Hummingbird pictures Not

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Well, I saw Don liked to takes Bird pictures so I thought I would give it a whirl. I spent at least four hours last weekend on patrol and never got a picture of a hummingbird. Here is a swell picture of my feeder :) I will get that bugger in flight real soon......



--- Quote from: spuds on July 24, 2014, 03:18:17 AM --- ;D

--- End quote ---
Funny  ;)

KM, don't fret you will get a picture of one soon.  Those little boogers can't stay away from the feeder to long

We have 5 feeders out and are getting  a few hummers but not nearly as many as usual. I will try and get some pics as soon as Dee teaches me how to take pictures.

Smokin Don:
Keep trying KM  :) They are hard to catch! I used to have the patience to sit a long time but not now. I have not tried for any this year. Near the last of Aug. and Sept. I will get more coming through heading south for the winter and see them more often. I now see a resident male and a female feeding once in a while. They don't stay at the feeder long. When they start tanking up to head south they stay longer. Good luck! Don


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