.

Like everyone else, I am fed up with all these "protestors" who feel the need to destroy our history.  It is past time for the authorities to take back our streets and protect our citizens. 

Rant over.

Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 09, 2020, 08:38:20 AM
Tee: "Spare the rod, spoil the child", never has a statement been proven so true as the generation we are viewing today.

ACW3: We will also pray for your son's safety. Please extend to him our gratitude for his amazing courage, and service!

Smokin Soon: That's an exact description of me!

One more topic to think about: I lived in a town with a population of 130 people. We had to vote at the city park shelter house.
Upon arrival to vote, I recognized all 4 of the volunteers working at the polling stations. They also knew me. I was still required to show a
government issued photo ID. This time I smiled and thanked the woman for making me show it.

Lord strengthen us!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Pappymn on July 09, 2020, 10:10:31 AM
I stopped watching all news years ago. I couldn't take it anymore. So negative about everything. It was effecting my mental health. I mostly stopped picking fights on Facebook cuz you can't argue with crazy.

The whole thing makes me sad. The media has done an outstanding job of turning us against eachother. The only solace I have is that this is part of God's plan.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 09, 2020, 10:18:39 AM
Amen Pappy!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Tailgating is my game on July 09, 2020, 01:48:34 PM
Isn't it absolutely unbelievable how fast things have changed in this country? In fact - when we started this forum ...what 5 or so years ago? No Admin or Moderator would allow a discussion like this to stand - because back then it would be viewed as "political".

Don't take this the wrong way Tim. But this is part of the problem we face. It really started many years ago. We all allowed this to grow all these years. It has not happened fast it has been a slow cancer growing in America all these years.  My dad born in 1912 could never understand the Hippies of the 60's. He would say when we did not like something growing up we would try to change it by using our system of government. He went on to say Hippies (kids of the 60's) just want to destroy everything without a plan to replace it with something better....crazy.

Every big nation dies from within.....yes at the end it is a war or battle that does them in but it is really from within.  We are dying now lets see if we can save ourselves again. We are a dying whale, with sharks just waiting to rip us apart at the right time.

IMO there is nothing wrong with us here but allowing this to grow into what we have now.

God Bless you all....You are good people.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 09, 2020, 03:54:34 PM
I love all the input this has generated. I am not one to normally talk politics, here or any other forum/social media but I just wanted to put thoughts to paper, so to speak. Thanks Tim for allowing the content and thanks to everyone else for building on that, it's good to see we have more than just BBQ in common!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: TMB on July 09, 2020, 04:24:03 PM
I want to join in but Tee would BOOT me off for months  LOL

All I can say is I'm fed up with this cap.   If this country keeps going NO ONE WILL KNOW why or how it started because they want history removed

More on this later...........................working now   
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Pappymn on July 09, 2020, 04:36:11 PM
Can't we just go back to hating Russia and the commies? Life made sense then :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Roget on July 09, 2020, 04:40:03 PM
I'm glad someone started this thread. I (ashamedly) admit I wouldn't have had the balls to start it. Unfortunately, we have lost our voice. If we say the wrong thing, we are at risk of losing our livelihoods. We can't drive through our own town to shop for fear of being accosted by the street mobs. The streets have been given over to the thugs. God help us (and our great nation) if people don't soon wake up, stand up, and push back before the next election.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Roget on July 09, 2020, 04:41:53 PM
Can't we just go back to hating Russia and the commies? Life made sense then :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You don't have to go to Russia to hate the commies. They are in our back yards.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: journeymanjohn on July 09, 2020, 05:09:41 PM
You know, I agree with a lot that is said here.

That said, I'm disgusted that yet another one of the places I go to discuss and read about one of my favorite hobbies has become inundated with political viewpoints and agendas.

This is by far the most popular thread since I have been here. Has rolled most everything else off of the list on the homepage.

You 10 or 12 members who actively participate here.... have fun. I'm going to go find a forum where people like to talk about food and BBQ.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 09, 2020, 05:20:57 PM
My son and girlfriend came up to Washington to visit for a week. His views are so different than my wife and mine.  There have been many arguments to the point where i have to go for walks just to get out of the house because I'm not taking someone who says im am so out of touch with society.   If he only knew what's going on in Seattle he would change his mind.

Your son's name is not "Meathead" is it? LOL

This brought a flashback to my mind with Archie and Meathead arguing over politics many years ago!
LOL....great show.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: teesquare on July 09, 2020, 05:54:55 PM
You know, I agree with a lot that is said here.

That said, I'm disgusted that yet another one of the places I go to discuss and read about one of my favorite hobbies has become inundated with political viewpoints and agendas.

This is by far the most popular thread since I have been here. Has rolled most everything else off of the list on the homepage.

You 10 or 12 members who actively participate here.... have fun. I'm going to go find a forum where people like to talk about food and BBQ.

Well...I guess you can't please all the people all of the time. :D Best of luck on finding the "perfect" forum.  We are not. But - we are very real, and open minded. Ever seen a flame war here? NOPE.... And - if a "monument" offends you - just don't look at it.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: teesquare on July 09, 2020, 06:24:53 PM
Isn't it absolutely unbelievable how fast things have changed in this country? In fact - when we started this forum ...what 5 or so years ago? No Admin or Moderator would allow a discussion like this to stand - because back then it would be viewed as "political".

Don't take this the wrong way Tim. But this is part of the problem we face. It really started many years ago. We all allowed this to grow all these years. It has not happened fast it has been a slow cancer growing in America all these years.  My dad born in 1912 could never understand the Hippies of the 60's. He would say when we did not like something growing up we would try to change it by using our system of government. He went on to say Hippies (kids of the 60's) just want to destroy everything without a plan to replace it with something better....crazy.

Every big nation dies from within.....yes at the end it is a war or battle that does them in but it is really from within.  We are dying now lets see if we can save ourselves again. We are a dying whale, with sharks just waiting to rip us apart at the right time.

IMO there is nothing wrong with us here but allowing this to grow into what we have now.

God Bless you all....You are good people.
No argument from me! It can all be traced back to President Coolidge - in seeing that due to the new Industrial Revolution, we needed to educate more Engineers, scientists, etc. So he put out a call for college professors. The call was answered largely by Eastern European instructors. Those whose world vision was shaped by Socialism. The precepts of Bigger Govt, more laws and less self responsibility can trace their roots to that specific time as the "seed planting" era...
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Salmonsmoker on July 09, 2020, 08:18:20 PM
Isn't it absolutely unbelievable how fast things have changed in this country? In fact - when we started this forum ...what 5 or so years ago? No Admin or Moderator would allow a discussion like this to stand - because back then it would be viewed as "political".

Don't take this the wrong way Tim. But this is part of the problem we face. It really started many years ago. We all allowed this to grow all these years. It has not happened fast it has been a slow cancer growing in America all these years.  My dad born in 1912 could never understand the Hippies of the 60's. He would say when we did not like something growing up we would try to change it by using our system of government. He went on to say Hippies (kids of the 60's) just want to destroy everything without a plan to replace it with something better....crazy.

Every big nation dies from within.....yes at the end it is a war or battle that does them in but it is really from within.  We are dying now lets see if we can save ourselves again. We are a dying whale, with sharks just waiting to rip us apart at the right time.

IMO there is nothing wrong with us here but allowing this to grow into what we have now.

God Bless you all....You are good people.
No argument from me! It can all be traced back to President Coolidge - in seeing that due to the new Industrial Revolution, we needed to educate more Engineers, scientists, etc. So he put out a call for college professors. The call was answered largely by Eastern European instructors. Those whose world vision was shaped by Socialism. The precepts of Bigger Govt, more laws and less self responsibility can trace their roots to that specific time as the "seed planting" era...

T, my understanding is that,  -it was not just Coolidge, but also his cadre of "like minded" intellectuals, who already knew their end game, and who actually recruited those same "like minded" professors from these regions. Not just eastern European, but Europeans who were much more enlightened, suave, sophisticated and genteel in their enlightened thinking, and were needed in the USA to curb the brash, backwoods 'bacy chewin', 'shine swilling, hog wallowin', free thinking upstarts that dared to poke King George lll in the eye, and so that we'd quit being the burr under the world's saddle.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 09, 2020, 10:28:57 PM
I really didn't see a post in this thread that tried to push an agenda other than trying to protect the great nation that I was born in, and which I am damn proud of. God Bless America.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 10, 2020, 07:49:17 AM
You know, I agree with a lot that is said here.

That said, I'm disgusted that yet another one of the places I go to discuss and read about one of my favorite hobbies has become inundated with political viewpoints and agendas.

This is by far the most popular thread since I have been here. Has rolled most everything else off of the list on the homepage.

You 10 or 12 members who actively participate here.... have fun. I'm going to go find a forum where people like to talk about food and BBQ.

I hate to see you leave due to this but the choice is yours. The choice is also yours to just not engage in a post that you don't like. This forum has literally thousands of BBQ and food related posts and I am fairly certain that this is the only one that is in any way politically charged, and even then it's more of a "State of the Union" discussion. It's also posted in General Discussion and that's exactly what it is, a discussion.

I would say that I am sorry that you're offended, but I'm not. Take care nonetheless, I hope you find what you're looking for!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Tailgating is my game on July 10, 2020, 08:14:00 AM
As a country when we need change we need it as people together not apart as we need to do what is best for our nation
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Tailgating is my game on July 10, 2020, 08:23:05 AM
You know, I agree with a lot that is said here.

That said, I'm disgusted that yet another one of the places I go to discuss and read about one of my favorite hobbies has become inundated with political viewpoints and agendas.

This is by far the most popular thread since I have been here. Has rolled most everything else off of the list on the homepage.

You 10 or 12 members who actively participate here.... have fun. I'm going to go find a forum where people like to talk about food and BBQ.

I think it is unfair to say inundated with political viewpoints as it is less then .05% of the posts on here. I can't talk about other sites but this one is all about good food & helping each other out in cooking & in life. I hope you stay but it is a free country.  As far as agenda I think we all love our country & want the best for it....that is all. This is a great group of people to be around that is why I am here.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: bamabob on July 10, 2020, 08:44:40 AM
I too am in the process of disconnecting from the censored social media and watching the news which has become nothing but propaganda.  With what is going on in this great country today and the governors and mayors not having the guts to do anything about it I find disgusting. 

I recently watched a video of protestors in a young police officers face cursing him and giving him the middle finger.  One was smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke right up his nostrils.  I don't know how he had the restraint to just stand there and stare straight ahead. 

I think I'll spend my time reading and cooking bbq.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 10, 2020, 09:14:36 AM
I too am in the process of disconnecting from the censored social media and watching the news which has become nothing but propaganda.  With what is going on in this great country today and the governors and mayors not having the guts to do anything about it I find disgusting. 

I recently watched a video of protestors in a young police officers face cursing him and giving him the middle finger.  One was smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke right up his nostrils.  I don't know how he had the restraint to just stand there and stare straight ahead. 

I think I'll spend my time reading and cooking bbq.
BamaBob is right, since we're all fired up we might as well be cookin' something!  :thumbup::thumbup:
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: TMB on July 10, 2020, 09:48:22 AM
My son is a police officer like Art's and I feel for all officers everyday.

Can you imagine the crap they have to deal with then know "IF" I do anything to anyone  it's all gonna be viewed then re-viewed then tweaked by the news to fit there agenda?    I'm proud my son does what he does and he likes the fact he can make a difference BUT it's wearing on him like a cancer.

I have more but will leave it at that.....  Art knows how I feel along with anyone who has family in law enforcement
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Pappymn on July 10, 2020, 11:04:30 AM
My son is a police officer like Art's and I feel for all officers everyday.

Can you imagine the crap they have to deal with then know "IF" I do anything to anyone  it's all gonna be viewed then re-viewed then tweaked by the news to fit there agenda?    I'm proud my son does what he does and he likes the fact he can make a difference BUT it's wearing on him like a cancer.

I have more but will leave it at that.....  Art knows how I feel along with anyone who has family in law enforcement
I have a good friend who is a brand new cop. I ping him periodically to let him know we love him and respect him

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Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 10, 2020, 12:07:51 PM
As I told the others TMB, Please pass along our gratitude to your son for his extraordinary bravery. It would take nerves of steel to be in law enforement. Especially with the attitudes today and the media. We'll pray for our brave men and women who protect us.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Roget on July 10, 2020, 01:27:27 PM
I personally can't see why anyone would want to be a police officer now.
They are demeaned and degraded everywhere they go. They can't even buy lunch or a cup of coffee without having to take abuse. They get no support from their police chiefs. (seeing as how most of them are appointed by liberal mayors)  They can't do their jobs, because if they do, they are likely to be charged with murder. Got to be the worst job in America today.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Tailgating is my game on July 10, 2020, 02:08:42 PM
My son is a police officer like Art's and I feel for all officers everyday.

Can you imagine the crap they have to deal with then know "IF" I do anything to anyone  it's all gonna be viewed then re-viewed then tweaked by the news to fit there agenda?    I'm proud my son does what he does and he likes the fact he can make a difference BUT it's wearing on him like a cancer.

I have more but will leave it at that.....  Art knows how I feel along with anyone who has family in law enforcement

Tommy I was selling/training officers on video cameras a few years ago. i would tell them for every camera you have there may be 20 out there trying to nail you. Make yours count.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Pappymn on July 10, 2020, 07:08:42 PM
I personally can't see why anyone would want to be a police officer now.
They are demeaned and degraded everywhere they go. They can't even buy lunch or a cup of coffee without having to take abuse. They get no support from their police chiefs. (seeing as how most of them are appointed by liberal mayors)  They can't do their jobs, because if they do, they are likely to be charged with murder. Got to be the worst job in America today.
Amen. Not the job of my youth. But they do earn a sweet pension of which I have first hand knowledge for Minneapolis cops

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Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: sschorr on July 10, 2020, 10:48:47 PM
You know, I agree with a lot that is said here.

That said, I'm disgusted that yet another one of the places I go to discuss and read about one of my favorite hobbies has become inundated with political viewpoints and agendas.

This is by far the most popular thread since I have been here. Has rolled most everything else off of the list on the homepage.

You 10 or 12 members who actively participate here.... have fun. I'm going to go find a forum where people like to talk about food and BBQ.
+1 Outta here.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 10, 2020, 11:16:06 PM
I guess that's a solution. ::) ???
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 11, 2020, 04:03:23 AM
You know, I agree with a lot that is said here.

That said, I'm disgusted that yet another one of the places I go to discuss and read about one of my favorite hobbies has become inundated with political viewpoints and agendas.

This is by far the most popular thread since I have been here. Has rolled most everything else off of the list on the homepage.

You 10 or 12 members who actively participate here.... have fun. I'm going to go find a forum where people like to talk about food and BBQ.
+1 Outta here.

You also have the option of just not reading the post and not replying but I get it. I had my account deleted on an NFL forum due to the liberal overload so I guess it goes both ways. I did it without fanfare, just pmed an admin but your way, I'm sure, will work. Take care.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: bamabob on July 11, 2020, 09:48:05 AM

I think I'll spend my time reading and cooking bbq.
BamaBob is right, since we're all fired up we might as well be cookin' something!  :thumbup::thumbup:

LOL  Spent the day yesterday doing some yardwork, then put a chuckie on the keg for pulled beef.  3 hours unwrapped, then 3 hours down in the drip pan until fork tender.  Came out great. 
Didn't watch any news, no facebook, much more relaxed and even slept better.  BBQ Therapy.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: RG on July 11, 2020, 12:32:11 PM
Bob, sounds wonderful to me! I don't watch news anymore. Not even a little. I do watch regular TV but only the same old stuff, lol. BBQ therapy is good for the soul!
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: sparky on July 11, 2020, 05:17:02 PM
Can't we just go back to hating Russia and the commies? Life made sense then :)

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I went to Russia in '76 while in the service.  They have good vodka and certain ladies are very friendly.
Title: Re: Do you ever feel that enough is enough?
Post by: Lines on July 11, 2020, 05:39:05 PM
LOL @ BamaBob, Sparky, and RG.. Humor is the cure. BBQ is the therapy! Vodka puts my mouth in gear. Some ladies too, I'm hearing.