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--- Quote from: EFGM on July 15, 2013, 01:25:26 PM ---Ok what advantages is there over your Memphis and what do you
Prefer cooking on it versus your Memphis and why?

I have found myself being drawn to these things but don't understand why
Or when I might prefer to use it over my PG1000 with which I am 100% satisfied.

Just looking for answers.

--- End quote ---

Well it is not in the league of my Memphis nor is it a replacement. It is not a smoker but is a great power cooker using infrared energy to cook.

It is portable. You can take it anywhere.

It is inexpensive and provides great value for the money.

No preheating needed. It is literally ready in one minute.

It can grill a mean steak. The grill temps hit the 600F range for great searing.

It cooks fast. Whole chickens done in less than an hour with crispy skin.

I am not dedicated to one cooker. Sometimes I use my Bradley, Memphis, Big Easy, PBC or PTG.

The Big Easy is great to fire up for just a quick steak or to cook whole chicken.

I take mine with me when I am camping. It is great. So good I have 2 of them ;)

Thanks, that put in perspective for me.

Sounds like it would be a great thing to take on this beach trip.

Thanks again

Don't underestimate the SRG it really is a great grill/cooker + it's damn near bullet proof

With all my cooks I have done with both of mine I still have not had to replace any parts yet


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