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General => General Discussion & Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pappymn on August 16, 2013, 08:36:32 PM

Title: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: Pappymn on August 16, 2013, 08:36:32 PM
I just received an update to my app. Pretty trippy. Totally different. Got me some learnin to do ???
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: teesquare on August 16, 2013, 08:42:26 PM
I am not "anti" Tapatalk.....*BUT*... ;D

Because LTBBQ was created to be fully mobile....can someone tell me what teh advantage of another  layer of software between you and the site - is?

Downloaded Tapatalk, and tried it a few times....but did not se an advantage. What am I missing?
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: Keymaster on August 16, 2013, 08:51:42 PM
I am not "anti" Tapatalk.....*BUT*... ;D

Because LTBBQ was created to be fully mobile....can someone tell me what teh advantage of another  layer of software between you and the site - is?

Downloaded Tapatalk, and tried it a few times....but did not se an advantage. What am I missing?
When I try and use my androids web browser to get on LTBBQ I have to enlarge the page each and every time I navigate to another page to be able to read it. With 3G it is very slow where Tapatalk is easier to use for me.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: teesquare on August 16, 2013, 09:00:19 PM
Ah-hah! O.K....keep 'em coming! Any other benefits?
Title: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: Pappymn on August 16, 2013, 09:01:59 PM

I am not "anti" Tapatalk.....*BUT*... ;D

Because LTBBQ was created to be fully mobile....can someone tell me what teh advantage of another  layer of software between you and the site - is?

Downloaded Tapatalk, and tried it a few times....but did not se an advantage. What am I missing?

I think it is all what you are used to using. I do everything on my iPad and the app is just more convenient then the browser.  And if you are on multiple forums you can switch back and fourth easily. Very easy to upload pictures as well.

So far I am liking the new update. It automatically resizes pictures to big them up.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: teesquare on August 16, 2013, 09:05:18 PM
THAT  auto re-size is reason enough for me to try it on an iPad. Bought the iPad 4 w/128 gig when in Texas. Like it a lot.

My phone is an Android. THe Galaxy Note 2. Big screen, and works pretty well w/ the site as is....But I may not be usung Tapatalk right.
Title: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: Pappymn on August 16, 2013, 09:26:07 PM

THAT  auto re-size is reason enough for me to try it on an iPad. Bought the iPad 4 w/128 gig when in Texas. Like it a lot.

My phone is an Android. THe Galaxy Note 2. Big screen, and works pretty well w/ the site as is....But I may not be usung Tapatalk right.

Jealous of the 128 GB. I have 16 GB and it is a joke. Waiting on the new one to come out so I can upgrade. Need at least 32GB......if not more.

The resize seems to work well.  I also think the app is free now.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: teesquare on August 16, 2013, 09:37:48 PM
The 128g really helped handling all the pictures I took. And the retina screen is bright and sharp. Had a Asus Transformer 700T w/64gb...but it was "cranky". The GUI was not fluid and intuitive like the iPad.
Title: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: Chili Head on August 16, 2013, 10:14:37 PM
I like tapatalk because its easy to post pictures! I use the tapatalk server to store the pics too.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: muebe on August 16, 2013, 10:56:18 PM
The 128g really helped handling all the pictures I took. And the retina screen is bright and sharp. Had a Asus Transformer 700T w/64gb...but it was "cranky". The GUI was not fluid and intuitive like the iPad.

I have a 64GB iPad 2, a 32GB iPad mini, and a Galaxy Tab 2. The kids play on all three all the time. The Galaxy Tab 2 is a really nice tablet but I have had to do a factory reset several times after the kids did "something" to cause the android OS to malfunction.

I have NEVER had to do a factory reset on either iPad. And the kids always want to play on the iPads first.

When it comes to tablets iPad is king IMHO.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: pz on August 16, 2013, 11:11:32 PM
This post is by no means intended to disrespect Apple aficionados, but is intended to illustrate the potential for alternatives.  My wife is a hardcore iPad junkie, and I'm an android fan.  She regularly extols the benefits of the iPad. Earlier this summer we were on a trip in an RV park which did not have wireless internet - my wife was upset that she could not get internet access.

She noticed that I appeared to be surfing my regular sites, and asked how I was getting access - I replied that my phone was acting as a wireless hot spot, and innocently asked her if she wanted to connect to my android phone. (http://www.niscienceclasses.org/main/Smileys/fantasticsmileys/25.gif)

Although she did not want to admit that my phone could do something that costs extra on her iPhone, she begrudgingly accepted my offer.  Once we returned home, she investigated the potential to tether her phone to share internet access with her devices, and ATT told her that she would need to pay extra each month for her iPhone to tether devices, and furthermore, that she would need to give up her unlimited plan and adopt a 5 gb limit.  In contrast, I simply start the hot spot app on my android and voila, instant internet without a penny extra (I checked my monthly bill to be sure).

Needless to say, she continues to use my phone as wireless access on trips.  ;D

Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: muebe on August 16, 2013, 11:17:47 PM
PZ phones I go with android. I don't care for the iPhone personally but as far as tablets go iPad is the best IMHO.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: pz on August 16, 2013, 11:19:20 PM
Best of both worlds muebe; android phones, and I must admit, I find my wife's iPad to be superior to my Samsung tablet  ;)

(I'll never admit it to her  ;D)
Title: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: Pappymn on August 17, 2013, 12:24:07 AM

PZ phones I go with android. I don't care for the iPhone personally but as far as tablets go iPad is the best IMHO.

Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: teesquare on August 17, 2013, 09:06:17 AM

Add me to the list that will not have an iPhone. I use Android phones as a hotspot as well pz......

And - muebe - I thought I was going with the current Samsung tablet. THe screen looks great - *until* you try enlarge a photo...that is when the image really breaks down.

I really chose the iPad as a choice of last resort. But - I have been really pleased with it...mostly. THe only things I don't like are that there is only one port. The charge port. So, using peripherals with it are going to be challenging. I assume there are wireless ones - but, I am used to plugging into various ports. Maybe just an adjustment for me - we will see.
And - it is great fro transferring photo and dat TO it - but the iPad is not as good nor was it designed for transferring files FROM the iPad according to the iPad rep I talked with during the purchase.
If you guys have advice on this - I am all ears ;)
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: CDN Smoker on August 17, 2013, 09:36:07 AM
I was anti-apple for some time but now have an ipad. I have to say I use it more than my computer.

All photos of my cooks are taken with my ipad which makes it really easy. Just have to get the wife to stop looking at me strangely  >:(

With my wife still on the mend and really nothing on TV I went out and got her Apple TV, again just to easy to set up and get going on it.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: muebe on August 17, 2013, 09:53:19 AM

Add me to the list that will not have an iPhone. I use Android phones as a hotspot as well pz......

And - muebe - I thought I was going with the current Samsung tablet. THe screen looks great - *until* you try enlarge a photo...that is when the image really breaks down.

I really chose the iPad as a choice of last resort. But - I have been really pleased with it...mostly. THe only things I don't like are that there is only one port. The charge port. So, using peripherals with it are going to be challenging. I assume there are wireless ones - but, I am used to plugging into various ports. Maybe just an adjustment for me - we will see.
And - it is great fro transferring photo and dat TO it - but the iPad is not as good nor was it designed for transferring files FROM the iPad according to the iPad rep I talked with during the purchase.
If you guys have advice on this - I am all ears ;)

Tee you can connect the iPad to your computer using the cable to transfer files. You can also use Bluetooth. Or the cloud. I like to just upload the photos to photobucket and then they are available to all my computers and devices.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: muebe on August 17, 2013, 09:55:37 AM
I was anti-apple for some time but now have an ipad. I have to say I use it more than my computer.

All photos of my cooks are taken with my ipad which makes it really easy. Just have to get the wife to stop looking at me strangely  >:(

With my wife still on the mend and really nothing on TV I went out and got her Apple TV, again just to easy to set up and get going on it.

CDN I have Apple TV and it is great. You can send your iPad screen to it BTW. So anything your watching or doing on your iPad will show up on your Apple TV. Great for those mobile television apps ;)
Title: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: Pappymn on August 17, 2013, 10:04:44 AM

I was anti-apple for some time but now have an ipad. I have to say I use it more than my computer.

All photos of my cooks are taken with my ipad which makes it really easy. Just have to get the wife to stop looking at me strangely  >:(

With my wife still on the mend and really nothing on TV I went out and got her Apple TV, again just to easy to set up and get going on it.

CDN I have Apple TV and it is great. You can send your iPad screen to it BTW. So anything your watching r doing on your iPad will show up on your Apple TV. Great for those mobile television apps ;)

I got the new Chromecast the day it was announced. Only cost $11 bucks with the Netflix deal they had for about an hour ???

I like it. And it has huge future potential.
Title: Re: New Tapatalk for IOS
Post by: sliding_billy on August 17, 2013, 08:01:08 PM
The biggest advantage to tapa is having one interface for multiple forums IMO (though I don't go to as many as I used to).