General > Contests - just for fun

12 Days of Super Pig Contest

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I was talking with Tim and suggested we have another contest, So Lets have a Super-Pig Contest!! The Contest will start June 15, 2013 so you have plenty of time to order your bottle of Super-Pig if you don't already have a bottle you can get it HERE
 . The rules are pretty simple. You must use Super-Pig in your entry, You can make Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper or desert, whatever you want. You can cook it on whatever cooking device you have. You Must take great pictures and post the recipe or how you made your prize winning entry. teesquare has graciously offer 3 bottles 0f Super-pig or your choice of rubs as the prize and I heard there might even be a trophy for bragging rights being the winner.
The contest will close midnight June 26th for posting entries and a poll will go up so every LTBBQ  member can vote on the entry they think is the best. The Poll will close July 3rd, 2013 and the winner will be the one with the highest votes.

Who wants to play?


I'm your Huckleberry. I have a recipe idea already. Can I post one early?


--- Quote from: muebe on May 29, 2013, 09:20:05 AM ---I'm your Huckleberry. I have a recipe idea already. Can I post one early?

--- End quote ---

We are trying to keep the contest to the "12 Days" theme - and picked the timeframe to help give folks time to prepare recipes....If someone is going to be on vacation, and not near a computer - Aaron or myself could post the recipe for them during the contest timeframe.

Well if I make it early I will hold off posting until the contest starts ;)


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