Let's Talk BBQ

General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: RG on May 06, 2016, 10:22:00 AM

Title: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on May 06, 2016, 10:22:00 AM
Hey guys and gals, do any of you that own multiple grills ever do any "cookoffs" between them, cooking same foods to see which one cooks said food better? I have multiple cooking devices and have been known to cook and pit them against each other to see what my friends and family prefer. It's fun, it's interesting to me how each one of my cookers give their own flavor to food.

I have done tests using baby backs, beef ribs, butts and chicken all done on different cookers to see which one won. I've gotten some surprising results. Now that I have a PBC, I may have to throw that one into the fold to see where it ranks in the blind taste testing.

I have done Keg vs. Traeger vs. Smokin-It on Beef Ribs and Baby Backs. I've done Keg vs. Smokin-It on butts and I've done Keg vs. Traeger on chicken. If all are interested I can scrounge up those posts from another forum and post them here.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: teesquare on May 06, 2016, 06:34:27 PM
i like the idea of a cook-off between different types of cookers. It helps us figure out which one works best for what foods...
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: muebe on May 06, 2016, 07:23:45 PM
I sort of have. Not using them at the same time but same foods in different cookers.

I find steaks are best on my cook-air

Chicken is best in my PBC

And ribs and butts are best on my Memphis

Lastly pizza is best in my Uuni 2 :P

And Sous-Vide can be used in conjunction with any of them.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: jjjonz on May 06, 2016, 07:24:12 PM
Always interested in cooker test.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on May 06, 2016, 07:38:16 PM
I'll post my tests later, watching my Hawks getting beat by the Cavs at the moment :(
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: kmatt on May 06, 2016, 11:06:34 PM
Hey guys and gals, do any of you that own multiple grills ever do any "cookoffs" between them, cooking same foods to see which one cooks said food better? I have multiple cooking devices and have been known to cook and pit them against each other to see what my friends and family prefer. It's fun, it's interesting to me how each one of my cookers give their own flavor to food.

I have done tests using baby backs, beef ribs, butts and chicken all done on different cookers to see which one won. I've gotten some surprising results. Now that I have a PBC, I may have to throw that one into the fold to see where it ranks in the blind taste testing.

I have done Keg vs. Traeger vs. Smokin-It on Beef Ribs and Baby Backs. I've done Keg vs. Smokin-It on butts and I've done Keg vs. Traeger on chicken. If all are interested I can scrounge up those posts from another forum and post them here.

The Keg is the greatest grill to ever exist on planet Earth, maybe the Universe!  There is no comparison RG.  Why would you dare cook on anything else?   :P
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: sparky on May 07, 2016, 02:02:13 AM
Ribs.  Cooked on a 22 WSM, 26" weber kettle, mak 1 star, LT and PBC at the same time kinda.  A lot of fun.  It's cool to get everything between 250° - 275°.  My wife can't understand why I can't just cook them on one smoker.  what fun would that be?
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on May 07, 2016, 07:10:05 AM
The Keg is the greatest grill to ever exist on planet Earth, maybe the Universe!  There is no comparison RG.  Why would you dare cook on anything else?   :P
Hey man!!! I am glad you finally posted, I figured this might draw you out, lol!! You  may indeed be right, I do LOVE my kegs but you already know where this is headed. The beauty is that here, on THIS forum, I can talk about other cookers and not get the stink eye, lol :P  A couple of the Keg folks didn't like hearing that Kegs were not always winning these challenges at MY house, they took offense when none was intended. The only way to know if you're the best is to be tested and test I did! Homerism ran deep and that's fine, I don't blame them for being loyal. We ALL want to think what WE have is the best right? I just like to experiment, that's all it was.

Real quick here folks, Kyle is a cooking machine, he's one of the members from my old stomping grounds. He stays busy as hell working around the clock these days but maybe he can show off some of his past cooks to show y'all what he can do ;)

Ribs.  Cooked on a 22 WSM, 26" weber kettle, mak 1 star, LT and PBC at the same time kinda.  A lot of fun.  It's cool to get everything between 250° - 275°.  My wife can't understand why I can't just cook them on one smoker.  what fun would that be?.

Sparky, indeed! That's what I am saying! If cooking on one thing is fun then cooking on 5 is better right? :) I just like seeing if one thing does better than another and if it does, then it gets the task of being "THE" cooker for that particular item. The only way to find out is to test them, and it's fun to boot!

My hope is that this thread can become a resource of sorts, maybe like a BBQ consumer reports lol. Tests not done by paid people in a lab but rather done by backyard cooks in the REAL world. The great thing about the blind taste testing part is that only the cook knows what device cooked what dish so that eliminates any bias. Good stuff, I can't wait to show what I've found so far in my "tests" and I look forward to seeing others from the rest of ya!!

So, let me round up my past data and create some posts for you all to be amazed by, lol. (tongue firmly in cheek here)
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on May 07, 2016, 07:21:33 AM
Here we go! This wasn't my first test but it's going to be the first one I post, lol. This one was Beef Ribs bought from Restaurant Depot. One rack done on the Traeger, one on the Smokin-It #3 and one done on the Big Steel Keg. Here's how it went :




I must mention that the SI#3 got the biggest rack of the bunch as you can tell by the pics it has a little more meat on it.

Here is a shot of the sampling board. I apologize for the carnage! Those bones were nibbled on by my Wife and Son before I was smart enough to take a picture, lol!

From left to right - Keg, Traeger, SI

The meat was smoked with Peach on all 3 smokers. The SI and Keg used chunks while the Traeger used pellets. All went for close to 6 hours at a range of 225-250 (each has temp swings as all grills/smokers do). All were seasoned with Dizzy Pig Red Eye Express Coffee Infused Rub.

The Voting went like this (keep in mind, I KNEW which was which but my Wife and Son did not.

Ranking by number
Wife - 1=Traeger  2=SI  3=Keg
Son - 1=SI  2=Traeger  3=Keg
Me - 1=Traeger  2=SI  3=Keg

The one we were all in agreement on was the Keg! It was last (still very good mind you). That didn't set well with my Keg brethren, lol.

Tenderness was very close between the Traeger and the SI with the Keg being slightly less tender.
Appearance goes to the SI but I think that was due to it just being a bigger rack.

Overall, nobody was complaining about any of them but alas, this round does go to the Traeger. If I had to grade these, using the Traeger as a 100, the SI Ribs were a 90 and the Keg gets an 80.

The Mighty Keg is my best all around cooker but that doesn't mean squat when it came to this cook! The SI held it's own. My Son even picked it as #1!!

So.....that's one test done. I have more I'll post so keep an eye out for those ;) Ain't this fun? :)
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on May 07, 2016, 10:11:24 AM
This was my first ever head to head, it was done when I fist got my little Traeger. I decided to cook chicken for this test. Members that are here from the Keg Forum have seen this already.

Ok Ladies & Gents, Boys & Girls. The cooking is over, the tasting and judging is over. I will post pics after the results are given. I will discuss things from my side, cooking the chicken and the experience with each grill then will post results from Mrs RG about the eating  ;D

I cooked these on their respective grills at 375 with smoke, apple wood on the keg and pellets, that are comprised of various hardwoods according to the package, on the traeger. Each was allowed to reach 375 (400 dome on keg) before the birds were placed on the grill. The keg got a bird that was a little bigger than what I put on the traeger. My observation is that they cook roughly at the same speed, the traeger finished first since it had a smaller chicken on it but the keg was not too far behind. So far they're even in my book. Appearance wise I'd say the keg bird looked better than the traeger bird although both did not get the color I wanted nor the crispy skin I wanted but oh well. Next I foiled the birds and let them rest while Mrs RG was making some mashed potatoes and corn on the cob (there are no plated pics, sorry!)

I had Mrs RG take a look at both birds. She had no idea which one was cooked on which grill. As for appearance she too chose the kegged bird! Next I had her put on a scarf so I could make sure she wasn't cheating and sneaking a peek  ;)  I didn't want her to be influenced by the way one looked over the other.

I sliced a two bite piece including skin from the kegged bird first. She tasted it and then cleaned the palate with water and then ate a same sized piece with skin from the traeger bird. Before making her decision she repeated the process and chose................TRAEGER! She liked the taste and texture of it better than the keg! I wasn't counting on that to be honest with you. I then tried it myself and you all KNOW I love my kegs but I have to agree, the Traeger chicken had a better texture and flavor. We both agree that the Keg chicken was a little moister however.

Bottom line, you can't go wrong with either. I bought the Traeger because I was curious and the price was RIGHT! The keg simply is more versatile of a cooker in my opinion but the little Traeger earned some respect from the Mrs tonight and that ain't a bad thing!

Both Rubbed With Plowboy's Yardbird

Chicken on Keg

Chicken on Traeger

Kegged Chick to the left, Traeger to the right

Kegged foreground, Traeger in the back

Traeger foreground, Kegged in the back


Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: hikerman on May 07, 2016, 11:05:38 AM
Good thread RG. Those of us with multiple cookers have a pretty good idea which cooker cooks a particular type or cut of meat better than the others. Our experience makes it so we can put out very good food from any of the arsenal. But the "best" may be very subjective as to the process. My GMG pellet grill can give me an 8 rating on just about anything with my eyes closed and letting it do all the work, versus another grill. Yet I can tweak a few things on any other grill and get a better showing than the pellet grill. It seems for you your go-to-cooker is your kegs, for me it's my PK. I enjoy using all of my grills at different times. They are like children, all are different, but loved just the same! When I decide on the gist of the meal, I usually pick the grill best suited for that particular meat, but sometimes I pick a grill because of my mood! A good cook can cook on anything and bring forth a fine meal as they say.
And you are right it is fun to pit one against the other.
Lastly, this forum is very big on mutual respect for others and their chosen brands of cookers. This is about food but fun is right up there as well. So here, we can say just about anything as long as we aren't offensive to our fellow forum mates. And that is a great thing!
On with the cooking! ;)

Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on May 07, 2016, 12:03:43 PM
Hiker, you hit the nail on the head. People tend to get SO passionate about their favorite grills and I get it, really I do. I just am not one to sit idle. If I can "up my game" by expanding my horizons with another cooker (or 6) then why not give it a whirl? I was one of those people who used to turn my nose up at electric smokers. I hate to say it, but it was true. That changed when I started looking into catering and I found what would be right for me in the way of an electric smoker so I took a big chance (at the high school dance with a missy who was ready to play) and ordered a Smokin-It #3 and I have to say it was a game changer! I never thought that an electric could smoke better than my Kegs, and it DOES! (sorry for the Aerosmith, I couldn't help it! Actually does one apologize for Aerosmith? I think not. :P)

You're right about the Kegs though, they wear many hats and do it well. It is THE single most versatile thing I have. Bar none. BUT (never start a sentence with but they say, "they" can kiss it!) it's not my best cooker for all things. Everything I own has its place, and I am cool with that!
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: smokeasaurus on May 07, 2016, 12:23:31 PM
Electric smokers have a place on my deck as well. They do a great job and are just so simple in design.

......and.......never....ever....does anyone have to apologize about Aerosmith  8) 8)
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: Smokin Don on May 07, 2016, 01:46:21 PM
That's some good tests and comparisons Guy!!! Good post!!! Don
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on March 01, 2020, 07:33:33 PM
A lot has changed since this old post :P

I am down to 1 Keg (had 3), I no longer have a Traeger and the Smokin-It is gone as well. I have pretty well found what I like at this point I guess but I still like to experiment with different cookers.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: Jaxon on March 02, 2020, 08:55:26 AM
I'd like to see a cook-off with the KBQ against anything you have left.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: Tailgating is my game on March 02, 2020, 12:09:13 PM
I realized my talents will never be like all of yours on this site.....But I still love it lol. I like my gas grill for chicken parts, lamb chops, dogs & burgers. My Weber charcoal for steaks, & my big easy for whole birds & my sizzle-Q for breakfast on the gasser....I will cook a steak on my gasser when in a rush.

This year I plan to do some cooking on the boat kabobs, burgers dogs & Steaks on my Magma Grill.

Like RG I am selling grills off as I have way too many. I need to raise money for a windless on my boat lol.

BUT if I were to buy a grill it might be a charcoal grill for the boat....we shall see how this year goes.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: Oneof11 on March 02, 2020, 01:28:41 PM
Hey RG what brand of pellet are you using? Cooking on my pellet grill I find it dries things out a lot compared to my Keg.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on March 02, 2020, 02:29:12 PM
Hey RG what brand of pellet are you using? Cooking on my pellet grill I find it dries things out a lot compared to my Keg.

You are exactly right about the drying out part. That's why I like certain things cooked on different cookers. The Keg is a very moist environment so that doesn't lend itself too well for cooks that you want to have a dry cooking environment. I don't do briskets and butts on pellet grills/smokers for that reason. I think pellet grills are TOO dry but I also think a Kamado is TOO wet, there's an in between that I like and that is the KBQ.

I do like ribs on pellet grills though, they're actually my favorite thing to cook on a pellet grill. Just enough smoke (for me) and just dry enough and wet enough to make a proper bark. Not brisket or butt bark but great for a rib.

As for brand of pellet, I just use Pit Boss Competition Blend and like it. I used to use cookingpellets.com or lumberjack but I get a much better value out of the Pit Boss ones.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: bamabob on March 02, 2020, 03:12:30 PM
Good info about pellet grills, I wasn't aware they were a dry enviroment, must we why there's a lot of spritzin going on when I watch videos on YouTube.  I had been thinking about getting a pellet grill but clean-up also seems to be a pain.  Seems like they don't use a drip pan under the meat.  When doing butts or brisket on my keg I get a lot of liquid in the drip pan, can't imagine all that just falling into the cooking chamber of a pellet grill.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on March 02, 2020, 04:53:23 PM
Good info about pellet grills, I wasn't aware they were a dry enviroment, must we why there's a lot of spritzin going on when I watch videos on YouTube.  I had been thinking about getting a pellet grill but clean-up also seems to be a pain.  Seems like they don't use a drip pan under the meat.  When doing butts or brisket on my keg I get a lot of liquid in the drip pan, can't imagine all that just falling into the cooking chamber of a pellet grill.

Since its not double wall insulated like the keg, it doesn't trap in moisture. They act like what they are, a regular style grill. As for cleanup, it's also like a regular grill, it's just that they do have a heat shield that can get greasy but you can cover with foil to help.

Also, if you were to cook a butt, cook it on a rack, over a drip pan, works fine.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: smokeasaurus on March 02, 2020, 05:04:24 PM
Our vertical Pit Boss pellet smoker has a water tray that sits over the flame director so I have never had dry food off of it. I am sure a water tray could be used in pellet grills with some success...…..
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on March 02, 2020, 06:01:22 PM
Our vertical Pit Boss pellet smoker has a water tray that sits over the flame director so I have never had dry food off of it. I am sure a water tray could be used in pellet grills with some success...…..

It could be done I'm sure, that's a good idea for Bamabob :) Now he needs to go get into the pellet world of cookery!
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: smokeasaurus on March 03, 2020, 10:56:24 AM
You can do it Bamabob, just jump in the proverbial hopper  :)
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: bamabob on March 03, 2020, 05:08:27 PM
You can do it Bamabob, just jump in the proverbial hopper  :)

It could be done I'm sure, that's a good idea for Bamabob :) Now he needs to go get into the pellet world of cookery!

I too was one that was considering pulling the trigger on the Weber Smokefire until seeing the reviews and all the problems with it. I'm also one of those in a cooking grilling rut like Cajunate, haven't done much smoking lately, probably a couple of briskets, a few racks of ribs and 3 or 4 butts in the past year, making it hard to justify the expense of another smoker.   Mainly using the Weber gasser for some quick grilling of chicken, salmon, burgers, brats and dogs.  My soon to be 10 year old kamado big steel keg still serves me well, love the versatility, a jack of all trades I suppose while a master of none.
I think if I ever decide to pull the trigger on another smoker it would most likely be a true stick burner, probably the KBQ.   Between the KBQ, my keg and my Weber I could do everything from true wood fired bbq to 700* pizzas and wood fired steaks to quick and easy burgers and brats. 
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: bamabob on March 03, 2020, 05:09:38 PM
I'd like to see a cook-off with the KBQ against anything you have left.

X2 but I would need a taste before pulling the trigger on a KBQ!  See post above
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on March 03, 2020, 05:18:22 PM
I'd like to see a cook-off with the KBQ against anything you have left.

I can save you the trouble, the KBQ wins on anything smoked. Not even a contest. You'd have to taste the food from a KBQ to know what I am talking about really. It's a pain to babysit, it really is, but the end result is stellar.

For quick meals, it's hard to beat a pellet grill. It has the "ready to cook quick" simplicity of a gas grill so it's tough to beat for convenience.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: bamabob on March 03, 2020, 05:34:40 PM
I'd like to see a cook-off with the KBQ against anything you have left.

I can save you the trouble, the KBQ wins on anything smoked. Not even a contest. You'd have to taste the food from a KBQ to know what I am talking about really. It's a pain to babysit, it really is, but the end result is stellar.

For quick meals, it's hard to beat a pellet grill. It has the "ready to cook quick" simplicity of a gas grill so it's tough to beat for convenience.

the pain to babysit along with the need to source wood and cut to just the right size is what has kept me from pulling the trigger on a KBQ.  I have no doubt it produces serious Q, but find it hard to justify the time and effort.

I can get my keg up to temp about as quick as my Weber by using my battery operated leaf blower to stoke the fire. 
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: RG on March 06, 2020, 02:28:12 PM
Cutting the wood for the KBQ is not a big deal. I have wood delivered from whomever is selling on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. I take my old ass Ryobi miter saw and cut down from there. If you're comfortable getting up early and being near the fire for the day, adding wood every 30-45 minutes then it's not a big deal. I've grown used to it at this point. Coming from a Keg with an Auber, sleeping while it smokes, it was a change for sure. Also, my Smokin-It #3 was easy peezy and made better butts than the Keg and even a pellet grill is pretty much set it and forget it, as long as you make sure the hopper never runs out, lol.

If nothing else, I think you'd love a pellet grill! I've said many times before, I'll NEVER not own a pellet grill. I'd take one any day over a Kamado but that's what suits MY style of cooking. I can anything on the pellet grill that I can on a Kamado. I can sear a steak at 1000 degrees, I can bake on it, I can smoke on it and yes, I can just plain old grill on it!

I know many on here have high dollar pellet grills and I am sure that they are worth every penny but my advice to you is buy a Pit Boss or Louisiana Pellet grill (made by the same company) or a Green Mountain or Camp Chef. If you like it and want to upgrade to a Mak or Memphis or a Yoder, then you can always do that later on. I have been happy with the "budget" versions myself, including the Traeger.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: MJSBBQ on March 07, 2020, 06:33:16 AM
Good information on an old topic.

RG--of the pellet grills you mentioned, which one is the easiest clean up, and how would you handle the "dryness" complaints?

I am still real old school. I still use my old Big Red 4 burner Charbroil, and my smoker is a real old school electric.
Title: Re: Grill Vs. Grill
Post by: Cajunate on March 07, 2020, 07:58:54 AM
I have a almost 14 year old Traeger and have never had anything come out dry. Everything has always been moist. I'm sure if you left something on too long past it's "cooked" temperature it can come out dry but I've never had that problem.
You do have to remember it has a fan which makes basically a convection oven.