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What Easter Egg Hunt?????


This past Monday I needed my checkbook but it was not where I keep it. So...the search was on, which lead me to Mrs H's computer desk. As I neared her desk, I saw something that caught my attention (not my checkbook!). What the *$#@₩ is this? I blurted out! She came running,  and said "oh that! I took Bella to an Easter egg hunt! Thought I told you".  Although a female, Bella is the most rough and tumble 70 lb dog I know!  "What Easter egg hunt?" I asked. Turns out that the kennel where Bella attends for training put this on. And apparently pics were taken with the Easterbunny! I don't know who was more embarrassed, Bella or me!  ??? Lol 

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Hehehe  that's fantastic!! 


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