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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Jaxon on February 20, 2017, 09:41:37 PM

Title: This one is on me...
Post by: Jaxon on February 20, 2017, 09:41:37 PM
Y'all, I was so excited today to be able to cook a butt in The Assassin (see video).  As usual, I like to use 2 thermometers to monitor grill temps - one on either side of the butt.  Well, today I got 'em situated like I wanted 'em and got 'em pretty well balanced.  At times they were reading identical temps, but mostly separated by a few degrees.  After a couple of hours I decided to move one of the therms.  Wasn't too long before the temp on that side started to sink.  I opened a vent and adjusted the damper...check the charcoal and waited for the temp to rise.  It wouldn't move.  By then, the difference between the two was 30 degrees and I was having a spell.  I probably worked with that grill for 45 minutes or more...even changed positions of the therms - nothing helped. 

FINALLY!!!!  It dawned on me! The probe had gone sour.  I switched plugs to double check and sure enuff, it was as suspected.

What a relief! 

B T W, the cook time was extended by 90 minutes or so because of all the door openings that resulted, but the butt turned out better than most I've done.  Most everyone here has already seen my butt, so I didn't feel obligated to post a picture.

We now return to our regularly scheduled posts.
Title: Re: This one is on me...
Post by: abcbarbecue on February 21, 2017, 06:24:59 AM
I saw your reveal and ribs video, is there another one of your butt?  ;)

What kind of thermometer are you using?  If it's similar to the Mav with similar probes you might be able to bring that probe back to life.  Those probes usually go bad due to moisture inside the probe.  If you bake the probe in your oven for an hour or so at 400 F that'll get all the water out and quite possibly bring that probe back to life!
Title: Re: This one is on me...
Post by: Jaxon on February 21, 2017, 08:14:04 AM
I'll give it a shot...

It's not like it's dead - just 30 degrees off plumb