Let's Talk BBQ

General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ron D on March 05, 2013, 07:57:12 PM

Title: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: Ron D on March 05, 2013, 07:57:12 PM
Most of you do not know me but some do. I am an avid Backyard BBQ and smoker. On January 5th I suffered a minor stoke in part due to my high blood pressure. I had thought I was just under the ills of the flu but SWMBO knew better and made me get off the couch and go to MD360 here in Greenville, SC. I am so glad she did as I may not have been alive to type this message. It took over a month and half for me to return to work. Due to the stroke I will now have double vision for the rest of my life but have lenses to fix that. But some stroke problems can not be fixed, I hope all of mine can.

When I first went into MD360 I thought it was the flu...I was tested for the flu as I was filling out the paper work, before I was even brought back they said it was not the flu. I was having dizzy spells and double vision, they did a BP reading and it was 190/110....not good. I was sent to the main Greenville Hosp and was preadmited and spent the next 4 days there.

I was told by my Neurologist that I had to do a really big cut back in my soduim intake...no more cured foods, and I had to read labels on any canned or processed foods. Do you know that one serving of canned green beans gives you 30% of the soduim you need for the entire day? I know I did not not. Add that into the fries you had at lunch and you are way over your limit.

So I am asking for your help in finding no soduim rubs and cures so I can eat healthy. I know some of you are much younger than I am so keep this in mind as the problem just came up and smacked me in the back of the head with no major warning. You can be me in a few years if you do not watch just what you eat and use to season your food.

I have started using Ms Dash and I will have to say that I wish I had tried it years ago, if you have not used this product you need to as it is outstanding and can give you the salt taste with out the soduim.

I look forward to working with y'all in getting some more healthy ideas on rubs, sauces and cooking methods going on this great site.

And I hope to be back posting some great cooks soon.

Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: drholly on March 05, 2013, 08:03:03 PM
Hey Ron,

I do not have a bunch of advice. But I am very happy you listened to those who cared about you! Your story is an important one. I wish you the very best. I will look for suggestions to send your way and I will follow your cooks and thoughts as I suspect they are good for all of us.

Thanks for you post!

Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: teesquare on March 05, 2013, 08:16:13 PM
I hope we all will think about this as an opportunity to find tasty - healthy  options to add to our "this is the way I have always done it" cooking - in favor of a healthy alternative.

While it can be said of life that "nobody gets out alive"...or "something's gonna get you so why worry".....I for one want to remain here as long as I am allowed ;) and I will be looking at labels closer.

Thank you Ron - for having the courage to share your experience and concerns with us, and - I hope you will prompt us occasionally to look for healthier ingredients.

Speedy recovery my friend -
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: Keymaster on March 05, 2013, 08:35:19 PM
Thanks for sharing your stroke experience with us!! I am glad you made it through it as well as you have and I am sure you have been through challenges unimaginable to us, double vision being one. I hope you recover 100% Ron and look forward to your continuing post :)
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: Barry CB Martin on March 05, 2013, 08:36:56 PM
Glad you are here - I know that Dee made some major changes in his diet and didn't suffer any lack of flavors! And I believe Savanah also did a few years back.  We have been working our way thru recipes and reducing, playing, tweaking and such as we launch our new web sites and cookbooks.  This video (about an hour and worth watching) is also an inspiration to us.

Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: Tinnmel on March 05, 2013, 10:20:38 PM
Penzey's has a number of no salt seasonings.  I really enjoy their Northwoods.
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: muebe on March 05, 2013, 10:38:10 PM
Hey Ron sorry to hear about your stroke. Glad you are still alive to talk about it!

People do not realize how much salt there is already in our foods we eat everyday. Then I see people adding more salt to their food.

We have the built-in craving for salt. Our body requires salt to keep electrical communication between muscles, brain, organs, ect. Tough to completely give up something your body wants and needs.

I also like many of the Penzey's spices. They have low salt in their seasonings and many are salt free.
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: deestafford on March 05, 2013, 11:51:37 PM
Ron,  So good to have you back.  There are so many great things about this family of outdoor cookers.  Not only do we have various levels of cooking expertise, but we also have different levels of life expertise.  Not only do we willingly share ideas and experience of our cooking we also willingly share our ups and downs of our life as we roll on.  Some of us have been rolling on longer than others and can pass on some hints as to where the potholes are and they can avoid them if they wish.  Thanks for sharing your experience and hopefully some will avoid that pothole you  have so willingly and unselfishly  laid out for all.  Dee
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: sparky on March 06, 2013, 02:19:27 AM
i had a stroke.  been about 7-8 years ago.  not to bad.  i lost the ability to remember how to eat and talk.  it really sucks being a grown man and having your kids feed ya because you can't remember how.  it sucks going into a grocery store to buy a steak but can remember how to talk and have to have your wife go w/ ya.  for over a year my family wouldn't let me leave the house by myself.  i am better.  i think i have lost a step (in the head).  i have to think a little more and a little harder.  i do have a hard time talking sometimes.  i mix words up alot.   typing and talking.  i choke alot on food and if i drink the wrong way.  everything i eat has to be cut real small.   i don't get to smoke my pipe or cigars anymore (i have 1 cigar a year on new years day).  pretty much only drink FT or some jim beam (i love crown royal, martinis and margaritas).  i have a fantastic wife who takes good care of me.  i take eight different pills everyday to stay alive (it sucks).  the life of a "stroke survivor".  eat more fish, chicken, veges and fruit.  all can be cooked on the grill.  get some IG rub and FSB.  both very low in salt and my go to rubs for just about anything i want to cook.   beef is bad juju for a stroke patient.  your not alone.    8)
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: smokeasaurus on March 06, 2013, 08:29:40 AM
Tinmel pointed out Penzyes (which has a bunch on no salt items) also try Savory Spice shop and Marshall Creek Spices and fresh fruit and veggies..if it is a can the Big Guy didn't create it..........

Hope ya get better Ron, I am pulling for ya......
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: sliding_billy on March 06, 2013, 08:47:05 AM
Glad you are doing OK.  I had a stroke a year ago.  It sucks!  There is no mincing words about the experience.  I try not to get too much into my personal stuff, but I had to reply to this.  The one thing I can say is that if weight was/is an issue a lot of what the meds do can be helped with weight loss.  I have lost about 150 lbs since my stroke (I was a little over 300 lbs before diet and MASSIVE amounts of exercise), and my doctor has taken me off all of my meds except for the one for cholesterol (and even that is now just borderline necessary - he said if not for the stroke he wouldn't bother with that one either).  Good luck!
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: Pam Gould on March 06, 2013, 09:39:41 AM
I have been talking to Ron because 2.5 weeks ago I had a stroke too. I got away easy with just some speech therapy needed...I slur a few words and if I get excited..I jumble..gotta remember to just slow down till I get said what I want to say. I read 7 syllable words outloud and read outloud now because the drs say this will repair the damage to the brain. Hope this helps the other stroke victims too. all the best..Pam     .☆´¯`•.¸¸. ི♥ྀ.
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: Scallywag on March 06, 2013, 10:29:08 AM
Wow.. great timing on this post. First off I'm glad your ok! I was rushed to the E.R on Monday afternoon.. I had a racing heart beat for a couple hours and was near fainting. They checked me out and found my blood pressure way high.. not cool. I'm only 39 and take pretty good care of myself. Doc told me I need to exercise more, quit smoking ( duh ) and to really watch my salt intake. My first thought was OH-NO what will I cook with.. I will be looking for alternatives to salt and will start cooking fish ( never cooked any on my Mak ).
Title: Re: Hello to my old friends and new members
Post by: TwoPockets on March 06, 2013, 05:52:51 PM
Ron, glad you are doing better, you too Sparky. I have an appointment on Friday for a follow up to get my BP checked. For some reason after I dropped my weight from 258 lbs to 185 lbs my blood pressure went sky high up into the stroke range. I have been on BP meds for over 4 years and it is staying under control without having to modify my diet too much. All my blood work and other risk indicators are in really good shape for a 62 year old.

I think all of us will benefit from learning ways to turn out good tasting food that is healthier for us to eat.