FORUM SPONSORS > Pit Barrel Cooker Co.

Your Favorite PBC Whole Turkey Breast Recipe / Method ?

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I have smoked turkey breasts once on my PBC a few years back.

I wet brined for 3-4 hours  with just salt and water.  They came from a whole turkey that was not pre-brined.

Seasoned with  just pepper and a little salt and smoked with a little apple wood.

They came out pretty good, made a sandwich  which was good but the turkey was a  wee bit dry.

Diced it  up and made turkey salad with the rest which was quite good

I have a hard time making turkey breast moist.  I have brined, injected, and used Mayo on it, but it still is somewhat dry.  I was at the Hard 8 BBQ in Dallas, and their turkey was the best and most moist that I have eaten.  I tried to find out how they do it, but they just offered to sell me some on line.  Brining helps but it is not good as the Hard 8.  Still looking.


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