Author Topic: Is Competition Going In The Right Direction?  (Read 27245 times)

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Is Competition Going In The Right Direction?
« Reply #-1 on: February 11, 2016, 12:37:53 PM »
For those of us who dabble in cooking and judging on the competition circuit, here's a read that is worth the time.  I've been competing and/or judging for about fifteen years, getting more and more involved over time.  I've seen a lot of changes and I think most have been good ones but where does it all lead?  How is this hobby/sport perceived by the two key publics that really matter, the contestants and the general public?  Lots of food for thought here:
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Re: Is Competition Going In The Right Direction?
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:12:20 PM »
Very interesting article.  I think the idea of having Pro / Amateur levels of competition might have some merit.  As we have different levels of competition in car racing (dirt track all the way to super speedways), why not BBQ competitions?  Something to discuss over an adult beverage or three and a few plates of good bones.

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Re: Is Competition Going In The Right Direction?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 02:25:28 PM »
Very interesting article.  I think the idea of having Pro / Amateur levels of competition might have some merit.  As we have different levels of competition in car racing (dirt track all the way to super speedways), why not BBQ competitions?  Something to discuss over an adult beverage or three and a few plates of good bones.


Although I have never been to an event, I like that idea of different levels.  Good read, and it was good to hear a little back and forth while reading the article.  Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Is Competition Going In The Right Direction?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 05:20:41 PM »
Probably too long a response, but here it goes anyway . . . . .

As you well know, Hub, you and I got our start competing in the Backyard Grillers (now called “Challenger”) division of the Memphis BBQ Network.  It was great place to get a start as there was not the pressure of competing against the “Big Boys” like Myron.  But one of our biggest complaints, back in the day, was the quality of the judges for the amateur contest.

Just for $#!+s and giggles, I checked the MBN site and this year they only have 17 contests listed (the Charlotte contest has been gone for about 5 years now).  Plus only three of their events even indicate a Challenger Division contest.  So, I don’t how much interest there is in that sort of thing anymore.

In the KCBS world, I know that 2 or 3 of the contests that I entered last year had an amateur events going on at the same time, but I never even considered moving down to that level.  To be honest, I’m not even sure what the differences were.  It just didn’t seem to make sense to pay the same, or close to the same, money and not have a chance at the big prize.

You are going to be a way better judge of how the “sport” has changed over the last decade or so.  I know that many of the bigger, fancier, events have not been around that long.  So, 10 years ago, there had to have been fewer events.  But were most of them really small, like the Lincolnton/Waxhaw/Fort Mill events?

In thinking about it, another option, but one not likely to really work, would be to have two levels of contests instead of two divisions in the same contest.  Sort of like in baseball.  So, those smaller contests, say 30 teams and under, would be restricted to beginner/amateur teams.  Not that you see many of the nationally known teams at them, but maybe you could put a cap on the number of Grand/Reserve Championships you could have won and still enter the small events.

That would allow teams, like mine, that are struggling, not to keep getting trounced by the same 4-5 teams everywhere I go.

I’m not so much concerned with the reality TV aspect.  I do watch them, if only because I’d much rather see someone trying to figure out how to cook a deckle of beef as opposed to a couple scrambling through the brush without any clothes on.

Lastly, I do question why I hear over and over again that what gets cooked for contests in not what the cooks are dishing out to their families and friends.  I know that I do my ribs and butts very differently at home and for charity events.  You and I have talked, a lot, about the final taste of the four products and the direction that KCBS seems to be going (and forget about the resistance to anything but little round chicken thighs!).

Agree with Art, very interesting article.  Thanks for locating it and sharing!

It brings up some good points that, also agreeing with Art, would best be hammered out over a tasty adult beverage and some good – non contest – que ! ! ! !

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