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Jus' New

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Hello all:

I’m looking forward to becoming a member of ‘The best BBQ forum on the Internet’. As per Tim Tucker’s suggestion, first I would like to assure you that I will not advertise ‘cheap Viagra’ (it’s not cheap by the way) or attempt to ‘steal members information’.  Permit me to introduce myself:

I’ll begin by admitting that I know just enough about BBQ to be extremely dangerous. I was rusting out 55-gallon oil drums on Padre Island, off Corpus Christi back in the sixties, where I was granted the auspicious title of ‘Honorary Hispanic’.

We would start by consuming a case or two of cerveza and a bottle of Mescal (with the worm), pile mystery meat to the top, throw in a mesquite log (removed with a chain saw from a nearby tree), rotate the contents for hours on end, and try to forget what might be lurking inside the black, encrusted innards.  I think the most fun we had was handing a newbie a hatchet and asking him to chop of a mesquite limb, then watched as the reverberations from the first swing rippled down his arm, across his shoulders and shattered his teeth.

The complete list of cremated endangered species sacrificed remains a mystery to this day. I’ve killed and skinned a rattler, boiled goats’ blood for a stew, and mixed their entrails with brisket; and the following day, having only a scant memory of what we sacrificed the day before. But I never did any authentic BBQ until three years ago when I acquired an MES 30” smoker.

My current position resides somewhere on the culinary ‘S’ curve of knowing nothing, to knowing it all, to knowing even less than I knew before I started. In my opinion, which is shared by my beautiful new wife of 11 years, I have yet to cook what I would consider to be a decent BBQ masterpiece. I’m doing better with pork ribs, and I’ve cooked a few passable Boston Butts, have failed to found a sauce that I like, and overall, my recent accomplishments have been sparse and even more questionable in value.

The best BBQ I can remember, I ate in the early sixties, cooked in large copper ovens with the smokehouse located outside of the building. The owner told me he learned from an old man up in Tennessee who let him reside with from him for a solid week in exchange for fishing rights at his cabin on the Toledo Bend Reservoir. Those guys are long gone now, but I would gladly exhume the bodies if I thought it would lead to acquiring the recipes.

I just received SN #1 of the Smokin-It Model #4, Big Daddy smoker, and I want to start making BBQ history right here on my place, which is located on the Pearl River down in the swamps of SE Mississippi. The nearest acceptable meal is about an hour’s drive from here, so I am seriously considering selling my creations to the indigenous natives, if and when they are deemed edible. So any help you care to give me will be graciously appreciated.
Bill Scott

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Welcome home Bill Scott!

Good to have you here. If we order one of the new Smokin it #4's....do we get one of them purdy young lady's too? :D

Welcome from Minnesota

Welcome from South Arkansas!

I'll have to ask. Be careful what you wish for :)


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