Author Topic: SITE RULES - REAL SIMPLE...  (Read 15386 times)

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Offline Admin2

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« Reply #-1 on: December 01, 2011, 02:39:51 PM »
1.The Golden Rule is the one prevailing law. Just bear in mind that mutual respect, and lack of  personal ego in our posts and responses will foster the growth of this site better than any other ingredient.  You are probably here because someone thinks enough of you as a quality individual to invite you to participate in LTBBQ. Make 'em proud that you were highly recommended.

2. Keep the conversations family friendly. I know, I could be very funny to allow a bit of "off-color" stuff from time to time, but if it is something that would embarrass you if your momma or your child  reads it.....then use chat or PM.

3. Have fun. Yep - that is a rule. Folks - this site's goal is to encourage the enjoyment of fine food, fun and fellowship. Like a family cookout, without the family squabbles ;).

4. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is anyone with a commercial interest allowed to promote their product(s) or service(s) without prior permission, or unless they are a site sponsor!  This includes soft peddling, links in their signature, having someone else post about it, and Private Messaging or emailing other members about their product.

Now - go cook somethin' and show us pictures!

« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 07:16:08 PM by TentHunteR »