Let's Talk BBQ

FORUM SPONSORS => Cookinpellets.com => Topic started by: GrillGirl@cookinpellets on August 24, 2018, 10:59:29 AM

Title: Grilled Pizza!
Post by: GrillGirl@cookinpellets on August 24, 2018, 10:59:29 AM
Perfect for pizza night!

1 Uncooked Pizza
Apple Mash or Perfect Mix Pellets

Set your pellet grill at 325 degrees using Apple Mash pellets for a lighter flavor or Perfect Mix for a stronger flavor.
Leave the pizza on the grill for about 6 - 10 minutes longer than whatever the recipe/box says - But always keep a close eye the whole time the pizza is cooking and use your judgement. The light smoke that gets added on is worth every minute!