Wi-Fi or non Wi-Fi on your mak?

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Not sure how much I would use it but if I had the $ I like the idea.   


--- Quote from: TentHunteR on August 02, 2016, 08:19:51 AM ---I do not have the WiFi, but I am like you; most of my cooking is in the back yard, and for temperature monitoring I use my Maverick wireless thermometers.  So I honestly don't know how much use the WiFi would get for me.

Also I have a great audible remote system for my MAK where all I have to do is speak a command and the changes are made to my MAK remotely.  It's called the "Simple Oral Notification" system, or SON for short.  For example: I just say, "Son, please go bump the temperature on the MAK up to 375°," and it's done!  :D

--- End quote ---
. I see the "SON" system leaving soon!


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