Tips, Tricks & Just Good Advice! > Burn it in the Back Yard with Hub!

Musing About Barbeque in General

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Hub,  Great article and synopsis of what it's all about. 
I think back to my Daddy cooking and BBQing in the 40s, 50s, and 60s and see how things have changed so much.  I believe we are living in the "Golden Age of Outdoor Cooking" today because of all the availability of equipment and sources of information such as YouTube and this one  for us to share and learn.  This is our heyday... as were the 50's and very, very early 60's were for the USA...let's realize it and enjoy it.  Dee

Great article! Now I am all fired up about BBQ!


--- Quote from: ACW3 on April 20, 2013, 09:14:37 AM ---That reminds me, I need to plan what I am cooking for my dinner tonight.  The wife is out of town tonight and the options are wide open!

--- End quote ---

When this rare event falls in my lap I always resort to one of two things:  Ribs with HOT sauce, or a big skillet of liver and onions.  Don't forget to clean up after yourself, though  ;)


I don't do liver and onions.  Good waste of onions, IMO.  But I love good liverwurst.  Go figure.  The ribs, on the other hand, are an excellent idea.  I am leaving for Sam's Club very shortly.


Great article Hub, and I love some good calf liver and onions cooked in a cast iron skillet. Yumm.


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