Author Topic: Wifes....They don't understand  (Read 1340 times)

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Offline aliengriller

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Re: Wifes....They don't understand
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2014, 08:46:35 PM »
Don't know how long you've been married, BUT, it appears you have a lot to learn!   LOL   Hopefully you know I'm pulling your chain! 

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Re: Wifes....They don't understand
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2014, 10:01:49 PM »
NOS, I'm an expert at giving my wife gifts that she can use.  I've given her a hoe,  a lawn mower (push type so she can get exercise while she cuts the grass), a Husqvana large gas hedge trimmer (our back fence was looking ragged and I got tired of her working with the hand clippers).  For Mother's Day I got her one of those mittens you put on your hand to wash pickups with and a new bucket to hold the soap. Her birthday's coming up in a little over a month and I think I'll get her one of those hoses that coil themselves back up with you cut the water off because I'm tire of he leaving the big hose uncoiled and me stepping over it when I go out back to the hammock.

So, as you can see I know how to give wives gifts. Now, to help you with your situation.  It's obvious to me that the reason she sent you out to the storage shed was for you to do an inventory and understand that you have many things but SHE DOES NOT have a PBC and wants one.

I have learned that in gift giving for wives it's good to take a hint and buy what they are hinting at.  I don't know how long you have been married but it's probably not as long as I and you may not be as atuned to hints as I am.  As you look at the list of things I've bought my wife you can see they are for the most part responses to her hints.  For example, she has told me, "I'm tired of seeing that water hose not coiled up."  "I'm tired of the grass getting so tall." "I'm tired of my car not being washed." " I'm tired of all that growth on the back fence.'' 

So, you see it still amazes her how much I listen to her because she is usually speechless when she opens a gift and sees that I bought her what she was hinting for.


I believe I met your wife at the last Fall Gathering.  Please let us know which hospital and room number to send flowers for you.  We all hope you will be recovered in time for this years Fall Gathering.

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Re: Wifes....They don't understand
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2014, 10:24:59 PM »
Good one Dee.
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