Let's Talk BBQ

General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: deestafford on April 20, 2015, 07:43:56 PM

Title: Hey Y'all
Post by: deestafford on April 20, 2015, 07:43:56 PM
Hey Y'all.  I apologize for being away so long. I'll bring you up to date on what's been going on.

This post will tell you some things only four people know about...my wife, two daughters, and son in law. My wife knows all of it and the other three know most of it.  I wasn't going to tell y'all about it but Don said it maybe a good idea that it may help someone else.

As many of y'all know, about four years ago I developed Type II diabetes.  When it was discovered by the doctors at the Army hospital the numbers were higher than they had ever seen and said if I had not come in when I did I may not have made it over two months longer.  I followed all the programs they set forward and in less than a year I was completely diabetes free.

Also, doing that time I had a few skin cancers that turned out benign and were removed.

About two and a half years ago I was told I  had prostate cancer and it was stage 1.  The Army said it was a result of Agent Orange in Viet Nam.  I don't believe that. Agent Orange is blamed for a lot of things.  I   think it was something different. I think God called St. Peter over and said "Pete, I think I over did it with Dee Stafford.  I gave the boy good looks, strong brain, and excellent health.  It ain't right one man should have all of that in one package.  I think I'll knock down some of that health.  Let's give him a dose of prostrate cancer."  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

The treatment was to watch the PSA because the cancer is slow growing.  When they initially found it they had taken six probes in the prostate and one was cancerous.  Well, since that time we have been watching it and things were gradually going pretty good and it was treated with some pills. Last month the PSA increased significantly and a saturation biopsy was scheduled.  In that one 12 probes are taken.  That was about three weeks ago and I'm waiting on the results.  The last time took awhile also because they had to send them off to CA to make sure.  I guess I'll call this week to see what's going on. There are only two options: radiation and operation to take the prostate out.  I don't want to go through the radiation and the doctor, who is great, said I'm butting against the upper limit of the age to have the operation.  So, I guess that will be done pretty soon.

About six months ago some tests showed some concern with my kidneys and scheduled me to see a kidney doctor.  By the way, they  don't  call it the kidney clinic.  It's got a fancy name--Nephrology Services. The doctor did some more tests and said the diabetes had left some scarring and cause a 40% reduction in my kidney function.  I recently went for either an MRI or CAT SCAN for another test. It maybe an MRI cause I didn't see any cats. I'm got to go back and see the results of that.  The bottom line is the kidney situation is still a work in progress and don't know what the level of concern is with it.

That brings me to the Gathering this year.  I know some of  y'all need to make reservations on planes to get the best deal pretty soon.  Right now, I don't know what is happening with all these tests and I would hate for y'all to schedule time off and transportation and then I not be able to handle things.  For that reason, I don't think we will be able to have the Gathering this year.  If things work out OK, we'll do it next year.  I'm sorry to tell y'all that but things are in a state of flux right now and I'd hate to see anyone lose money.

Well, that's about it. I'll do another post about the remodeling of our kitchen. It came out great even with the over budget and over time for completion.  My daughter worked up a post on it with pictures and I'll send them to Don and ask him to forward it to the site.

I'm sorry for the cancellation,

Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: smokeasaurus on April 20, 2015, 07:50:49 PM
The only important thing Dee is your health and taking care of it. This way the next gathering will be around a BBQ pit and not a casket.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: ACW3 on April 20, 2015, 07:55:17 PM
You and your family are in our prayers.  My wife has not been to Augusta.  She'd love to visit, as long as it is NOT in a cabin at the lake.  Maybe we can schedule an informal (i.e., "small") get-together before it gets too hot.  Let me know if this would fit in your plans.  I may even be able to get Tee to join us.  I sure enjoy sitting down and chewing the fat with you.  We have both seen a few things in our lives.

Title: Hey Y'all
Post by: Pappymn on April 20, 2015, 08:03:22 PM
Praying for you Dee
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: muebe on April 20, 2015, 08:11:07 PM
Dee the most important thing right now is for you to take care of your health and family. Prayers your way...
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: teesquare on April 20, 2015, 08:11:54 PM
To heck withe the Fall Gathering - it is YOU we care about Dee.  I will second what Art said...Maybe we should plan a day to have as many come to Augusta  for lunch or dinner - and still have a "Fall Gathering".....?

Can I get some input from others on this?
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: drholly on April 20, 2015, 08:13:32 PM
I am praying for you Dee. You have been the one guy that got me into this whole mess. Whatever I can do to help you, I will.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: HighOnSmoke on April 20, 2015, 08:13:41 PM
Dee I will echo what Tim said, to heck with the Fall Gathering. Your health and well being is MUCH more important
that a BBQ get together! Our prayers are with you and your family!
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: HighOnSmoke on April 20, 2015, 08:14:16 PM
To heck withe the Fall Gathering - it is YOU we care about Dee.  I will second what Art said...Maybe we should plan a day to have as many come to Augusta  for lunch or dinner - and still have a "Fall Gathering".....?

Can I get some input from others on this?

I'm in Tim! Just give me a date!
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: ACW3 on April 20, 2015, 08:18:44 PM
We might want to make it a dual part event.  Dee could impart his wisdom and skills on posting pictures on the forum, then we can eat.

Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: drholly on April 20, 2015, 08:19:08 PM
To heck withe the Fall Gathering - it is YOU we care about Dee.  I will second what Art said...Maybe we should plan a day to have as many come to Augusta  for lunch or dinner - and still have a "Fall Gathering".....?

Can I get some input from others on this?

I'm in Tim! Just give me a date!

Heck - getting to Augusta is a LOT easier than the gathering place. I am up for that!
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: CDN Smoker on April 20, 2015, 08:30:47 PM
In my family's prayers Dee.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: Ka Honu on April 20, 2015, 08:33:32 PM
To heck withe the Fall Gathering - it is YOU we care about Dee.

Nah, I was in it for the Gathering.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: RAD on April 20, 2015, 08:46:21 PM
Let me know what you guys plan and I will see what I can do. Dee, sorry to hear all this but I love your spirit.
Title: Hey Y'all
Post by: Northshore on April 20, 2015, 09:01:49 PM
Dee, we haven't met in person yet someday I will see you at the gathering, but your only concern at this time should be your health and your family.  Thoughts and prayers with you,

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: nepas on April 20, 2015, 09:16:22 PM

So sorry to hear. Most important thing is to get yourself better. Gatherings can wait.

We are praying for you and your family.

Rick & Chrystal
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: TentHunteR on April 20, 2015, 09:18:18 PM
Hey Dee, just get better.  I will be praying for you!
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: hikerman on April 20, 2015, 09:24:33 PM
Dee it was nice to hear from you, I had been concerned. So sorry about your recent health issues, but you are a tough bugger from what I can tell. Hang in there buddy, we got your back. Healing thoughts and prayers to you and your family from both of us! You got an awful lot of cooking to do yet! 8)
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: drholly on April 20, 2015, 09:55:39 PM
To heck withe the Fall Gathering - it is YOU we care about Dee.

Nah, I was in it for the Gathering.

Gotta love the tortoise...  ;) ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: teesquare on April 20, 2015, 10:03:21 PM
To heck withe the Fall Gathering - it is YOU we care about Dee.

Nah, I was in it for the Gathering.

No more lettuce ( or whisky) for you..back in the pen! :D
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: deestafford on April 20, 2015, 10:07:10 PM
I really thank  y'all for the kind words and prayers.  They will come in handy.  I don't think I'm all that sick.  The doctors are doing a great job and I couldn't be treated better.  The kidney doctor is just trying to do all the  tests she can to find out what level the situation is.
Basically, I feel well enough to pull off the Gathering but there is enough uncertainty that I'm concerned that it is possible, but highly unlikely, that I could mess up y'all's travel times and plans and I don't want that to happen. I'm not scared or overly concerned. Just don't want to mess things up for y'all.  Dee
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: TwoPockets on April 20, 2015, 11:26:37 PM
Dee, don't worry about the gathering. You have put in a lot of work for years so we could get together. Hell, you even managed to get it scheduled on Alabama's off weekend last year but Lana was still recovering so I could not come.

My Dad will be 96 in June. He had surgery for prostate cancer 20 years ago. He had 5 heart bypass surgery, ruptured appendix and cut off half his left ear from skin cancer.

He used to have a saying from General George Patton, "Yea though I walk through the shadow of death. I will fear no evil for I am the meanest bastard in the valley."

I have only met you once in person but you hugged my neck and treated my like my Uncle Dee. You are the toughest old bird I know. I bet when me and most of us are old and senile and messing up our Depends you will be cooking some good BBQ, and hopefully posting some good pictures.

If don't have a gathering over this year I drive right there going up to see my son in NC. I would love to stop by and take out for some BBQ and meet the Lady that puts up with you.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: pmillen on April 20, 2015, 11:47:13 PM
Dee, I have frequently thought of you during your absence.  Someone posted that you were very busy with work on the homestead but I didn't buy in.  You have been in the prayers of the Millen household for quite a while.  It will continue.  Be well.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: sliding_billy on April 21, 2015, 02:03:41 AM
Thanks so much for posting Dee.  Please get well.

Heavenly Father, be with our brother (and his family) as he battles life's challenges.  Keep him strong, and let him know that you are there through his journeys as you have always been.  Amen!
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: IR2dum on April 21, 2015, 02:36:17 AM
Dee, we all love you and wish and pray for your good health. You've fought tougher enemies than this and have won. Keep fighting.

I will start off the Augusta Dee Gathering this year by going to Augusta on May 4th (in two weeks) and again on May 8th. Every time I go through Augusta, Dee and I have lunch at a very nice Mexican restaurant just off IH20. This is always the highlight of a long drive that I make two or three times a year. The food is great, but the conversations with Dee are even greater. Anyone wishing to meet up on these dates just get in touch with us and we'll give you the info. 
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: Pam Gould on April 21, 2015, 03:52:12 AM
Hang in the Uncle Dee,,we all love you and wish you our best. We will do another gathering when your better. All 4 of them were great for me because of all the help that you did. thank you for that. Real good to see you back with us again. Love ya.  Pam  .☆´¯`•.¸¸. ི♥ྀ.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: Hub on April 21, 2015, 07:29:38 AM
To heck withe the Fall Gathering - it is YOU we care about Dee.  I will second what Art said...Maybe we should plan a day to have as many come to Augusta  for lunch or dinner - and still have a "Fall Gathering".....?

Can I get some input from others on this?

X 2

Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: ACW3 on April 21, 2015, 07:59:58 AM
Dee, we all love you and wish and pray for your good health. You've fought tougher enemies than this and have won. Keep fighting.

I will start off the Augusta Dee Gathering this year by going to Augusta on May 4th (in two weeks) and again on May 8th. Every time I go through Augusta, Dee and I have lunch at a very nice Mexican restaurant just off IH20. This is always the highlight of a long drive that I make two or three times a year. The food is great, but the conversations with Dee are even greater. Anyone wishing to meet up on these dates just get in touch with us and we'll give you the info.

When will you be back home?  Maureen and I will be heading to Houston/Galveston sometime around May 6/7/8.  Let me know.

Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: TMB on April 21, 2015, 08:29:20 AM
Dee, your health is your top priority right now.   Like Tim and the others to heck with the gathering we can meet anytime, but getting you healthy is the main thing. 

 Kimmie and I will pray for you my friend, just never give up and knowing you that's not an option.   
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: IR2dum on April 21, 2015, 12:08:26 PM
Dee, we all love you and wish and pray for your good health. You've fought tougher enemies than this and have won. Keep fighting.

I will start off the Augusta Dee Gathering this year by going to Augusta on May 4th (in two weeks) and again on May 8th. Every time I go through Augusta, Dee and I have lunch at a very nice Mexican restaurant just off IH20. This is always the highlight of a long drive that I make two or three times a year. The food is great, but the conversations with Dee are even greater. Anyone wishing to meet up on these dates just get in touch with us and we'll give you the info.

When will you be back home?  Maureen and I will be heading to Houston/Galveston sometime around May 6/7/8.  Let me know.


Art, I will be leaving Wilmington, NC on Friday the 8th. Lunch in Augusta with Dee around noon. And depending on Jaxon's health and recovery, afternoon and evening at Jaxon's house in Byron, GA with Dee, Albert, and Mike for a mini-Gathering. Jaxon always says that you are welcome to eat a little bbq with us and enjoy our company. I should be home on the 9th. Looking forward to y'alls visit. I've got some places to show you.
Title: Re: Hey Y'all
Post by: akruckus on April 21, 2015, 12:38:03 PM
Get well, get well soon, we hope you to get well!