Outdoor Cooking Equipment > Homebuilt & Modified Cookers

My new Bradley Smoker cabinet

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So my other Bradley smoking cabinet did not survive the move I did in December. Well Lowe's had a sale on a really nice Rubbermaid cabinet that would work nicely...

First I cut a hole in the roof for the vent pipe where all that beautiful smoke will exit...

Here is where I plug in the extension cord for power to the cabinet...

I installed brackets on both sides of the back to secure it to the fence. The wind gusts can get really fast out here...

A view of the inside. All the shelves were made with a old broken down cabinet that I found left in the garage when I moved in. Might as well recycle the wood. I added a lot of support to make sure if I load up the Bradley the shelves will hold...

My puck burner is located in a 4 inch y-pipe extension like my old design. The spent pucks drop down the pipe onto the next shelf down. The bathroom fan mounted on the cabinet wall provides air over the pipe where the copper heat-sinks are located to aid in cooling during cold smoking. There is a thermostat that controls the fan...

Here is the lower shelf where the pucks drop into a plastic bucket that will be filled with water of course. They will be extinguished by the water so not worried about using plastic. Just can't forget to put water in it...

The left side of the Bradley where the convection fan is installed...

Inside view of the convection fan...

Here is where the smoke will come in. In the back you can see my 900W finned heating element. The factory is only 500W so mine has a bit more heating power...

The Auberins dual probe PID for precision temperature control...

And the electronics hub. Yeah I know it is just a power strip. The switched plug runs the wall mounted fan...

Right side lower shelf where there are some hand scrubs and my Bradley wood pucks in those tubes...

The bottom right side stores my pellets nicely...

Left side lower shelf has some Milt's pellets and a box full of Mavericks with a iGrill...

Bottom left more pellets and some charcoal...

It will be nice to finally makes some jerky again and some smoked cheese!

The last thing to install in the cabinet is some lights for at night ;)

You could sell this. Very nice build, Mike!



I like the looks of your back yard as well! 

I don't see the TV and the beer fridge ???

You are one handy dude. Nice work

Good job Mike


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