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A Gravy Question?

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Hello Hub,
I have a gravy question, and know of no one better suited (gravy lover!) to answer this!
When does a gravy become a sauce, or vice-versa?  :-\

Las Vegan Cajun:
When you put it on ribs. :P :P :P

I think it is a personal preference. Most Italians call that tomato thing you put on pasta gravy while many other folks call it tomato or spaghetti sauce.


--- Quote from: GusRobin on November 11, 2014, 12:35:25 PM ---I think it is a personal preference. Most Italians call that tomato thing you put on pasta gravy while many other folks call it tomato or spaghetti sauce.

--- End quote ---
If it's homemade then it's gravy, that canned stuff is sauce  ;)

Ka Honu:
Gravy is a type of sauce. In other words, all gravies are sauces but not all sauces are gravy. How you determine which sauces are gravy is largely a cultural and geographic issue. Generally (in my world), gravies are made with cooking juices (drippings, etc.) and often thickened with roux, cornstarch, or whatever.* Or they're made some other way.

* In case you're interested, "whatever" often makes the best gravy thickener but it's often hard to find the correct kind.

--- Quote from: GusRobin on November 11, 2014, 12:35:25 PM ---Most Italians call that tomato thing you put on pasta gravy...
--- End quote ---

That's an Italian-American cultural thing that results from which term was used by whoever was first translating the the recipes and references. One of the common Italian words used was "sugo;" some translated it as "sauce" and some as "gravy."  Nowadays, Tommy's homemade vs. store-bought differentiation is as good as any.


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