Author Topic: NEW MEMBER INFORMATION  (Read 84871 times)

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Offline Admin2

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« Reply #-1 on: July 06, 2012, 09:37:02 AM »
Folks, we are getting a lot of new  applications for membership here at LTBBQ. We have instituted a policy and practice that is important for you to know about, because we want to make it easy for new members to join - but we are doing our best to keep the site "spam -free". ( tho my guess is that some of you are quite accomplished at making a BBQ'ed dish or two of Spam....)

So - here is what happens:

A new person joins - *but* they cannot post until they are approved by an Admin. The Admin will send them a request for them to e-mail back to teesquare ( moderator) a simple message containing - how they heard about LTBBQ, and what kind of cooking gear they are using, and anything else about themselves. They need to reply to Admin2 e-mail address:

PLEASE understand the purpose of this: It is not to be "exclusionary" as a site. It is merely to prevent spam-bots and individuals that want access to the site just to sell cheap Viagra here. ;D

We ask that you tell anyone that you want to become a member how this works - and more importantly WHY....

Lastly - this is not a perfect system. We have had 2 applicants in the last 6 months that the security software has banned because their e-mail addresses had been hack and hi-jacked at some time, and used to generate spam. This can result in their e-mail address and ISP being placed on a website that our software tracks, and then auto-bans if they are found on the list.

We are working on a solution, because - the hi-jacking of an e-mail address is more and more common as spammers become more crafty.

Thanks for reading this - and please e-mail, or PM with any questions.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 11:56:29 AM by admin2 »