Tips, Tricks & Just Good Advice! > Burn it in the Back Yard with Hub!

Musing About Barbeque in General

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Liver and onions... I'll eat it, but I can't say I go out of my way for it.  My dad on the other hand could eat it three times a day.  Need to call him and say hello.  :)

What a great article!!!

Now I feel real good about my obsession.

My Daddy is the one with the pipe in his mouth. He used to do a lot of cooking for the schools, churches, political rallies among other groups. Never took anything other than the cost of food.  He got the white coats loaned to them from the C&S grocery store and the awning from Cleve Fountains Funeral Home.  When he would do a BBQ that required someone staying up all night that one be an old gentleman named "Mr Ward" and he would sip on a pint of Early Times the entire night as he tended the meat.  Sometimes I'd be out there with him and always wanted to add more coals to the pit and he'd get on me.  This went on in the '40s, '50s, 60's till he died in Jan 70 a year after I got back home from Viet Nam. Tommy, Thanks for posting that.  Dee

I hope I can get some good pics when we have our family gathering on July 6th in Appling, GA.  My sister's husband and 3 son's will be getting up real early to cook a whole pig (about 80 pounds) over their brick pit.  He cooks about 8 a year for various groups and occasions and has been doing so for over 30 years.  He's pretty doggone good at it.  His boys keep the fire barrel going and he adds the coals as needed.  He doesn't use a thermometer so I don't know HOW he knows what temp he's cooking at, but he hasn't turned out a bad one yet.  All the guys hang out at the pit and when it is "right", they start pulling it apart and chopping it up.  All the choppers get samples as they go along.
You know...he makes a great vinegar-based sauce for moppin' and dippin', but he will NOT give me the recipe.
I'll keep you posted...


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