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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tenpoint5 on July 15, 2013, 05:35:26 PM

Title: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Tenpoint5 on July 15, 2013, 05:35:26 PM
Don was nice enough to give me his recipe for Napa Kimchi. After conversing with him and I believe it was talked about on the forum. I tweeked it some on my last batch, which I put into jars this morning. I added a shredded Daikon Radish to the mix. Boy did it ever make a difference! It changed Don's recipe into the kimchi that my Korean neighbor used to make for me. So now I am Happy Happy Happy!!!

The Tag off the Daikon Radish


Everything all mixed up and ready to ferment for 2 days. The pink stuff is the white radish after it sucked up color from the Crushed Red Pepper that I used. Didn't have any Korean red pepper


After 2 days of fermenting I stuffed it into 3 quart jars. Don there was enough juice that I didn't need to add any water on this batch.

(http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd237/tenpoint5/20130715_103555_zpse8c0ed80.jpg) (http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd237/tenpoint5/20130715_103656_zps1db08cf1.jpg)

Everyone has been relocated into the cold storage of my beer fridge for a resting period. After I got everything put in the fridge. I went and got the mail. To my surprise I got a Box!! Seems our Favorite Turtle was thoughtful enough to send me some Korean Red Pepper Flakes! Along with a couple of other great seasoning packets for me to try!! So THANKS A LOT Ka Hanu!! I owe you my friend! Guess I get to make another batch of Kimchi now! ;D ;D

Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Smokin Don on July 15, 2013, 05:50:07 PM
That does look good 10.5!!! I'll have to try it with the Daikon radish the next time. I just finished the last of my batch so need to get some more going. Don
Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Tenpoint5 on July 15, 2013, 05:54:49 PM
I think you will really like it Don. It adds a slight sweet taste as the heat is slowly building.
Title: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Pappymn on July 15, 2013, 06:38:25 PM
Never tried kimchi......can anybody describe it to a person who has never had it?
Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: teesquare on July 15, 2013, 07:14:35 PM
Really hard to describe...I would say it is a kind of relish, but not sweet like we think of relishes here....More savory. Nice variety of textures,  and some heat....Like it a lot!
Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Keymaster on July 15, 2013, 07:42:31 PM
Never tried kimchi......can anybody describe it to a person who has never had it?
It has a similar texture and made almost the same as Sauerkraut But kimchi uses Chinese cabbage, white radish, green onions, ginger, garlic and hot peppers. If I had a bowl of Sauerkraut and a bowl of kimchi sitting in front of me I would choose the Bowl of kimchi to eat. Its not vinegary like saurerkraut but takes on all its spices flavors. You need to try it pappy :)

Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Tenpoint5 on July 15, 2013, 07:48:10 PM
Never tried kimchi......can anybody describe it to a person who has never had it?
The best way to describe it will make you think twice before eating it. Kimchi is rotting fermented cabbage and a few other veggies. It stinks like rotten garbage. However if you can get past the smell. Kimchi is a crisp relish that if eaten by itself will bite you back with a vigorous assult on all of your senses. When eaten with rice or on a burger or pulled pork sammie. It will add a new depth of flavor that will challenge your mind to describe it. I believe they call that the Umami effect. In one the posts by myself or Smoking Don is the recipe. I highly suggest trying it one time.
Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Smokin Soon on July 15, 2013, 10:02:49 PM
Never tried kimchi......can anybody describe it to a person who has never had it?

I first tried it in Korea where they served it as a relish on the side with a steak. I tasted a little and dumped it on my steak! You love it or you hate it. Bored with slaw on pulled pork? Try it!
I put it in my otherwise boring sandwiches for lunch for a change.
I got a Smokin Don Meatloaf loaded with Kimche ready to cook tomorrow.
Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Smokin Don on July 15, 2013, 11:36:50 PM
Here is the post I made with photos. http://www.letstalkbbq.com/index.php?topic=2660.0
Goood stuff! Don
Title: Re: Napa Kimchi
Post by: Tenpoint5 on July 16, 2013, 12:20:11 AM
Here is the post I made with photos. http://www.letstalkbbq.com/index.php?topic=2660.0
Goood stuff! Don
He even has the recipe in that thread 5-6 pounds is about 2 large heads of napa cabbage. Only suggestion I have is DO NOT use the wifes good Tupperware for this project! Just go buy a large gladware plastic container for the fermentation stage. Trust me your credit card will tnank me for this one.