Author Topic: Mouthwatering Ribs  (Read 676 times)

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Offline GrillGirl@cookinpellets

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Mouthwatering Ribs
« Reply #-1 on: July 04, 2016, 04:01:38 PM »
Mouthwatering Ribs from Darrin Valentine - 1 of the winners of our recipe contest on Facebook and a 40lb bag of Cookinpellets!
Keep it simple.
Meat Church rub, I used Honey Hog and Honey Hog Hot.
Let stand overnight in fridge.
Prepare the smoker with plenty of Perfect Mix pellets in my Smoke Daddy Cold Smoker.
Let smoke for 3 hours. Then remove and wrap ribs in a double layer of aluminum foil after slathering them with butter and coating with a heavy coating of brown sugar.
Before sealing put about 3/4 cup sweet liquid like apple or pineapple juice. I love Cherry Dr. Pepper or Cherry Coke. Then add about a TBL spoon more rub, seal tight and put back on the smoker for 2 hours.
Pull the tender smokey flavorful ribs from the smoker and remove from the foil. Put back on the smoker carefully to avoid ribs from tearing. They will tighten up a bit in this last segment to give you that perfect bite off the bone you want. Ribs will need around an hour here, add any sauce or glaze in the last 15 minutes allowing it to bubble and caramelize.
Pull your beautiful effort of love off the smoker and let rest for 10-15 minutes.
Now slice them ribs and brag, you deserve it.