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Is anyone familiar with this?

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Thanks again guys.
I think collectively we have come up with the answers I was looking for.
I appreciate your help.

I really had no idea so I asked on a forum that has mostly people from that area of the world. On fellow added this to the post over there this morning. LOL

"You are right this cognac is from Azerbaijan, former soviet (USSR) republic. Azerbaijani cognac never was considered a "good" cognac in former Soviet Union. Georgian and Azerbaijani cognacs used to be considered just "OK" cognacs. On the other hand Armenian (especially five stars) was the best one and second one in that rating line was cognac from Moldova - also former soviet republic - so called "white stork". None of those cognac can be compared with any decent French cognacs, IMO. Last time I tried those cognacs was almost 30 years ago and my taste is based on that experience. Who knows, maybe quality of their cognac's has changed since then but I really doubt that....."

Thanks. Interesting comment.
Maybe Gorbachev doesn't have a refined palate.
Or perhaps his gift was an underhanded way of saying,"yea, but we still don't like you".  :D :D :D

I wonder what he brought for President Reagan. :)

Interesting finish to your story!
But, I'm still a bit confused as to how/why all these, then satellite regions of the USSR, now countries of their own, can call their brandy....cognac. As I understand, all cognac is brandy but not all brandy can be cognac. Cognac must be grown, distilled and barrel aged in the Cognac Region of France, thus the name cognac! If a brandy is grown, distilled and aged 1 kilometer outside of the Cognac Region it can not be sold as cognac. Cognac is not necessarily any better than brandy, and vice versa, but the quality of the grapes, the distilling process and the aging time determine the caliber of the liquor. Obviously France cannot govern any other country's product but it just doesn't seem kosher! I personally would never purchase a cognac made anywhere but France....brandy yes.


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