Cured Meats & Food Preservation > Charcuterie: Ham, Bacon, Sausage, etc.

Pizza/Nacho Cheese Stix

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Making some pizza/nacho cheese sticks for a guy here out of his venison.

So here is a 2 lb test batch to see how it turns out before i do the other 15.

I was looking at a very small jar of nacho cheese powder compairing it to the regular cheese powder. Only missing item from the regular was jalapeno powder....Hey i can fix that  ;D

The mix is AC LEGGS OP Pizza stick mix.

In the fridge, will stuff and smoke tomorrow.

Here i'm grinding the rest of the venison.

All mixed with my fat cut in and in the fridge so it can marry before i mix and stuff.

Now this one is going to be a good thread, can't wait til the ending to see how they turn out

I couldn't wait no MOE

Used the cordless on the 2 lbs.

On medium dial setting.

And like everything else...Practice. This blow out, the dial was on high.

Ready for smoke tomorrow.


Would i recommend this to a friend?


Easy to use and inexpensive (while on sale)


Good for small batches
Easy to use and clean up
Will accept BPS/LEM Jerky blaster small tubes and nozzles.

Pam Gould:
nepas..those look gret..gonna smoke them or what?  Pam ★*˚°。°

As usual, if NEPAS is involved, I am following the progress!



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