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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: TMB on February 10, 2021, 12:19:42 PM

Title: As seen on TV last night
Post by: TMB on February 10, 2021, 12:19:42 PM
Watching T.V last night I seen the first COVID 19 vaccine lawsuits started.

Dang, didn’t waste anytime starting these did they?

And folks wonder why bossiness’ have a hard time in this country . Although, it was stated that no Pharmaceutical would be held liable for reactions. So I read but who really know
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Big Dawg on February 10, 2021, 07:29:21 PM
I have not seen anything about this lawsuit.  But, for the most part, Big Pharma is protected from lawsuits related to vaccines.

While I am far from an anti-vaccer, I do believe that this protection, along with the pressure that state and local Gov-co can put on parents, has fueled the rapid jump in the number of vaccines on the market.

Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Tailgating is my game on February 11, 2021, 08:56:35 AM
I have not seen anything about this lawsuit.  But, for the most part, Big Pharma is protected from lawsuits related to vaccines.

While I am far from an anti-vaccer, I do believe that this protection, along with the pressure that state and local Gov-co can put on parents, has fueled the rapid jump in the number of vaccines on the market.


lets hope this is over soon
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Pam Gould on February 11, 2021, 11:32:04 AM
My hubby is 85  & finally got to get a  vaccine..I'm not eligible yet. BUT, he still has to distance himself and wear a mask. They want him to wear 2.  Go figure.
What is the vaccine for if he has to do all that?  they are saying it is for others.
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Big Dawg on February 11, 2021, 12:27:30 PM
My hubby is 85  & finally got to get a  vaccine..I'm not eligible yet. BUT, he still has to distance himself and wear a mask. They want him to wear 2.  Go figure.
What is the vaccine for if he has to do all that?  they are saying it is for others.

Glad hubby got his and hope you can get yours ASAP.

As far as the rest, don't get me started . . . . . .

The Guvna down here (Cooper) just bumped teachers up ahead of all the other "essential" workers when their group is eligible in two weeks.  Even though, of all the "essential" workers, they are they only ones that have not missed a paycheck while not going in to work for an entire year.  So, cops, fireman, too bad, so sad.  Wait your turn . . .

Please keep in mind, I am saying this as retired (after 38 years) teacher.  All that time I thought that I was at least as essential as the bag boys at the local mega-mart or the kid in the drive through window.  Apparently now they're not that essential, until it comes time get in line for some benefits.

(rant off)

Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Pam Gould on February 11, 2021, 03:39:37 PM
Thank you for your service...our schools have been in session since Sept and going strong. I have an 8 years old in 2nd grade and so far we are good.
We are trying, that is all we can do.  Hope everyone is safe. My sister and her hubby and son and DIL and 4 kids have all had Rona. Thank god everyone is ok.  Just be careful.
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: GusRobin on February 11, 2021, 09:31:49 PM
My hubby is 85  & finally got to get a  vaccine..I'm not eligible yet. BUT, he still has to distance himself and wear a mask. They want him to wear 2.  Go figure.
What is the vaccine for if he has to do all that?  they are saying it is for others.
The vaccine protects or at least minimizes the severity if you catch it. While you are protected, you can still transmit the disease to others if you exposed and have the virus on your hands, etc.
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Tailgating is my game on February 12, 2021, 02:27:08 PM
I was on this in Feb of last year but i am not sure how safe the shot is at this time.....I will wait it out
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: GusRobin on February 12, 2021, 07:18:45 PM
I was on this in Feb of last year but i am not sure how safe the shot is at this time.....I will wait it out
Wife and I had our first one last week. Get part 2 on the 22nd. So far no problems

Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Big Dawg on February 12, 2021, 08:15:34 PM
Those who want to get them, should get them.  My mom (85) will get one.  She also gets a flu shot every year. 

Me & my two sisters (both nurses) will probably not.  It's not that we're in anyway anti-vaccers.  In my case, after 38 years of touching all those public school door knows, pens, kids, etc., etc., etc. I feel like I've probably got as good an immune system as you can get.  When I retired I had over a year's worth of unused sick leave . . . .

Everyone should feel comfortable doing what they feel is in their own best interests and no one should feel like they have the right to call anyone out for going a different way.

Just my (https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fjameswood.files.wordpress.com%2F2012%2F12%2Ftwocents1.gif&f=1&nofb=1)


Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: old sarge on February 13, 2021, 12:21:32 AM
I got the 1st dose of Moderna in Jan.  No issues. Not even the injection site.  Got the 2d dose 10 Feb. No problem that day.  Next day, different story. I managed to get through a days work but as the day wore on, I got real achey in the muscles, slight headache. Felt like the flu. By 7pm that night, all aches were gone. Today felt like my normal 70 year old cranky, irritable self. My wife is still waiting for her doctor to get his supply.
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Lines on February 13, 2021, 07:22:04 AM
Totally agree with BigDawg. Everyone should do as they wish and be happy.
Title: Re: As seen on TV last night
Post by: Tailgating is my game on February 18, 2021, 09:33:52 PM
I was on this in Feb of last year but i am not sure how safe the shot is at this time.....I will wait it out
Wife and I had our first one last week. Get part 2 on the 22nd. So far no problems

Glad to hear it Gus!!!!!