Outdoor Cooking Equipment > Big Easy (BEESR) and SRG Type cookers



I was out looking for SRG deals and ran across this Facebook group.

Then found this posting on SRG TEMPS.

Thought I'd share some info that I gathered about the SRG. Decided to waste some propane to find out what the temps inside were doing. About 50°ambient. Light wind. Used three thermometers: an analog oven term, a digital probe, and an infrared gun type. They all read within a few degrees of each other.
I let each position go about 15 minutes to stabilize. Here's what came out.

Low heat: Bottom rack 250°, Middle rack 350°, Top rack 390°.

High heat: Bottom 475°, Middle 525°, Top 600+

The only temp I can verify is the High heat top at 600+

If anyone has found different results please share.

I have looked at temps in the past but gave up since I had a pretty good idea on how they cook.   BUT reason for the Tommy Ring  was to lift the food up so it would be more consistent temps but CharBroil said the ring was not need which I beg to differ  :D :D :D

In my experience, the "Tommy Ring" was very helpful, but I never took any temps.

Pam Gould:
I got this from Msradell
Pam, here's the temperature chart from the instructions:
 1   125
 2   175
 3   225
 4   250
 5   275
 6   300
 7   325
 8   350
 9   375
10   400
11   425
12   450
13   475
14   500
15   525
Hope this helps!  Since the heat is basically IR there's not a good way to verify the actual temperatures inside the BEESR.
CaptJack -that list makes sense since wood doesn't burn until 451° (George Orwell's book the wood chips don't smoke until the setting is 12~15.

I use an infrared thermometer to check temps .

Orwell’s Fahrenheit 451 refers to the temperature of burning paper, not wood’s ignition temperature.  Wood’s flashpoint is generally considered to be ≈575° F.

Your writer is correct, there isn’t a good way to measure the temperature inside.  The infrared energy is simply light that we can’t see.  It doesn’t warm the air.  It only warms things it’s “shining” on, and they’ll vary in the amount they heat up.  Dark items will heat up more than reflective ones.

EDIT: Corrected spelling (dumb me).


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