Other Cooking Equipment > AIR FRYERS

New Cuisinart AirFryer Toaster Oven

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Picked this up at Costco today. First cook, chicken nuggets!

Marinaded in pickle juice. Egg wash with a dash or two of House of Tsang Stir-Fry Oil mixed in. Panko, salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder.

Air-Fried at 400 degrees for about 8 minutes.

Served with Kosmos Apple Chipotle BBQ Sauce. Not a bad first try. Gonna have to adjust temps and times a bit. The oven seems to run a little hot.

Very nice. If I had a lot more counter space I would do the same thing

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Big Dawg:
I bought one of these a few weeks ago and have been playing around with it.  So far it does a great job with frozen stuff, like tater tots, fries, etc.  I did some fried pickles that turned out okay, my recipe was partially to blame.  I even did some pretty good fish & chips.  The fish was pretty good, although I much prefer battered fish than breaded. 

So far, I have made several different attempts at potato fries, wedges, chips, etc.  All to no avail.  They've all come out like they were over-baked.  No crispiness and mushy in the middle.

I agree that it seems to run hot in Air Fry mode and I'm making adjustments to that also.

To your point Pappy, the reason I (for one) got this one is my lack of counter space.  My old toaster oven bit the dust and all I didn't have room for a toaster oven and traditional air fryer.

As soon as I get more of a handle on things, I'm planning to post some cooks.  I hope that you'll keep us posted as well, Ron.


I've found that when air frying it's important to keep an eye on things as once the surface of the food reaches a certain temp things go fast.  Can go from being nearly done to charred in a minute. 

I agree that the air fryer does a great job on frozen items like tater tots and hash brown patties but those items already have oil on them and have been flash fried which removes much of the moisture.  The Cuisinart does a lot better job of crunching them up than the oven in much less time.

We also spray some oil on items like sweet potato fries to help with the crisp.  I remember when deep frying after immersing the product in the oil all the steam that immediately arose from the moisture boiling out of the product.

Try it for chicken wings, does a great job.

They look good, just don't have the counter space for a unit that size.    I do love my air fryer and I hope you get a lot of good fod from that one


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