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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: RAD on May 24, 2014, 06:41:44 AM

Title: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: RAD on May 24, 2014, 06:41:44 AM
My wife asked me about cooking with EVOL EVOO (Thanks Jax) vs cooking with Coconut oil. She said that a friend told her that cooking with olive oil is bad and that her friend recommends that she switch to coconut oil. I only use olive for sautéing vegies and never use it for high heat cooking. If I am going to fry anything I use a Canola oil or vegetable oil.

What do you guys think? Should I stop using olive oil for any type of cooking? Is it dangerous? Is coconut really better for you? Who here uses it for cooking over other oils and why?
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 24, 2014, 07:22:44 AM
Dang it,lost my post!

OK,AFAIK,evoo and coconut are both very healthful and used in their place excellent choices.Canola is a chemical disaster and I wont touch it.

Margarine,another chemical stew.

I go for natural over any man made food that requires chemical processing.I wont go for "Better living through chemicals" when it comes to food,ie curing salts excepted,that sort of thing.

Lard is actually,chemically,better than butter.Lard got a bad rap during the cholesterol BS (non)science.No trans fat in Lard.So butter in place of margarine,Lard in place of canola chemicals is my take.Lard and fluffy biscuits/pastries are well known.

As for 'vegetable' oil,I dont know anything about it.

Another Mrs uses is grapeseed oil,moderate smoke point and good in salad dressings,light flavor.Healthy or not though is debatable,can read studies that go either way.

All current and even some very old literature seems to back up trans fats as being very harmful.

Just what Ive read,who knows the truth?

Certainly would like to know what others think about the subject.
Title: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Pappymn on May 24, 2014, 09:26:21 AM
What spuds said. Coconut oil is great for certain things, but the taste is in no way neutral.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: muebe on May 24, 2014, 09:31:20 AM
Sounds like some kind of new "trend" RAD.

A good quality Olive Oil tastes so good that you should not cook with it ;)

Olive Oil is very healthy and a fairly neutral in flavor.

Leave the Coconut Oil to use when tanning 8)
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Admin2 on May 24, 2014, 09:47:21 AM
This is a topic of constant controversy. Even scientists studying "food oils" will alter their opinions from time to time.  I have seen within the last 5 years - 3 opinions on olive oils:
 1. good for everything, including high temp. cooking
 2. good for room temp consumption - but not high temp cooking ( due to some chemicals within olive oil become carcinogens when heated )
 3.many olive oils are blends of various other ingredient oils - and not pure olive oil, skewing the above 2 opinions.

Just a few years ago - we were told to avoid coconut oil at all costs - due to the fat content....

Confusing...isn't it?

Now: on Canola oil... I find the same variety of opinions exist. And - not that I am friend or foe of Snopes, they are merely a well known resource-


( Be sure to read the LAST part of the information )

AGAIN- I am neutral on this, because there are SO many opinions. Even among the "experts"
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Smokin Don on May 24, 2014, 10:16:25 AM
The only thing I use EVOL for is herbed bread dip, for cooking I do use about all ELOL, extra light olive oil, it has a higher smoke point than EVOL and I think it is healthy! It is hard to find any truth in what is good and what is bad for you.

Bacon grease I love but use it sparingly. Nothing better tasting than fried potatoes, popcorn and in some salads using it.

Usually use peanut oil for deep frying when I do it.

Margarine I won't use, not sure if it is good or bad but just try to eat a teaspoon of it vs  butter! I think all who have seen the bread and butter in my posts know I love butter!

Canola oil, bad taste to me.

Coconut oil, have used it for the skin.

Grape seed oil, use only for seasoning cast iron.

That's my story! Smokin Don

Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: teesquare on May 24, 2014, 10:52:19 AM
There seems to be more, and more food oils available to us. I hope we can keep a discussion alive with all of the information you guys can find.

I have friend son the Paleo diet - and it seems that fatty meats are perfectly healthy - in that diet.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 24, 2014, 11:27:30 AM
There seems to be more, and more food oils available to us. I hope we can keep a discussion alive with all of the information you guys can find.

I have friend son the Paleo diet - and it seems that fatty meats are perfectly healthy - in that diet.
I would agree.When we changed from eating a lot of meat to the carb diet in the late 1960's,obesity started a huge upward trend.Theory is carbs dont curb appetite like meat does.So you eat more.

But who knows if it was just that switch and not more sugars or something else. Its so hard to get the correct info when sources are so conflicted.Have to draw our own conclusions on what we personally find healthy.
Title: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Northshore on May 24, 2014, 11:38:02 AM
Please check out this site,
This is from Consumer Health organization of Canada.  If link does not work.  Search "the oiling of North America"

All the high carb push did was spur the increase of type 11 diabetes in MHO
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Jaxon on May 24, 2014, 11:46:26 AM
When I was about 6 yr old, I heard my Dad ask a friend what kind of oil to use in his outboard motor.  I asked if "turmoil" would work...had no idea what it was, but had heard someone use the word before.

B T W, is EVOL the same as EVOO?

just askin'...
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 24, 2014, 11:55:50 AM
Please check out this site,
This is from Consumer Health organization of Canada.  If link does not work.  Search "the oiling of North America"

All the high carb push did was spur the increase of type 11 diabetes in MHO
Northshore,that is an EXCELLENT link and puts in a nutshell what Ive seen in multiple  studies Ive researched.Agree with it 100%.

Please read that link,its an eye opener if you believe that our dietary recommendations are based on firm science,they arent.They are hugely based on a few persons biases without factual studies,just 'assumptions' and given the STAMP OF ULTIMATE APPROVAL by bureaucrats,think about it.

Actual death statistics show those who live longest have cholesterol levels in the 160 to 230 range,after that on either end death rates rise pretty equally and increase at the same rates as the numbers increase or decrease from that range.

People on salt restricted diets die earlier than those who arent.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: muebe on May 24, 2014, 01:15:03 PM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.

Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: smoker pete on May 24, 2014, 02:07:56 PM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.

Point well taken Mike.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: CDN Smoker on May 24, 2014, 02:38:30 PM
I also have read the study and agree

My mother used to put out the margarin but I never liked it. I have been and always will be a butter man.

As for the the oils. If it natural it's good if it modified it's bad.

I am not a fan of this genetic modified stuff they are making farmers grow now.

Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: drholly on May 24, 2014, 03:31:15 PM
I also have read the study and agree

My mother used to put out the margarin but I never liked it. I have been and always will be a butter man.

As for the the oils. If it natural it's good if it modified it's bad.

I am not a fan of this genetic modified stuff they are making farmers grow now.

Title: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Northshore on May 24, 2014, 04:22:22 PM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.
No disagreement here. 

Re:processed foods
Don't eat anything that has ingredients you can't pronounce or anything including oils that take multiple chemical processes to create.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: HighOnSmoke on May 24, 2014, 05:11:41 PM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.
No disagreement here. 

Re:processed foods
Don't eat anything that has ingredients you can't pronounce or anything including oils that take multiple chemical processes to create.

I agree with this too! And Jaxon I believe that EVOL and EVOO are the same. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: hikerman on May 24, 2014, 05:18:12 PM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.

I agree Mike. Our diets should reflect our daily work/play regimen. Example, I grew up with my dad asking if I was going to eat the fat that I just cut off my meat at dinner. He seemed to eat fat as though it was candy. I remember still being asleep and smelling the bacon and eggs cooking that he had six days a week before work. He worked very hard and he played hard too. He was in perfect shape into his 70's. In fact his doctor used to tell me that we should all be so lucky to have his heart.....it was that of a forty year old!
As for carbs they should be dependent on our activity levels. And whole grain, unprocessed are the way to go. No white flour, no white sugar etc. 
Processed foods kill, but that is what the majority of people eat, and then Big Pharma makes $$$$$$$$$$$$ on the magic pill remedy. Who do you suppose writes these articles telling us that garbage food is OK for us?  I believe the two major manufacturers of cola tried to convince us that High Fructose Corn Syrup is not unhealthy for us. In fact they lobbied/ paid for, the ability to change the name of HFCS to another name. If it's not bad, why change the name?
Read labels, know what goes in your pie-hole, research, the "experts" seem to be bought already. Trust your educated self more!  My doctor has a rule for the grocery store and it's a good one," If it comes in a sealed bag or a box leave it where it lies!" Everything we truly need is on the outer walls of the store,
the aisles are filled with nothing but processed foods.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: RAD on May 24, 2014, 07:47:45 PM
This is great and some really great feedback. I also eat carbs and run to balance the two. I, like most here live to eat. We all enjoy food. But with that said, I also want to make sure I'm not putting things into my body that aren't healthy if I can change the way I do a couple of small things. Believe me, I put enough crap in my body on my own, knowing it, that I would like to change some so simple things if I could.

And yes EVOL is the same as EVOO. Typo. Geez you guys don't miss anything.  ;D
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: teesquare on May 24, 2014, 09:27:10 PM
Northshore and Mike ( muebe) GREAT input!

And the Canadian Consumer Health Article is a fantastic read - and really lays it out nicely.

Title: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Scallywag on May 24, 2014, 09:28:05 PM
I do cook often with coconut oil.. Some have a strong coconut taste where others have no flavour at all.. I actually prefer the flavourless coconut oil over evoo, I seems lighter to me.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 24, 2014, 09:31:08 PM

 Trust your educated self more! 
I agree,educating OURSELVES is the key to it all.

Im not a big flag waver for Carbs,they are still waaaay over represented in our diets and 'official' guidelines IMO and many others',but that we can eat them in much more moderated amts seems reasonable.I think when we go to extremes on diet we get into unintended issues,balanced diets IMO make sense,just make sure the balance includes nutrition in all forms.

The food we eat evolved with us,and I believe for a reason.We need all the macronutrients and micronutrients for optimal heath.

I laugh at the infomercials,The amazing health pill! Sheesh,no pill will supply all the micronutrients out there,that we need,even if science hasnt even discovered them yet,or what they do for us.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 25, 2014, 09:29:45 AM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.
I agree with this,to a point.When the FDA dietary food guidelines came out in the 1960's pushing carbs the graph of wt gain immediately went on a huge upward trend,It looks very similar to the national debt charts after we went off the silver standard.Parabolic rise but in the early 70's we were still pretty active kids.

For sure all the change in sugar and activity later,and the rise of fast food is a major major player.IMO.

Loved the oiling of North America,fascinating.

As for research,nurses are really good researchers.From the getgo I knew a brilliant nurse who was just freaking out over the cholesterol guidelines and meds,she had reams and reams of research,would wear out a printer every three months.So I heard a lot from her,and low and behold,she was right,just 20-30 years ahead of our times.

I think why RNs are such good health researchers is they dont have a financial dog in the fight,and instead many are hugely altruistic people who really believe that the nurses duty is to act as patient advocates and flat out call it as it is,agendas and consequences be damned.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 25, 2014, 09:56:12 AM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.

I agree, and this article from the Mayo Clinic about sitting too much supports this.

http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/adult-health/expert-answers/sitting/faq-20058005 (http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/adult-health/expert-answers/sitting/faq-20058005)
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 25, 2014, 10:04:09 AM
For sure,sedentary and adverse health go hand in hand.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: muebe on May 25, 2014, 10:31:03 AM
It's not the carbs guys it is the simple lack of exercise and combination of high calorie processed foods.

In the 1960's people were not constantly sitting in front of a television or computer while consuming high calories. People were more active. Foods were not as processed as they are now.

A large soda was 12 ounces not 32 ounces. A burger was not as big. Serving sizes were smaller. People were actually cooking meals and sitting at the dinner table not nuking stuff.

I grew up in the 1970s and my mom would tell us to get outside and play. It is tough to get my kids to do that when there is so much effortless entertainment inside like the iPad,xbox,wii, etc.

And there are many medications available today that will keep your body going that back then you would be forced to change your diet and exercise. Cholesterol medications, blood pressure meds, and other medications that thwart some situations where your body is telling you it is hurting and needs attention.

Carbs are good in moderation if your active. They offer sustained energy. But if your not active then your body will not convert them.
I agree with this,to a point.When the FDA dietary food guidelines came out in the 1960's pushing carbs the graph of wt gain immediately went on a huge upward trend,It looks very similar to the national debt charts after we went off the silver standard.Parabolic rise but in the early 70's we were still pretty active kids.

For sure all the change in sugar and activity later,and the rise of fast food is a major major player.IMO.

Loved the oiling of North America,fascinating.

As for research,nurses are really good researchers.From the getgo I knew a brilliant nurse who was just freaking out over the cholesterol guidelines and meds,she had reams and reams of research,would wear out a printer every three months.So I heard a lot from her,and low and behold,she was right,just 20-30 years ahead of our times.

I think why RNs are such good health researchers is they dont have a financial dog in the fight,and instead many are hugely altruistic people who really believe that the nurses duty is to act as patient advocates and flat out call it as it is,agendas and consequences be damned.

Bread and carbs are nothing new. They have been around before the 1960's. People do not really follow the guidelines they follow the trends IMHO. Again portion sizes and activity levels are the key here.

More unhealthy snacking. Larger sodas loaded with sugar and less activity with more and more television being watched is the trend that I see.

The first microwave hit the homes in 1967 and then things got worse. Quick snacks that normally would take 30 minutes to make were ready in 5 minutes.

And fast food started getting really big in the 1960's. Heck Burger King and Taco Bell were started in the 1950's. McDonalds started in 1948. So fast food is nothing new. But I guarantee at that time that they were using less processed ingredients and portion sizes were much smaller. But after the 1960's things were getting more processed.

I just get frustrated when I hear that "carbs" are the problem. Eliminating carbs is a easy way to lose weight because your body wants carbs. Without carbs your body will be forced into starvation mode and start using the fats in your body to make carbs. That is why diets that cut carbs work to reduce weight without exercise. But your body does not want to do this and there are other effects that can happen. And your body has a quick memory and will start storing that fat once carbs are re-introduced so some people have a tough time keeping to the diet.

My humble opinion is that the best way to lose weight is to eat healthy meals, control your portions, and get at least 30 minutes of cardio in a day and you will lose weight. It might not come off quickly but you will be able to manage it once you lose it.

We as a country have just become more and more lazy. Just less and less physical activity. And more consuming of food. Snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner, late dinner, desserts, etc. We are natural hunter/gatherers but hunting for a snack in your fridge does not count ;)

Buffets are just terrible! Sure it is a great value for a family but most people eat 3-4 servings at a buffet because they can! Then go home and sit in front of a television. All that then turns into fat and clogs their arteries.

Ok I am now done with my rant :)
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: hikerman on May 25, 2014, 10:40:17 AM

I think why RNs are such good health researchers is they dont have a financial dog in the fight,and instead many are hugely altruistic people who really believe that the nurses duty is to act as patient advocates and flat out call it as it is,agendas and consequences be damned.

I agree 100% Spuds! Most, not all of our "expert advice" is nothing more than "paid political advertising". Here is a recent example:
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: cookiecdcmk on May 25, 2014, 10:48:26 AM
Good subject, and I may have to change my ways.  I started to use Canola oil because I thought it was healthier.  According to the Canadian article, I was wrong.  I like to deep fry periodically, so what would be the best oil to use to be healthy and have a high smoke temperature?  Peanut Oil?
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: hikerman on May 25, 2014, 11:03:53 AM
Good subject, and I may have to change my ways.  I started to use Canola oil because I thought it was healthier.  According to the Canadian article, I was wrong.  I like to deep fry periodically, so what would be the best oil to use to be healthy and have a high smoke temperature?  Peanut Oil?

Cookie, peanut or safflower would be good for what you want.  IMHO!
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: LostArrow on May 25, 2014, 11:45:42 AM
"Everything in moderation , nothing in Excess ! "
Works pretty good as a dietary guide!
Just don't try to keep up drinking beer with BAM!
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 25, 2014, 02:15:33 PM
Good subject, and I may have to change my ways.  I started to use Canola oil because I thought it was healthier.  According to the Canadian article, I was wrong.  I like to deep fry periodically, so what would be the best oil to use to be healthy and have a high smoke temperature?  Peanut Oil?
If I can find a pure source  of quality Lard,Im going with that.Its very popular along with peanut oil for stir fry and deep frying in Asia.My pig is due any day,we are going to render our lard and I think I might get the lard and skin from 2 other pigs at same time,see if the person who raised ours wants hers.

I was raised using bacon fat,but believed it was white death per the experts,now of course we find out it isnt at all.Time to start using it more.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 25, 2014, 05:15:39 PM
If a high carb,WITH EXERCISE,that will work,and if it works for you,thats great.It works for a lot of active people,I dont deny it.

But it doesnt mean its a low weight diet,it isnt.Hence the obesity epidemic that needs to be addressed,it isnt just how much you eat,if you have to starve yourself or not feel satiated to keep weight down on carbs,or eat more carbs to meet your bodies needs,and you arent doing 30 minutes of cardio a day,your wt is going up.

For starters,lets define 'healthy' Is it ideal body wt? Is it muscles and strength? Most folks would say so. Macronutrients.

But is it immune health too,IMO thats a critical aspect,what fights disease,repairs cells,protects from autoimmune disease.Thats Micronutrients.Vegetables.

I feel health involves all of the above. Therefore,for the rabid Paleo the only issue I have with it is if you arent getting micronutrients (vegetables) too,it is not boosting or supporting your immune system,a big failure in this aspect.So Paleos,listen to your Mom and eat your vegetables.

A big failure nowadays is the obesity epidemic.

Ask any Paleo and almost to a tee they will tell you changing from a high carb low fat diet to high fat and low carb,wt melted away,no other changes,they DO lose wt.

So Im stuck on high carbs is a weighty diet.

Next argument is 'a calorie is a calorie' Only it isnt. Why do Paleos lose wt when they are eating the same number of calories a Carbo is? It appears that the body metabolizes carbs differently from proteins and fats.

Here is a study explaining the effects

Some excerpts.....

Three groups were studied: A low carbohydrate group (LoCHO = 1800 kcal for men; 1500 kcal for women), a low fat group (LoFat, 1800 and 1500); a third group also consumed a low carbohydrate diet but an additional 300 kcalories were provided (LoCHO+300, 2100 and 1800). The order of average amount of weight lost was LoCHO = 23 lbs, LoCHO+300 = 20 lbs LoFat = 17 lbs. This work received a good deal of attention in the popular press. Media reports, however, included comments of experts that "It doesn't make sense, does it?" "It violates the laws of thermodynamics. No one has ever found any miraculous metabolic effects." ([5]). If this is an accurate quotation, it is odd indeed. Miraculous, or otherwise, a metabolic effect was found.

The seriousness of the obesity epidemic suggests that we attack it with all the means at our disposal. Metabolic advantage with low carbohydrate diets is well established in the literature. It does not always occur but the important point is that it can occur. To ignore its possibilities and to not investigate the precise conditions under which it appears would be cutting ourselves off from potential benefit. The extent to which metabolic advantage will have significant impact in treating obesity is unknown and it is widely said in studies of low carbohydrate diets that "more work needs to be done." However, if the misconception is perpetuated that there is a violation of physical laws, that work will not be done, and if done, will go unpublished due to editorial resistance. Attacking the obesity epidemic will involve giving up many old ideas that have not been productive. "A calorie is a calorie" might be a good place to start.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: teesquare on May 25, 2014, 05:52:21 PM
I was in the car earlier, and on NPR - there was an interesting interview during a program about health/obesity in America, etc...It was about a recent book called:Fat Chance by Dr. Robert H. Lustig M.D.

I listened tot eh entire interview. It made complete sense to me. His basic premise is that there are 8 things wrong with the current American diet. No.# 1 is the amount of sugars in processed foods, and how this has been a response to the medical community pushing for lower fat in our diets. The sugars according to him are far more threatening to our health.

I am going to order the book....His explanation was that convincing - and far more detailed than I can do justice.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 25, 2014, 06:50:22 PM
Fructose has been a disaster in our foods.I dont understand why it has to be in most everything.I ordered Sally Fallons book from the Canada link,see if she has anything else Im missing.Also supposed to have recipes,and love to cook.
Title: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Scallywag on May 25, 2014, 08:44:05 PM

I was in the car earlier, and on NPR - there was an interesting interview during a program about health/obesity in America, etc...It was about a recent book called:Fat Chance by Dr. Robert H. Lustig M.D.

I listened tot eh entire interview. It made complete sense to me. His basic premise is that there are 8 things wrong with the current American diet. No.# 1 is the amount of sugars in processed foods, and how this has been a response to the medical community pushing for lower fat in our diets. The sugars according to him are far more threatening to our health.

I am going to order the book....His explanation was that convincing - and far more detailed than I can do justice.
I agree there is a problem in America.. After spending a week there I was blown away by the amount of severely obese people. Canada does not seem to have the same problem.. I wonder if it has something to do with the limited number of fast food joints that we have? Sorry not trying to start a debate...
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: muebe on May 25, 2014, 08:45:42 PM
What you are failing to miss is that when you exercise you also create muscle that will allow you to burn more calories even when your not exercising.

A person who is getting regular exercise will burn more calories just sitting there then one who is not.

I am not saying loading up on carbs is good. If your an athlete then it is sustained energy that works. There is a balance to everything. But completely cutting out carbs from your diet will work but will cause other issues IMHO.

Look. No one I know went from a healthy weight to obesity in just a month or two. It is years of bad eating habits and little to no physical activity. And everyone has a different metabolism so I know some people gain weight easier than others. I am very leery of the quick weight loss diets and their side effects.

The show the biggest loser is an example. There are people who go in the show and lose a tremendous amount of weight in a short time. Sadly many of them gain it back. That is with exercise and dieting. It is too extreme IMHO and the people end up bouncing back.

To me the proper way of managing weight is a moderate amount of exercise and portion control. Not starving yourself but you can weigh your portions out. Avoid that dessert everyday. Just pick a day to treat yourself.  Then the weight will come off over time. I lost 35lbs over about one year doing this.

You can eat all your favorite things just reduce the portion amount.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: teesquare on May 25, 2014, 08:50:09 PM
No debate Scally...Yes - I think that is part of the problem. And the mount of  processed foods in general - containing a tremendous amount of sugars, trans and partially hydrogenated fats, etc.

I am trying to get rid of anything that is frozen in a box as a prepared food, or in boxes in general, like snacks, cereal etc.....And just get back to fresh fruits, veggies, and meat.

I can add to them what I want - and what I know is not polluted with junk. ;)

Portion control is a must, and a balance of exercise is always positive. But - continued research shows that even low level - and brief periods of exercise are often enough to get many folks back on the road to recovery from really bad diets and their effects.
Title: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Scallywag on May 25, 2014, 08:55:10 PM

No debate Scally...Yes - I think that is part of the problem. And the mount of  processed foods in general - containing a tremendous amount of sugars, trans and partially hydrogenated fats, etc.

I am trying to get rid of anything that is frozen in a box as a prepared food, or in boxes in general, like snacks, cereal etc.....And just get back to fresh fruits, veggies, and meat.

I can add to them what I want - and what I know is not polluted with junk. ;)

Portion control is a must, and a balance of exercise is always positive. But - continued research shows that even low level - and brief periods of exercise are often enough to get many folks back on the road to recovery from really bad diets and their effects.
I totally agree.. I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day and eat only home cooked food with minimal processed food. I run on an elliptical and work out on my bowflex 3 times a week. I'm probably 20 pounds over my ideal weight but it's all in my belly.. For that I blame the beer.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: muebe on May 25, 2014, 09:14:21 PM

I was in the car earlier, and on NPR - there was an interesting interview during a program about health/obesity in America, etc...It was about a recent book called:Fat Chance by Dr. Robert H. Lustig M.D.

I listened tot eh entire interview. It made complete sense to me. His basic premise is that there are 8 things wrong with the current American diet. No.# 1 is the amount of sugars in processed foods, and how this has been a response to the medical community pushing for lower fat in our diets. The sugars according to him are far more threatening to our health.

I am going to order the book....His explanation was that convincing - and far more detailed than I can do justice.
I agree there is a problem in America.. After spending a week there I was blown away by the amount of severely obese people. Canada does not seem to have the same problem.. I wonder if it has something to do with the limited number of fast food joints that we have? Sorry not trying to start a debate...

No debate from me either. There are so many overweight people in this country!

As far as the fast food places we have one at every corner. But many of them do offer healthier options now. Wendy's for example has some good salads. So does Jack in the box. I have had them and they are pretty good. Most people choose to have the loaded calorie burger instead. And that is fine if you get exercise. If not it is a recipe for disaster. Especially if you eat fast food everyday.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 25, 2014, 09:45:44 PM
Tee,Mercola has an article that features Dr Lustig,and the fructose,fats and refined carbs laid out  with many sources mentioned,very good article and I agree with it almost entirely,our guidelines are horrible.Lots of good info,hopefully someday we will get past the dollars and agendas and get reliable info.

Im not against all carbs,nor carb free at all,that wouldnt be reasonable at all...but refined carbs just arent healthy and we are bombarded with them,and the truth is coming out now(not that it wasnt known,just not reported),thanks in large part to the internet giving us a forum to find it.It isnt found in mainstream media who cowtow to advertisers and their agendas.

Until then,and the point is made there,its up to US to learn,because what we are spoonfed isnt reliable at all.Dr Fuhrman postulates you should take the dietary pyramid and turn it upside down,and more and more are saying thats spot on.

Enjoy the article,not long and a good read,and not all Mercola like a lot of his stuff.

Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 25, 2014, 09:55:53 PM

I was in the car earlier, and on NPR - there was an interesting interview during a program about health/obesity in America, etc...It was about a recent book called:Fat Chance by Dr. Robert H. Lustig M.D.

I listened tot eh entire interview. It made complete sense to me. His basic premise is that there are 8 things wrong with the current American diet. No.# 1 is the amount of sugars in processed foods, and how this has been a response to the medical community pushing for lower fat in our diets. The sugars according to him are far more threatening to our health.

I am going to order the book....His explanation was that convincing - and far more detailed than I can do justice.
I agree there is a problem in America.. After spending a week there I was blown away by the amount of severely obese people. Canada does not seem to have the same problem.. I wonder if it has something to do with the limited number of fast food joints that we have? Sorry not trying to start a debate...
Not really a debate,more of us putting out our opinions from what we know,or think we know,and sharing and learning.When it comes to our health,what YOU think is right is right for you,period.For now we still have that right.For now....

I think when we say fast food,I also refer to packaged processed foods in my take,but the fast food joints,HORRIBLE. If you want to see go to the calorie counter site and type in the fast food joints,like Mcd's or jackinthebox,frightening!Run your mouse over Big mac or whatever,it has a basic nutritional breakdown,scary!


Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: smoker pete on May 26, 2014, 02:26:36 AM
I agree there is a problem in America.. After spending a week there I was blown away by the amount of severely obese people. Canada does not seem to have the same problem.. I wonder if it has something to do with the limited number of fast food joints that we have? Sorry not trying to start a debate...

I think it has to do with the amount of snow you guys get ... and all that snow shoveling !!!  :D  :D  8) 

When I was a teenager in New Hampshire back in the late 60s I used to shovel a lot of snow and made me some good $$$ ...
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 26, 2014, 04:42:27 PM

To me the proper way of managing weight is a moderate amount of exercise and portion control. Not starving yourself but you can weigh your portions out. Avoid that dessert everyday. Just pick a day to treat yourself.  Then the weight will come off over time. I lost 35lbs over about one year doing this.

You can eat all your favorite things just reduce the portion amount.
You got it!My thoughts exactly.Just dont put in more calories than you expend,no voodoo there. What got me was not knowing what i was putting in.And when my metabolism(thyroid issues millions of us have) was changing and not catching it,really nailed me.

Your point on biggest loser is spot on,diet and loss is fine,but if you wont alter your lifestyle afterwards and balance calories and activity,failure!!

Speaking of peanut oil,friend is gluten intolerant.Drove 30 miles to get peanut oil for deep fryer,got home and it was mixed with soy,completely useless for her,watch those ingredients,dirty trick in my book,and as noted earlier,I knew the olive oil mix trick,but geeze,that was the pits for them.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 26, 2014, 04:49:27 PM

As far as the fast food places we have one at every corner. But many of them do offer healthier options now. Wendy's for example has some good salads. So does Jack in the box. I have had them and they are pretty good. Most people choose to have the loaded calorie burger instead. And that is fine if you get exercise. If not it is a recipe for disaster. Especially if you eat fast food everyday.

One that surprised me was how GOOD Wendys chili is healthwise,loaded with beans and the meat is boiled,fat poured off and into the beans,blew my mind when you look at most fast food entree's they are disaster,and the sauces they put on,insane calories.

Found that on a thread about Wendys chili clone recipes,in comments,gotta love the web,former employees even gave recipes,its like a #10 can red beans,#10 can chile beans....heehee ,like cooking for the Navy!
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 26, 2014, 04:52:23 PM
If we all could be like Michael Phelps.   ::)

http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/BL-HEB-3142 (http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/BL-HEB-3142)
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: hikerman on May 26, 2014, 04:59:32 PM

As far as the fast food places we have one at every corner. But many of them do offer healthier options now. Wendy's for example has some good salads. So does Jack in the box. I have had them and they are pretty good. Most people choose to have the loaded calorie burger instead. And that is fine if you get exercise. If not it is a recipe for disaster. Especially if you eat fast food everyday.

One that surprised me was how GOOD Wendys chili is healthwise,loaded with beans and the meat is boiled,fat poured off and into the beans,blew my mind when you look at most fast food entree's they are disaster,and the sauces they put on,insane calories.

Found that on a thread about Wendys chili clone recipes,in comments,gotta love the web,former employees even gave recipes,its like a #10 can red beans,#10 can chile beans....heehee ,like cooking for the Navy!

Just wanted to add, whenever cooking with canned beans or other canned goods, whenever possible rinse and drain with water a few times. Gets rid of 80% of sodium, which is sky-high in all canned goods.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 26, 2014, 05:04:01 PM
If we all could be like Michael Phelps.   ::)

http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/BL-HEB-3142 (http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/BL-HEB-3142)
]But what about the choice of foods? All those eggs and ham and cheese can’t possibly be good for him, can they?

Yes Virginia,thats good healthy food my dear.

Yup,we are still stuck in demonizing good food IMO.Its all about balanced calories,thats nutritious food he is eating.And NOT artery clogging as weve been led to believe.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 26, 2014, 05:05:40 PM

Just wanted to add, whenever cooking with canned beans or other canned goods, whenever possible rinse and drain with water a few times. Gets rid of 80% of sodium, which is sky-high in all canned goods.
Didnt know it got rid of THAT much sodium,thanks Gene.Thats a keeper!
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 26, 2014, 05:18:12 PM
No debate Scally...Yes - I think that is part of the problem. And the mount of  processed foods in general - containing a tremendous amount of sugars, trans and partially hydrogenated fats, etc.

I am trying to get rid of anything that is frozen in a box as a prepared food, or in boxes in general, like snacks, cereal etc.....And just get back to fresh fruits, veggies, and meat.

If the veggies arent super fresh then frozen is a good option,a lot is flash frozen really quickly and can be very nutritious indeed.We too are doing even better at getting rid of boxed food,as you say shop the perimeter,thats oh so true.

But I do like instant mashed taters,though really dont use much at all,Mrs very good at using real taters.Anyhow,does anyone know if there is a problem with them?

And yes we Americans are FAT! What is so astounding to me is how fat we are now in our 20's,I can grasp with poor eating over decades getting obese,but 20's??? Something is obviously very very wrong.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: RAD on May 26, 2014, 06:51:31 PM
I agree there is a problem in America.. After spending a week there I was blown away by the amount of severely obese people. Canada does not seem to have the same problem.. I wonder if it has something to do with the limited number of fast food joints that we have? Sorry not trying to start a debate...

I think it has to do with the amount of snow you guys get ... and all that snow shoveling !!!  :D  :D  8) 

When I was a teenager in New Hampshire back in the late 60s I used to shovel a lot of snow and made me some good $$$ ...
Snow has a lot to do with. When I joined the Marines in 1986 (at 18) I was 160lb's living in Buffalo NY. I made a lot of $$ shoveling that darn Canadian snow  ;D. Fast forward a bunch of years and while going thru college at night and working full time (no exercise) I ballooned to just under 200lbs. ??? I now run regularly and still eat most of what I like and I am steady at 170lbs. I will typically eat a sandwich (ham or turkey) and small salad for lunch. I will eat with the guys once or twice a week at the local joints but try to limit my runs to the buffet bar.  ::)

I know this will be a surprise to most here but I will eat a rack of ribs or a 16oz steak with taters on the weekend. I like a few adult beverages now and again  ::) but I try to maintain a workout pattern throughout the week. It’s not always easy.

I have a very demanding day so most times, like muebe, my run is at 4 or 5 AM. Not very easy to get you’re a$$ out of bed to run 4 or 5 miles that early ???, trust me, but when it’s over you are real glad you did. Right Mike?
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: drholly on May 26, 2014, 06:54:21 PM
I agree there is a problem in America.. After spending a week there I was blown away by the amount of severely obese people. Canada does not seem to have the same problem.. I wonder if it has something to do with the limited number of fast food joints that we have? Sorry not trying to start a debate...

I think it has to do with the amount of snow you guys get ... and all that snow shoveling !!!  :D  :D  8) 

When I was a teenager in New Hampshire back in the late 60s I used to shovel a lot of snow and made me some good $$$ ...
Snow has a lot to do with. When I joined the Marines in 1986 (at 18) I was 160lb's living in Buffalo NY. I made a lot of $$ shoveling that darn Canadian snow  ;D. Fast forward a bunch of years and while going thru college at night and working full time (no exercise) I ballooned to just under 200lbs. ??? I now run regularly and still eat most of what I like and I am steady at 170lbs. I will typically eat a sandwich (ham or turkey) and small salad for lunch. I will eat with the guys once or twice a week at the local joints but try to limit my runs to the buffet bar.  ::)

I know this will be a surprise to most here but I will eat a rack of ribs or a 16oz steak with taters on the weekend. I like a few adult beverages now and again  ::) but I try to maintain a workout pattern throughout the week. It’s not always easy.

I have a very demanding day so most times, like muebe, my run is at 4 or 5 AM. Not very easy to get you’re a$$ out of bed to run 4 or 5 miles that early ???, trust me, but when it’s over you are real glad you did, right Mike?

Cheers - it is about choices... (Don't like running, but biking works for me...  ;D )

Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 26, 2014, 07:06:41 PM
Rad,not surprised a bit,you are burning those calories real well. ;)
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: hikerman on May 26, 2014, 07:46:43 PM

Just wanted to add, whenever cooking with canned beans or other canned goods, whenever possible rinse and drain with water a few times. Gets rid of 80% of sodium, which is sky-high in all canned goods.
Didnt know it got rid of THAT much sodium,thanks Gene.Thats a keeper!

I'm sorry I was wrong, it is more like 40% of sodium removed by one drain and rinse. Two's gotta be better, but 40% is a lot better than taking it all in.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 26, 2014, 07:50:37 PM

Just wanted to add, whenever cooking with canned beans or other canned goods, whenever possible rinse and drain with water a few times. Gets rid of 80% of sodium, which is sky-high in all canned goods.
Didnt know it got rid of THAT much sodium,thanks Gene.Thats a keeper!

I'm sorry I was wrong, it is more like 40% of sodium removed by one drain and rinse. Two's gotta be better, but 40% is a lot better than taking it all in.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 27, 2014, 01:37:25 PM
I agree there is a problem in America.. After spending a week there I was blown away by the amount of severely obese people. Canada does not seem to have the same problem.. I wonder if it has something to do with the limited number of fast food joints that we have? Sorry not trying to start a debate...

I think it has to do with the amount of snow you guys get ... and all that snow shoveling !!!  :D  :D  8) 

When I was a teenager in New Hampshire back in the late 60s I used to shovel a lot of snow and made me some good $$$ ...
Snow has a lot to do with. When I joined the Marines in 1986 (at 18) I was 160lb's living in Buffalo NY. I made a lot of $$ shoveling that darn Canadian snow  ;D. Fast forward a bunch of years and while going thru college at night and working full time (no exercise) I ballooned to just under 200lbs. ??? I now run regularly and still eat most of what I like and I am steady at 170lbs. I will typically eat a sandwich (ham or turkey) and small salad for lunch. I will eat with the guys once or twice a week at the local joints but try to limit my runs to the buffet bar.  ::)

I know this will be a surprise to most here but I will eat a rack of ribs or a 16oz steak with taters on the weekend. I like a few adult beverages now and again  ::) but I try to maintain a workout pattern throughout the week. It’s not always easy.

I have a very demanding day so most times, like muebe, my run is at 4 or 5 AM. Not very easy to get you’re a$$ out of bed to run 4 or 5 miles that early ???, trust me, but when it’s over you are real glad you did. Right Mike?

WTG Rad.  I'm with you on the running as well as going to the gym.  I do my best to follow healthy balanced meals most of the week, much easier to do now that I'm retired.  I was sidelined from running for several months due to an injury, plantar fasciitis, but I'm back at it again. Up to 7 miles now, on my way back up to 13 to be ready for the next 1/2 marathon in November.

At one point in my life, when I was more sedentary, I tipped the scales at the 200lb mark, not good for someone that is 5' 7".  Currently I'm at 167lbs which is down 13lbs from the 180lbs I went up to when I wasn't able to run.

I also like to consume adult beverages from time to time, no where near the quantities I did back in my younger days, especially when I was in the Air Force.  But an occasional brew or two when I go out to eat and indulge in the sinful delights that shoots the weight and glucose levels back up.  I try to keep that to a couple of meals a week and stay on track with healthy balanced meals the rest of the week.

I have tested the waters with low carb eating too and that doesn't work well with someone that works out and runs as much as I do.  I tried it again a couple of weeks ago when I noticed that my glucose levels were slightly elevated, so I cut back on the carbs for a few days.   Then I went to the gym to workout, this was one of the days I workout with a trainer and he kicks my ass in the gym.  I had so litte energy to complete the workout he even asked if there was something wrong that day.   I knew it had to be the lack of carbs, I won't do that again. 
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 27, 2014, 05:38:18 PM
Good on the exercise,agreed you need your carbs from what Ive heard on the subject its critical for athletes.But curious on how it works out on the diabetes when you are lower carbs?You hear a lot about carbs and diabetes so would like to hear your stories.

My marathon friend see's same thing,when she isnt running wt pops up fast.

Plantar  fasciitis,wife had that a while back,was long time to heal,she thinks it was shoe inserts that damaged her foot.Scary,that can be a pretty serious disability for some folks dont get better,yikes!!
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 27, 2014, 06:23:17 PM
Good on the exercise,agreed you need your carbs from what Ive heard on the subject its critical for athletes.But curious on how it works out on the diabetes when you are lower carbs?You hear a lot about carbs and diabetes so would like to hear your stories.

My marathon friend see's same thing,when she isnt running wt pops up fast.

Plantar  fasciitis,wife had that a while back,was long time to heal,she thinks it was shoe inserts that damaged her foot.Scary,that can be a pretty serious disability for some folks dont get better,yikes!!

Lower carb diets do help to some degree with Type II diabetes, there's a lot of other factors that go into it also, body fat percentage, physical activity, age (mainly how far the disease progresses as we age).  Because of my physical activity I get away with eating more carbs then other Type II's.  I generally eat the recommended 240g a day and all of it comes from complex carbs like fruits and vegetables, no breads, pasta, rice, juice, or anything else that is processed.

Over on the diabetic boards there is always the push from most forum members to go low carb as well as any medication that their doctor recommends.  I was Dx nearly 7 years ago and have managed my glucose levels with diet and exercise alone.  No meds as of yet but I know the day will come when it will be necessary because the disease does progress as we age.

Because I was sidelined from running due to PF, my weight did go up a few pounds as did my glucose levels.  My last visit to the doctor was not one of my best blood tests, in fact it was the worst since I was Dx, that was my wake up call to get my ass back in gear.  Low carb does help, but I don't like to do that long term, for the short term, less then a month I'm okay with it.

I was doing workouts at home while I wasn't running, I have one room dedicated to gym equipment, but being home all day and trying to get in a good workout in the same house I spend most of my day in was getting boring and I was slacking off because of it.  I joined a gym right down the street from where I live and contracted one of their personal trainers to work with twice a week and the other days I workout/run on my own.  It has made a huge difference, glucose levels are improving, lifting more weight, got back into running, and burning off some of that excess body fat.

Now the summer heat of Las Vegas has arrived and that means the running will have to be done very early morning, earlier than this old retired ass wants to get out of bed, but I gotta do what I gotta do.  ;)
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on May 27, 2014, 06:36:08 PM
I like how you do your carbs and skip the junk ones,KUDOS!
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: Las Vegan Cajun on May 27, 2014, 06:44:25 PM
I like how you do your carbs and skip the junk ones,KUDOS!

Thanks, it's tough at times, especially when I go out to eat with a group and they all want pizza & wings, I have to order a salad and drool while they enjoy the good tasting stuff.  ::)
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on June 03, 2014, 11:14:10 PM
Rad,you want to buy Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.I got the 2001 second edition.First 20 pages explains fats (oils)

EVOO-Good up to moderate heat,but puts on more fat on you than ORGANIC butter.

Oraganic butter,eat all you want,wonder fat

Peanut oil,use sparingly because high in Omega 6,the bad omega.

Raw milk (and milk products),GOOD.Pastured cows much better than grain or hay fed

Flaxseed-High in omega3,good.Keep refrigerated,never heated,and use SMALL quantities in salad dressings

Safflower,Corn,Sunflower,Soybean and Cottonseed-should never be used after theyve been heated like cooking,baking or frying.Huge Omega 6,bad stuff. Saff And Sun oil,from hybrid plants,cold pressed,similar to Olive oil,but hard to find. Definitely NOT recommended oils.

Canola-HORRIBLE! Processing turns omega 3 (the good omega) into trans fats.Food baked with it goes moldy fast....run for the hills,bad stuff



Any Hydrogenated vegetable oils,ie,solid form of oil,magarine,shortening,BAD.Processed food loaded with em

Duck and goose fat-good,great for fried potatoes

Lard-a preferred fat for frying

Beef and mutton tallow-stable and can be used for frying

Palm oil-used to be used for commercial french fries,clarified version has no taste

Coconut Oil-was used in cookies and pastries.Good oil

Summary-EVOO Good,organic butter (eat all you want) and flaxseed expeller processed (Unrefined) is  good.Coconut for baking,animal fats for frying.

BUY THE BOOK,this has great information.$15.39

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats Paperback
by Sally Fallon (Author), Mary Enig (Author)
1,106 customer reviews

Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: CDN Smoker on June 03, 2014, 11:55:05 PM
I need some help :(

I've gone from Coke Classic to Diet to Zero. Now I read the 2 and 3 are worse than 1. Actually the more I read the worse 2 & 3 are for you.

Y'all talk about weight, In grade 9, I  was just under 200lbs and just under 6'. I enjoyed building houses with my Dad and played lots of sports. I was lean for sure.

Once in a while I like my Rye similar to your Bourbon with Coke. Any ideas on what I can change to?
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: spuds on June 04, 2014, 12:09:42 AM
Drew,all I know about sodas is in USA made from fructose,in Mexico made with sugar.When we rarely drink a coke we go with Mex version.What is it in Canada,fructose or sugar?

If all you drink is with Rye,cant reckon its doing much harm.

Im a big drinker of just filtered ice water with lemon,I like that just fine.
Title: Re: EVOL VS Coconut Oil
Post by: muebe on June 04, 2014, 12:14:12 AM
The phosphates make soda bad. Very acidic and the diet sodas can be worse. The artificial sweeteners confuse your body into thinking it's getting sugar causing more havok. Diet soda can actually cause you to gain weight!

An occasional soda is not bad but people who drink many in a daily basis are not doing their body justice.