Let's Talk BBQ

General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: TMB on February 12, 2013, 11:20:31 AM

Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: TMB on February 12, 2013, 11:20:31 AM
I'm a member of six forums, well five now due to attitudes but that's another story...
Anyway, I noticed on a few of the other sites   (not including this site)   That the general attitudes of the other site is if your not of one mind set we don't care to reply or even discuss your post.  Is it me????

Reason this site is so good, no one way of thinking and everyone has something good to bring to the table.
I have phone #'s of a few here and know I could call if need to and would get a big "HI"  not a lecture.

Not bragging on the site,  just saying as big as the internet is you'd think other forums would be a  good source of info instead of a bunch of "know it all types"

OK getting of by soap box now,

Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: smokeasaurus on February 12, 2013, 11:31:08 AM
I agree with you 100% Tommy... this is the place to be.....check your attitude and ego at the door and Lets Talk BBQ...... :)
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: drholly on February 12, 2013, 11:37:45 AM
I don't have time to spend on many forums (wish I did!) So, I've had to be very selective. And, for many of the reasons you cite, Tommy, I agree this is probably the best one I've seen. I still like the CB forum as well - many of the same folks - also friendly and helpful; I like it especially for the tips I get on specific types of equipment while this one is broader. A pefect pair for my interests.


Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: sparky on February 12, 2013, 12:03:58 PM
i too belong to a couple of forums also.  most other forums are for one form or cook equipment.  didn't say that right.  ummm.....  a pellet forums are for pellet ppl, weber forum are for weber ppl and so forth.  this forum takes all forms of cooking.  that alone is  why i'm here.  i like charcoal and my wsm's, kettle and pbc.  i also love my pellets and my mak.  i love seeing tommy post on his srg's.  love seeing smoke and capt cooking stuff w/ charcoal.  this really is a very good forum.  i kinda cook by the sit of my pants and i like it that way.  never planning anything.  and the ppl here are good w/ it.  you ppl are my friends.  this really is the best forum around.   8)
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Pam Gould on February 12, 2013, 12:05:42 PM
EXACTLY Tommy. I like seeing what everyone is cooking and on what. I like the sharing of ideas and seeing how they are done. Pam .☆´¯`•.¸¸. ི♥ྀ.
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Scallywag on February 12, 2013, 12:09:43 PM
What Sparky said!
Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Pappymn on February 12, 2013, 12:23:36 PM
What Sparky said.
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Sam3 on February 12, 2013, 12:34:37 PM
I agree with sparky too. I've been very hesitant to join any "other" forums.
This site gives me a little bit of everything and that is a blessing.

Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Tailgating is my game on February 12, 2013, 01:11:12 PM
Tommy I agree with you on how some forums are run. The Ego stuff gets to me!

I am on the Jets forum the most
The backyard Theater forum the second most.
Two food forums (including this one) the third most.
The Cardinals Baseball & Football the fourth most.
The Genesis (music) forum is another forum I am on about once a month. 

The sports forums are 50/50 as far as people being nice. (Cardinals baseball & football get low grades).

The Jets are about 65/35 good people)

The Backyard Theater is also a great site until they closed two weeks ago

Food forums are great with people always willing to help (just don't mention Turkey bacon or Ketchup on steak) ;D

The Genesis forum is about 70/30 as far as people being nice.

One other thing I have noticed ......People from other countries are generally very nice people on all the forums. 
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: TMB on February 12, 2013, 01:19:43 PM
the only two BBQ forums I belong to are this one and CB

I joined this one for all the above reasons and that some of us had other kinds of equipment that it wasn't appropriate to discuss on the CB forum, since it is hosted by CharBroil for their users.

Technically all 6 pieces of my outdoor cooking equipment are Char-Broil. but I get a huge kick out of doing my indirect cooks on my old vintage aluminum Char-Broil grill. it's my way of rubbing CB's nose in the fact that they never should have quit producing that line ;)The only folks making an aluminum grill now are the PK folks and the new PK version of my old Char-Broil is now $300  :o

the other thing I love about his site is nepas' sausage threads (http://i50.tinypic.com/20ztyfl.gif)
Yep, I like to do that with the mods I make to all my grills/cookers.  Shows how much better they could be  ;)
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Smokin Don on February 12, 2013, 01:23:19 PM
I agree with all this is ONE GREAT site! This is the place to be for talking BBQ! Don
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: deestafford on February 12, 2013, 01:25:34 PM
To me a good forum should be open to discussing all ideas, techniques, methods, and equiptmet because there ain't no one right way. As our lives change our techniques, methods and desires change. Growing up all our cooking was true BBQ as invisioned as old timey in that there was no such thing as charcoal or gas cooking.  It was all wood.  As I got older I did charcoal for years.  Then I went to gas.  Now all of mine is gas or electric grillin, roastin, and smokin because I'm cotton pickin' lazy and want the convience.  I still learn alot by reading the posts by charcoalers and stick burners that I can convert to my equipment and tecniques.  Another thing that is important is lack of egos. Nobody was born good at this outdoor cookin stuff.  It was learned over a period of years by trial and error, money availablity, time available, mentoring and some other things.  As those things progress in life from little to a lot expetise grows and I think as that expertise grows it's good to be sort of humble and pass on what you have learned from others so that the student becomes a teacher.  I believe when that happens you are helping to pass the torch to new comers who in turn will do the same thing over time and that's what makes this "hobby" which we love so much to continue to flourish and grow for our children, their children and generations to come...all because you lit the humbilly and without ego lit the match today.  Other than that....I have nothing to say. ;D  Dee
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Hub on February 12, 2013, 01:58:49 PM
What I've learned from years of online forum participation is that the written word deserves some care and consideration.  When we post, nobody can see our face and nobody can hear our voice.  Our words are all we have to show.  Sometimes those words can have unintended meanings or can be read in ways in which we did not really say them.  That's why some forum members get their feelings hurt.  It isn't deliberate.  It's just the medium.

Yes, bad and hurtful things are sometimes posted deliberately and when that happens a good moderator jumps on it and takes appropriate action.  Good forum posters, repliers, and moderators apply tolerance and judgement to what they write.  Reconsideration resulting in "I'm Sorry" has even been known to occur.

Helpful hint:  Those funny face "emoticons" at the top of the message box can help you get your point across in addition to just being entertaining.
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: nepas on February 12, 2013, 03:12:01 PM
I'm a member of six forums, well five now due to attitudes but that's another story...
Anyway, I noticed on a few of the other sites   (not including this site)   That the general attitudes of the other site is if your not of one mind set we don't care to reply or even discuss your post.  Is it me????

Reason this site is so good, no one way of thinking and everyone has something good to bring to the table.
I have phone #'s of a few here and know I could call if need to and would get a big "HI"  not a lecture.

Not bragging on the site,  just saying as big as the internet is you'd think other forums would be a  good source of info instead of a bunch of "know it all types"

OK getting of by soap box now,



You are 100% correct.

On another forum (not going to say) There is a guy who thinks he knows all, if your not doing things his way it seems your on the blackball list...I wont mention but you may know him. I also see folks from other forums leaving and coming to LTBBQ.

I have had 100% support with everyone here and have met with some of you.
Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: mikecorn.1 on February 12, 2013, 03:20:18 PM
I notice the same thing. I was just actually thinking the same thing a few days ago when i posted my wings in the great SRG (can I say that here ;D) Especially if I post the same cook on both forums. Unless you cook with that specific type cooker, you might as well save your keystrokes and pics uploads. I pretty much visit this one and occassionally the other.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Keymaster on February 12, 2013, 03:48:54 PM
I like this forum and only one other forum . Seems I  post here mostly. Its a great forum and will be posting more as the weather warms up. Thanks for all the great attitudes and super forum sponsors, Oh and smoochy too :)
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: nepas on February 12, 2013, 04:01:53 PM
I notice the same thing. I was just actually thinking the same thing a few days ago when i posted my wings in the great SRG (can I say that here ;D) Especially if I post the same cook on both forums. Unless you cook with that specific type cooker, you might as well save your keystrokes and pics uploads. I pretty much visit this one and occassionally the other.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Yeah i hear ya. On another forum which i have been a member of for years, it just seems like i'm posting to myself.

I know

waaaaa waaaaa....lol
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Tinnmel on February 12, 2013, 04:03:59 PM
It's funny that you posted this today.  Last night, I was doing some research and landed on another forum.  I couldn't believe how it seemed so attack based rather than encouraging and helpful.  Keep up the good work all.
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: TMB on February 12, 2013, 04:24:55 PM
It's funny that you posted this today.  Last night, I was doing some research and landed on another forum.  I couldn't believe how it seemed so attack based rather than encouraging and helpful.  Keep up the good work all.
Scary ain't it how other folks feel  >:(  >:( they need to act towards other people.   Reason I just left two sites this week.

I wanted input from other pellets sites on my home built pellet pooper so I could get idea's on best way to use it or even revamp it if I needed to.  But all I got was a few replys with very little info on the matter. 

 I did get replys from a few good folks who post here  :D  which I'm grateful  I really am.   But I was looking to hear from new people who I do not know on the matter.  Guess somefolk don't like home built grills/pellet poopers  :-X

Like Rick said, I feel like I was posting to myself.      :-[
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: TwoPockets on February 12, 2013, 04:51:55 PM
It's funny that you posted this today.  Last night, I was doing some research and landed on another forum.  I couldn't believe how it seemed so attack based rather than encouraging and helpful.  Keep up the good work all.
Scary ain't it how other folks feel  >:(  >:( they need to act towards other people.   Reason I just left two sites this week.

I wanted input from other pellets sites on my home built pellet pooper so I could get idea's on best way to use it or even revamp it if I needed to.  But all I got was a few replys with very little info on the matter. 

 I did get replys from a few good folks who post here  :D  which I'm grateful  I really am.   But I was looking to hear from new people who I do not know on the matter.  Guess somefolk don't like home built grills/pellet poopers  :-X

Like Rick said, I feel like I was posting to myself.      :-[

They probably thought anybody trying to build a smoker from a charcoal bullet with an infrared cooking chamber and attaching a pellet pooper was crazy. Wonder why they woud think that?  ;D  You are a bit of a madman Tommy, but you are our madman. Every family has to have a couple, and half the family wishes they were them.
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: TMB on February 12, 2013, 04:56:55 PM
They probably thought anybody trying to build a smoker from a charcoal bullet with an infrared cooking chamber and attaching a pellet pooper was crazy. Wonder why they woud think that?  ;D  You are a bit of a madman Tommy, but you are our madman. Every family has to have a couple, and half the family wishes they were them.
[/quote]Who me???    ;D    Yup, I'm nuts but in a good way  ???

Besides if I were not doing what I do would CharBroil ever have made the SRG or the BEESR???  Not  kidding
Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: mikecorn.1 on February 12, 2013, 05:31:16 PM
I notice the same thing. I was just actually thinking the same thing a few days ago when i posted my wings in the great SRG (can I say that here ;D) Especially if I post the same cook on both forums. Unless you cook with that specific type cooker, you might as well save your keystrokes and pics uploads. I pretty much visit this one and occassionally the other.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Yeah i hear ya. On another forum which i have been a member of for years, it just seems like i'm posting to myself.

I know

waaaaa waaaaa....lol
;) 8)

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Old Hickory on February 12, 2013, 05:44:52 PM
Tommy, unfortunately you are right on.  I post on one other forum, but not much any more.
Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: LostArrow on February 12, 2013, 05:47:58 PM
I'm going to be honest I learned more about smoking from the virtual weber bullit forum than anywhere else , & they were never ugly about my barrel smokes they just were ignored!
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: smoker pete on February 12, 2013, 05:50:27 PM
For us old folks who can remember the "Laugh In" TV show ... Artie Johnson used to say " ... Veeerrrryyyy Innteresssting!! ..."  :D ::)

Like most I migrated to forums based on my equipment:

Original Bradley Smoker: Bradley Smoker Forum
Char-Broil SRG:  Sizzle on the Grill
MAK 2 Star Wood Pellet Grill:  Pelletheads, and another pellet grill forum which will remain nameless
Trager PTG:  Pelletheads
All the Above:  Let's Talk BBQ

As pointed out, many forums (not all) are tolerant and allow postings of other equipment/brands.  In the past many of you may have seen my postings (same one) on different forums.  I've observed the same from others also.  Of late, I too have felt on some forums like I've been posting to myself.  Used to post a lot but now I'm more selective when posting.

Oddly enough at the time of this forum's birth/infancy I was in the process of creating my own forum dedicated to the same principles as this forum.  Creating a forum is easy ... getting traffic, members, monitoring, security, etc are the challenges.  I was invited to join this forum, which I gladly did, and saw no need for the forum I was working on.  I commend the management of this forum for providing this product and maintaining a pleasurable environment.

Unlike the attitude of some forums and moderators on forums, the fact that someone pays the bills does not always justify their tactics.  There are many Internet services that provide unlimited disk space, bandwidth, etc at reasonable prices so that argument doesn't hold water with me.  I have seen the way some people, who are now LTBBQ members, were treated on other forums and it's despicable!!!  For now I continue to visit other forums and occasionally provide my 2 cents when appropriate but I will now be focusing my attention, opinions, cooks, comments to this forum ...

Time to get off my soap box and get ready to do my first Pork Butt on my new Traeger PTG tomorrow.  That should be interesting and I look forward to making travelers in RV parks drool as they get a whiff of my cooks  ;D  8)
Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: mikecorn.1 on February 12, 2013, 06:40:22 PM
For us old folks who can remember the "Laugh In" TV show ... Artie Johnson used to say " ... Veeerrrryyyy Innteresssting!! ..."  :D ::)

Like most I migrated to forums based on my equipment:

Original Bradley Smoker: Bradley Smoker Forum
Char-Broil SRG:  Sizzle on the Grill
MAK 2 Star Wood Pellet Grill:  Pelletheads, and another pellet grill forum which will remain nameless
Trager PTG:  Pelletheads
All the Above:  Let's Talk BBQ

As pointed out, many forums (not all) are tolerant and allow postings of other equipment/brands.  In the past many of you may have seen my postings (same one) on different forums.  I've observed the same from others also.  Of late, I too have felt on some forums like I've been posting to myself.  Used to post a lot but now I'm more selective when posting.

Oddly enough at the time of this forum's birth/infancy I was in the process of creating my own forum dedicated to the same principles as this forum.  Creating a forum is easy ... getting traffic, members, monitoring, security, etc are the challenges.  I was invited to join this forum, which I gladly did, and saw no need for the forum I was working on.  I commend the management of this forum for providing this product and maintaining a pleasurable environment.

Unlike the attitude of some forums and moderators on forums, the fact that someone pays the bills does not always justify their tactics.  There are many Internet services that provide unlimited disk space, bandwidth, etc at reasonable prices so that argument doesn't hold water with me.  I have seen the way some people, who are now LTBBQ members, were treated on other forums and it's despicable!!!  For now I continue to visit other forums and occasionally provide my 2 cents when appropriate but I will now be focusing my attention, opinions, cooks, comments to this forum ...

Time to get off my soap box and get ready to do my first Pork Butt on my new Traeger PTG tomorrow.  That should be interesting and I look forward to making travelers in RV parks drool as they get a whiff of my cooks  ;D  8)
OMG! Did you just mention Traeger. ;) ;D   Oh, wait a minute, I mentioned my SRG earlier and I also have a Pit barrel cooker, a traeger, and a Bradley smoker  ;D  I hope nobody mentions the A-maz-en smoker :o ;)

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: nepas on February 12, 2013, 06:48:25 PM
I use my AMZNPS 90% of the time in my Bradley and some in my WSM.

Laugh Inn

Damn i feel old.

Hey i aint posting to myself either

Oh wait im not on the HS list here.
Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: mikecorn.1 on February 12, 2013, 06:58:52 PM
I use my AMZNPS 90% of the time in my Bradley and some in my WSM.

Laugh Inn

Damn i feel old.

Hey i aint posting to myself either

Oh wait im not on the HS list here.
??? ;D   Hmmmmm? A smoker inside a smoker. ;D  who'd a thunk it?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: ACW3 on February 12, 2013, 07:02:03 PM
Hey Smoker Pete,
Is there any truth to you being a fellow sewer pipe sailer?  I was looking for something on "another forum" and saw a post by Warpath that mentioned our names in the same breath.

Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Sam3 on February 12, 2013, 07:02:33 PM
I use my AMZNPS 90% of the time in my Bradley and some in my WSM.

Laugh Inn

Damn i feel old.

Hey i aint posting to myself either

Oh wait im not on the HS list here.
??? ;D   Hmmmmm? A smoker inside a smoker. ;D  who'd a thunk it?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Have to be honest with you. I use that AMZNPS all the time now. It's just easier now.
And no more water in the bowl either. ;)
Sorry, back on topic!
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: ACW3 on February 12, 2013, 07:07:50 PM
It is time for me to pipe in.  I CONCUR!!!


I love it here.  You certainly get "exposed" to all the different forms of cooking outside.  Not to mention the people are pretty friendly, too.
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: smoker pete on February 12, 2013, 07:41:21 PM
Hey Smoker Pete,
Is there any truth to you being a fellow sewer pipe sailor?  I was looking for something on "another forum" and saw a post by Warpath that mentioned our names in the same breath.

Spent 9 years in the U.S. Navy Art.  From 1969 to 1978.  Got to visit Asia a couple of times! Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Guam, Midway (got a picture of me and a Gooney Bird), Hawaii, and of course that lovely nation of Viet Nam  ;) 8)  I was a Sonar Technician and served on Tin Cans.  USS Rupertus (DD-851), Barney (DDG-6), Parsons (DDG-33), and Farragut (DLG-6).
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: RAD on February 12, 2013, 07:45:37 PM
I’m just glad I was introduced to this site by Tommy. Thank you.  :)

I started with the CB site, which is also a great friendly site and ventured to a couple of others but they didn’t last.  :(

After this site and the CB site you get spoiled with folks that are true and just want to talk Q and not slam each other. 8)

If I wanted to get talked down to I would stay at work or ask my kids a question.  ::)

Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Tinnmel on February 12, 2013, 08:19:46 PM
If I wanted to get talked down to I would stay at work or ask my kids a question.  ::)

Ha ha ha ha! :D :D   Aren't our kids precious....they must be teens.

Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: smokeasaurus on February 12, 2013, 08:56:23 PM
I think we should all give ourselves a big pat on the back for making our forum a friendly place.  Tim has always said it is our forum and we all add to it with every post we start and every reply we offer. If you have been battered and abused elsewhere, we will leave the light on for you and come on home to Lets Talk BBQ.  :)

One other thing, my Pops told me years ago when I was running with a rough crowd that "You are judged by the company you keep" It is safe to say I am in great company whenever I visit here.  :-*
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: muebe on February 12, 2013, 09:15:15 PM
Well I left a forum because of the way it was administrated. Good folks on there but bad management.

I left another forum because of what the owner wrote about a member who is a friend. The owner almost immediately deleted his comments but I had already seen them. This person is a valued member of this site and should feel at home.

I have to admit that this is my favorite BBQ forum. I cook on lots of different equipment and here I don't have to worry about what it was cooked on or what rubs I used. It only matters that we all get to share in our passion and enjoyment of great food & friends. The way it should be.

I don't care if you cook on a grate that is laying on hot coals.... We want to see it!

As long as people respect each other then this forum will grow and become like a family. We are the base of the forum and as it grows this base will continue to support the entire structure. This attitude is passed on from the top down. And with the member base we have now this forum has a great start!
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: teesquare on February 12, 2013, 09:32:39 PM
Geez...you guys really know how to make a guy verklempt.... :)

I always said I would measure my success in friendships. So - I am the richest man in the world. 8)
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Keymaster on February 12, 2013, 09:34:44 PM
If I wanted to get talked down to I would stay at work or ask my kids a question.  ::)

Ha ha ha ha! :D :D   Aren't our kids precious....they must be teens.
I got a kick out of that too.  ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: nepas on February 12, 2013, 09:40:08 PM
I mod on 2 forums.

One one of them im thinking about retiring, The mentality and better than you know everything CIA master certified of all things has me not wanting to post much.

Here i can post whatever i use.
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: teesquare on February 12, 2013, 10:21:57 PM
I have feel for anyone that has been roughed up - or treated poorly on a forum. And - really, I do not think of LTBBQ as a forum. I think of it as a community.

Title: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: Pappymn on February 12, 2013, 10:23:16 PM
I mod on 2 forums.

One one of them im thinking about retiring, The mentality and better than you know everything CIA master certified of all things has me not wanting to post much.

Here i can post whatever i use.

You are the sausage Obi Wan......we love what you do. Keep posting!
Title: Re: Is it just me or have others noticed???????
Post by: nepas on February 12, 2013, 10:44:13 PM

I left another forum because of what the owner wrote about a member who is a friend. The owner almost immediately deleted his comments but I had already seen them. This person is a valued member of this site and should feel at home.

My last post on that forum was that morning.

I aint been back since i got a message saying not to post a competitor smoker.