FORUM SPONSORS > Pit Barrel Cooker Co.

PBC Chickens

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Got a call from my wife yesterday - "some" of her family was going to stop over for dinner - what was I making? Oh, BTW our oldest daughter's boyfriend would be here and maybe our youngest and a friend or two... and our niece might be bringing her boyfriend... Decided that a couple of good size chickens on the PBC with some roasted potatoes, apples and onions, dressing and gravy along with a salad should do the job. Sorry - no pictures after getting the chicken ready for serving... I turned around and it was gone!

The chicken was fantastic. There is a unique flavor from charcoal - no wood added. It was moist, juicy and the Mo Rockin Rub was perfect. The small taters were quartered, granny smith apples were cut to the same size as was an onion. These were tossed with grapeseed oil and some chopped basil, oregano, sage, parsley, and rosemary. These were roasted till nicely done. (Before I could get the camera and take a pick they were on the table and being devoured!

Some fresh flaky biscuits completed the meal.

It was pretty cold last night (around 5* air temp - not sure about wind chill...) The charcoal took a bit longer to get going (might have been damp) and the whole cook took about 2 1/2 hours. But well worth it. Love the PBC.



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Great looking cook D-Holly......looks like you might need another PBC...... ;)

Bird looks great. Looks like you had some room for more. ;)

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Your birds look good.

Old Hickory:
Good looking cook.


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