Tips, Tricks & Just Good Advice! > Garden to Table - Growing Your Own!

Spuds 2016 Garden

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The heirloom tomatoes I bought last year and seed saved are really sprouting well.Have 4 up already.

To save those seeds i just scooped out from a tomato,and spread them around on a napkin and let them dry.I just peel off a few stuck to the napkin using just one ply of the paper,and plant them.

Very successful this year,and a super simple seed save.

My LED grow light went POOF when plugged in so just using a regular CFL curly bulb in lamp.The waterbed heat mat keeping them between 72-78 degrees F.

Sprouts coming along.Replanted the purple toms that didnt sprout.Mrs's sunflowers were a winner,as are her black eyed susans in yellow tubs

Smokin Don:
Looks like you are off to a good start!!! Don

Great to see your saved seeds are doing well!   I'm giving straw-bale gardening a try this year along with my regular beds, we'll see how it turns out!   All I've found out so far is that I'm hella allergic to the fertilizer I used on them!   ???

Thanks Don et all.

Kat,friend does bales successfully,lots of fertilizer.

I had some mold on some seedlings.Sprayed with colloidal silver and its gone and hasnt returned.New seedlings now have some,making a batch of silver as we speak!


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