Let's Talk BBQ

General => General Discussion & Topics => Humor => Topic started by: SmokinKat on May 18, 2016, 06:24:21 PM

Title: Smokin Don's Salmon Cakes
Post by: SmokinKat on May 18, 2016, 06:24:21 PM
Seeing Don's recent recipe for salmon cakes brought up a funny memory from my childhood I thought I'd share:

We lived in Alaska, and the whole family had fishing permits, so we'd try our best to catch our limit of salmon every day during the season to fill the freezer up for rest of the upcoming year.  I would kill for that kind of abundance of (free!!) fresh salmon now, but as a kid, we got tired of it really quickly, since we ate it for almost every dinner.  The parents did their best to serve it different ways, but it got old pretty quick. 

My little brother Sam, who was probably about 4 at the time, was extra whiny about it one day, so my older brother and I shared with him a little secret that we'd do with vegetables we didn't like--  you stuff it in your cheeks, then ask to use the bathroom, and go and spit it out!!  He thought that was just genius.

So that night, we had salmon cakes for the umpteenth time, and little Sammy apparently tried out his new found sneaking skills. 

About an hour after dinner, though, he was complaining of a tummy ache.  My mom went to feel his forehead and see if he was coming down with something, and discovered he had squirreled away his entire salmon cake into his little fat cheeks, but forgot the part about spitting it out afterwards!   He'd been sucking on cold, chewed up salmon for the last hour!    ::) ::) 

Little jerk ratted us out too, so we all got in trouble that night.  :)  Totally worth it to still be able to razz him about that though!
Title: Re: Smokin Don's Salmon Cakes
Post by: tomcrete1 on May 18, 2016, 08:37:44 PM
Funny story, used to excuse myself to go to the bathroom during dinner with a cheek full of what I didn't like,  never got caught as long as I didn't do it too often  :)
Title: Re: Smokin Don's Salmon Cakes
Post by: akruckus on May 19, 2016, 02:44:24 AM
Great story.  I personally would love to have fresh wild salmon... if I could actually catch a fish!  I drown a lot of worms, usually for not much in return!