Tips, Tricks & Just Good Advice! > Ask A Butcher!

Best deal,corned beef flat or point?

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The flat is 2.99/lb,point 1.69/lb

I do want flat for the pastrami,correct?

Yes, you want flat.  The better deal is to buy a packer and separate it yourself.  Smoke the point for some nice fatty slices, and corn the flat.

Yes and great price on both

The flat slices better for pastrami but I have used a point before and even though the slices are not that pretty the taste was fantastic!

Are you going to use Hub's EZ Pastrami recipe?

Yes, the Flat, for sure. Occasionally you can find Corned Beef from the Eye or Bottom Round and they also make excellent Pastrami. That's what most of your deli's have.


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