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Chef's Choice Knife Sharpener on sale today


If anyone has been wanting a good knife sharpener take a look at this deal. Woot has Chef's Choice XV Trizor electric sharpener on sale for $89.99 today. This sharpener can turn your 20 degree sharpened blades to the Japanese-style 15 degree angled edge. I swear by this sharpener and love mine! I had an old set of Chicago Cutlery knives from my grandfather. I was happy to have the knives he used so well but, in time I was not happy with their performance even after a good sharpening. I wanted a new set! But first I bought a very good chef's knife that had a 15 degree edge to it and bought this Trizor to keep it in great working order. Once I put the old Chicago Cutlery set to a 15 degree edge I no longer need or want to buy anymore new knives. It's simply amazing the difference in the sharpness of my knives now!
And, talk about easy!
This is quite a deal as this sharpener can go as high as $200.00 or more.

 My BnL has one of these and his knives are a bit scary sharp!  But wow will they cut!

I've been wanting one. That is a great price. Never bought on woot before though... Here goes!

I bought that one a few years back! Knives definitely become razor sharp!

I have one and I agree. It's a great unit and my knives are very sharp.


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