Outdoor Cooking Equipment > Gas Grills

Speaking of crispy chicken skin....Jamaican Chicken Bacon

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Fixed a bunch of thighs for some chicken Mole'.  Skinned them first and I thought what a shame to throw that tasty potentially crunchy skin away.  So I tossed the pile in some olive oil, gave it a generous coating of Plow Boys Jerk rub, put it on some foil and put in on inverted grill grates on the gasser to render the fat.

When it started to firm up I moved it over to the rails up grill grates and used the dry heat of the gasser to give it some crunch:

These turned out just as crunchy as a potato chip or pork rind.  Very tasty!!

What a damn fine idea! There's a dive bar near me that serves up fried chicken skins as an app. We ordered them once, they came back to the table  5 minutes later and said they were out of them :(

OH MY!!!   Now thats an idea!!! :thumbup:

Big Dawg:

--- Quote from: TMB on February 25, 2020, 04:44:29 PM ---OH MY!!!   Now thats an idea!!! :thumbup:

--- End quote ---

X2 ! ! !


Smokin Soon:
Am I the only one seeing blurred Photobucket pics?


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