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Previously Frozen?

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Our local Kroger has spares on sale at $1.69 lb with the caveat being "previously frozen".

I can cook them until the weekend...

Question is:  Can I buy 'em and keep 'em in the fridge till Saturday?   Can I re-freeze 'em for a while?

First check the sell by date. If it is Sat or later you are fine.
If Sat is past but close - you should be fine.
As far as previously frozen, if defrosted in a fridge it should be okay to re-freeze. When I buy something from a reputable market that says previously frozen, I personally don't have an issue on re-freezing.

I have unfroze and refroze plenty of meat in my time.  It may not be the best solution, but I can't honestly say that I would have known the difference if it wasn't me doing it.  Just add together the cumulative days that it has been unfrozen compared to sell by.  Let your nose do the testing.  Pork has a pretty obvious smell when it has turned.

Yup, what the others have said and I'll add that you will lose some moisture in the product when you refreeze and unthaw. Ribs not so much, but on beef roasts, steaks and large pieces of poultry.

Let me add that I do NOT recommend re-freezing any product that had been thawed above 40° for any length of time. Now we are adding potential bacteria into the mix  ???


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