Tips, Tricks & Just Good Advice! > Burn it in the Back Yard with Hub!

Why I have 2 Pellet Machines

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I've become a great fan of the "reverse sear".  That means a little "smoke bath" prior to the cook.  Works wonders for a steak but today I tried it on some chicken bits I got on sale at the grocery store.  My old Traeger with the infamous 225 Out-Of-Controller is a study in almost flaming out while on the SMOKE setting.  Here (my camera is a cheap one and my aim isn't that great either) the temp is 151 but it often dips into the high 130's.  Scary!

In order not to stay in the "zone" too long with poultry I limited the smoking to about 30 minutes.  Now I've moved to "225" but I'm never sure what will happen

If all goes well I've got some barbequed chicken for dinner.  If all doesn't go well I'll fire up the Memphis and finish these off under more reliable conditions.  I love to experiment  :o


As long as you are having fun...

I am a fan of the pre-smoke too Hub. I typically fire up one of Todd's Amazen tube smokers and put it under the drip pan, on top of the auger housing, furthest away from the fire pot . When I turn on the pit - I just leave it in there and only take it out when cleaning up before the next cook.

I like using the reverse sear on many different things.  As you say it is great on steaks.  It's really the best of both the smoking world and the grilling world.  Even though I can smoke and grill at the same time on a number of my cookers smoking solely for awhile and then finishing off grilling is really a treat.  Dee

Hub living on the edge like that makes for better tasting food!


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