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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: veryolddog on August 04, 2013, 10:06:53 AM

Title: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: veryolddog on August 04, 2013, 10:06:53 AM
I have been visiting the VA for the last 6 months every month to be treated for a bad hip. On one occasion, I received an injection into the hip of a steroid medicine that lasted for a week. On July 31, I visited for another Ortho Consultation, in which they pointed out on the X-Rays the problems with both of my hips, the left one in particular. The X-Ray clearly shows that there is no cartilage in my left hip joint and that I have a bone on bone condition. When I walk, I hear the bone and feel the "pop" of the hip in the joint. On a daily basis, the deterioration has become more noticeable.

The funny thing is: I took a bullet in that hip in Viet Nam 45 years ago, and in 2009, it began to bother me. All those years and I hiked, and walked, fly-fished, occasionally jogged and jumped out of perfectly good airplanes, the last being in 2006.

I am now on the waiting list to have hip replacement surgery. Unfortunately, because the list is so large, I have about a 3 month wait. By the time that they get around to me, I will be grateful for the surgery in order to alleviate this very frustrating condition.

It has been over four years since I could take a decent walk. At least I have been losing weight and hopefully, in the next 3 months, I can lose another 25 lbs. Recovery is going to be a challenge. The surgery itself is a 2 hour process. There are animations on the internet which illustrate the process if anyone is interested. They will keep me in the hospital for 3 days after which, I will either go home or I will go to a rehabilitation facility which is geared towards intensive physical therapy. If I go home, they will be sending someone to the house every day to do the same. Again, walking and leg movements are going to be the key.

Surprisingly, I have met a number of people, mostly men, who have had this procedure performed recently. The results all have been successful and have extended their mobility which is exactly what I am hoping for myself. This will give my retirement a new meaning.

Thanks for letting me share this with you.

Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: hikerman on August 04, 2013, 10:20:32 AM
Ed, sorry to hear of your painful hips. A co-worker had his hips replaced last year, he was more apprehensive than you about getting this done. His pain told him he had to do it. One year later he and his wife have a standing date every Saturday....to go dancing!  In his words, it was the second best thing he's ever done, marrying his wife being the best. The main thing is to push yourself thru the rehab/therapy. I wish for you to be pain free ASAP, and Good Luck sir with your new hip(s).
Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: teesquare on August 04, 2013, 10:24:32 AM
Best of luck on your speedy recovery Ed. I will have knee replacement in my future ( 5 rebuilds - not arthroscopic ) and there is nothing left to work with.
My left hip is going be the next to get fixed, due to similar sounding issues to yours ;D. Strange how those old injuries wait so long to teach us we should have ducked sooner ;D

Get to know your surgeon if at all possible and your physical terrorist therapist. They can furnish you with some materials to help you prep mentally and physically, and then know what to expect for re-hab. That is not always possible within the VA, but - worth the try.

My guess is that you are already ahead of the curve, and well informed, organized and ready to "get 'er done".



Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: muebe on August 04, 2013, 10:26:52 AM
Ed hip replacement surgery is very common these days and they have got it down to a science. There are many people who have gotten their mobility back after having this surgery. Although there are risks with any surgical procedure you should be very mobile after surgery and rehab.

Good luck and we will all be pulling for you...
Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: Eatin Smoke on August 04, 2013, 11:22:43 AM
When I hear stories like Ed's this really chaps my hide.  Here is a veteran that served our great country yet he must wait 3 months for a surgery that is needed to relieve pain and improve his quality of life.  Yet we have so many illegal aliens that can walk into a hospital get the same surgery with little wait all at the tax payers expense.  This is bulls&!t!!  I guess we should all look forward to this as Obamacare reaches full implementation......get ready everyone!

Ed.....thank you for your service to our country and I hope all goes well for you.  I'm sorry that you and our other fine veterans aren't treated as good as the illegal imports.  You deserve better!!!!
Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: Smokin Don on August 04, 2013, 11:38:31 AM
Thanks for your service Ed and too bad you have to wait so long. If it's any consolation the old guy who poured a new driveway for me was 79 at the time and had knee and hip problems. He worked until he was 80, he said his Dad worked that long and he was not going to let him beat him. After he was 80 and retired he had both hips and both knees replaced. I think he's 86 now and was up to collect for a job his son did for me recently. I had to help him out of the chair but walks pretty good! Good luck to you! Don
Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: sliding_billy on August 04, 2013, 06:52:31 PM
Best of luck Ed.
Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: ACW3 on August 04, 2013, 08:54:16 PM
Best of luck Ed!!  My wife had to have her right hip replaced.  She was bone-on-bone also.  She had a further complication from a fall.  She had torn the gluteus muscle off her hip.  The doctor had to reattach the muscle to the hip.  Recovery from the hip surgery was much shorter than the muscle re-attachment recovery.  On day one from the surgery she knew it was the right thing to do.

Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: Keymaster on August 04, 2013, 09:20:13 PM
Good luck Ed!! Sometimes them steroid shots don't get in the correct place, may be worth trying again until the surgery. I had several before my back surgery and it was always hit and miss :)
Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: deestafford on August 04, 2013, 10:03:11 PM
Ed, You'll be better off once it's done.  Doctors truly are miracle workers today.

It's too bad we have incompetents in charge of the VA. The current one was an incompetent hack when he was chief of staff and now his Hawaiian connection to  the president is what got him this job. I could go on but there is no use.  Thankfully, there are many good people working in the VA.

Have you been in contact with the Purple Heart office at your local VA?  They can help shepard things along. 

Title: Re: I am now on the waiting list!
Post by: TMB on August 05, 2013, 01:10:02 AM
Sorry to hear about your pain.   I have had enough surgerys myself to fit a life time so I know how you feel