FORUM SPONSORS > Savannah Stoker Pellet Grill Control System

Install question


Hello I just have a question about installing my SSV3. First let me say I went to the website and placed my order and received the SSV3 3 days later and it looks great and I cant wait to do my first cook with it.

My question is: after installing I heard what I thought was a rattle and after investigating I noticed the small induction fan (I think) was just hitting one of the wires coming off the back of the controller. After loosening the clamps that hold the controller in the faceplate and coming up with a makeshift spacer it moved it forward enough for the fan to clear. So, has anyone else had the same issue? If so, what did you do to fix the problem? Is there another spacer that I can get that will have a factory style fit or do I just have to make one?

My second question is what is the optimal setting to get the most smoke at 215 to 225 degrees?

I'm not sure if it matters but I installed it on a Traeger Texas Grill.

Thanks for any information

It is the auger fan.  Has no use, anyway.  Just trim the blades down.


I had same problem when I installed my Savannah Stoker. I looked under the pellet hopper and saw that the fan was hitting the wire. I bent the terminal end just enough so that it clears the fan blade. Haven't had any problems.


Ok thanks for the information I will give those two things a try.  Do you guys have any settings you like when you smoke a butt or ribs?



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