Tips, Tricks & Just Good Advice! > Burn it in the Back Yard with Hub!

North Carolina Pellets, sort of . . .

(1/2) > >>

I have often bemoaned the fact that North Carolina pellet cookers have to import pellets from Arkansas, Wisconsin and other far-away places while we have vast forests and (still) lots of furniture manufacturing here that would be a great source of pellet makings.  Well, looks like we're gonna' start making lots of pellets . . .  then ship them to Europe  ???


Well, maybe you can order them from Europe and have them shipped to you so you can be the proud owner of local North Carolina pellets.  ??? ??? ???

Don't have any in MA either... I have to order them from ATBBQ

Maybe if Tee showed the driver his legs, he would give you some pellets before they made it out of the country.


--- Quote from: sliding_billy on September 28, 2013, 08:40:17 AM ---Maybe if Tee showed the driver his legs, he would give you some pellets before they made it out of the country.

--- End quote ---

That guy would probably be screaming "I will do anything you want.... Just please cover up those legs!!!" 8)

Hub I am assuming they are heating pellets. Must be a big demand for them in Europe to start a factory ???


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