Let's Talk BBQ

General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: KJRsmoker on June 27, 2016, 12:06:06 PM

Title: BBQ cooking class
Post by: KJRsmoker on June 27, 2016, 12:06:06 PM
Yesterday, a friend and I attended a 3 hour BBQ cooking class at Rub's Backcountry Smokehouse in Chicago.  A coworker told me about it and said I needed to do.  Am I ever glad I did!  I'll do the best I can to recap the experience:

There were 36 of us in a room a few doors down from the restaurant.  A smoker was at the back of the room with a table in front.  Very rustic design.  (The owner/pit master and employees did all the work themselves.)

Jared, the pit master, first talked about some of the history of BBQ and how it differs from grilling.  Then he started talking brisket - how to buy it, how to trim it, and how to cook it.  He trimmed a brisket and then had a volunteer trim a second brisket.  The volunteer then rubbed them.  Jared then pulled out 2 briskets that had been smoking for 16 hours.  He sliced them up and then we got a sampling.  BEST BRISKET I ever had.

After eating for a bit, Jared then mixed together a side dish (custard filled cornbread) and put it in the oven.  We then took a walk over to the smoker they use in the restaurant.

We then moved on to pork butt.  He picked two volunteers to rub the butts down.  Luckily I was one of them (grey shirt guy).  He uses boneless butts and puts a chopped onion in the bone cavity.  Jared then took out 2 butts that had been smoking for quite a bit, pulled them, and let us sample.

We then got to taste some spare ribs, truffle mac-n-cheese, and the cornbread.

Overall, the class was awesome.  Great food, chips and Texas caviar on table along with homemade pickles and 4 types of sauce, BYOB, recipes, and a diploma.  Well worth the $42 deal I got on Living Social.  If you live in the Chicago area and love BBQ, you have to do it. 
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: muralboy on June 27, 2016, 01:29:42 PM
Might have to check this out - thanks for the review.
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: CDN Smoker on June 27, 2016, 01:32:58 PM
That food looked outstanding, glad you enjoyed yourself.
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: Smokin Don on June 27, 2016, 01:57:33 PM
Sure looks like a great time and good food!!! I like the idea of the custard cornbread! Don
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: ACW3 on June 27, 2016, 02:07:21 PM
Sounded like a fun time.  I will have to keep a watch out for classes like this in Charlotte or Asheville.  Maybe I'll just go over to Hub's house.

Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: Big Dawg on June 27, 2016, 02:14:15 PM
Sounded like a fun time.  I will have to keep a watch out for classes like this in Charlotte or Asheville.  Maybe I'll just go over to Hub's house.


I've taken Hub's classes and can vouch for them.  Lemme know if you get another one set up ! ! !

Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: muebe on June 27, 2016, 03:09:48 PM
Really cool!
Title: BBQ cooking class
Post by: Pappymn on June 27, 2016, 03:17:07 PM
Sure looks like a great time and good food!!! I like the idea of the custard cornbread! Don
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: KJRsmoker on June 27, 2016, 03:38:22 PM
Here is a link to the recipes:


Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: bamabob on June 27, 2016, 05:39:55 PM
That had to be fun, thanks for sharing the story and the recipe link.
Title: BBQ cooking class
Post by: rwalters on June 27, 2016, 05:46:50 PM
What a BLAST!! Thanks for taking us along :)
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: RAD on June 27, 2016, 06:48:38 PM
WOW. That looks awesome. I would love that
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: tomcrete1 on June 27, 2016, 08:06:33 PM
That looks great, would like to attend and further my education
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: Ericd3043 on June 27, 2016, 09:46:25 PM
That looks like a lot of fun... will have to try Custard Cornbread sometime.  I love that he had you try different things and gave some history.

We have something , kind of , similar.  The local BBQ service provide holds a class on different topics - much more expensive than yours though.  $200 for the Brisket class - but... it gives you a full packer, allows you to do it on equipment you might have at home as they walk you through the steps.  At the end, family can come join you for the meal and try everyone's brisket.

Needless to say, trying to convince the wife that this would be a great gift!
Title: Re: BBQ cooking class
Post by: akruckus on June 28, 2016, 07:58:09 AM
Sounds like a blast.  I'll have to keep my eyes out for any BBQ classes here in the Philly area.