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General => General Discussion & Topics => Quote of the Day => Topic started by: deestafford on August 23, 2013, 07:00:45 PM

Title: The Bear Speaks!!
Post by: deestafford on August 23, 2013, 07:00:45 PM
I know that the vast majority of y'all can't wait until tomorrow when it's the start of AAAALLLLLLAAAABBBBAAAMMMMMEEEEERRR FOOTBALL!!  In honor of that I thought I would share with y'all some quotes from not only one of the greatest football coaches, but also a great leader and great man....Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant (Peace Be Unto Him):

"Never quit.  It's the easiest cop-out in the world.  Set a goal and don't quit until you attain it.  When you do attain it, set another goal, and don't quit until you reach it.  Never quit."

"I left Texas A&M because my school called me.  Mamma called, and when Mamma calls, then you just have to come running."

"It's not the will to win that matters---everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters."

"Mamma wanted me to be a preacher.  I told her coachin' and preachin' were a lot alike."

"There's a lot of blood, sweat, and guts between dreams and success."

"A good, quick small team can beat a big slow team any time."
. "
"If anything goes bad, I did it.  If anything goes semi-good, we did it.  If anything goes really good, then you did it.  That's all it takes to get people to win football games for me."   (That  maybe one of the greatest lessons of leadership and motivation a leader can learn and practice.  A leader can have the one light he has shinning on him or he can have the light of all the people shinning and he's brighter lit as a result.   Dee)

"I'll put you through hell, but in the end of it all we'll be champions."


Title: Re: The Bear Speaks!!
Post by: teesquare on August 23, 2013, 07:12:52 PM
The Bear was the best that ever was...maybe ever will be.! ;)
Title: Re: The Bear Speaks!!
Post by: TwoPockets on August 23, 2013, 07:17:34 PM
Probably one of the greatest motivators of all time. He had the unique ability to make people perform at a higher level than they were capable of.

"I can reach a kid who doesn't have any ability as long as he doesn't know it."

"The first time you quit, it's hard. The second time, it gets easier. The third time, you don't even have to think about it."

"What matters...is not the size of the dog in the fight, but of the fight in the dog."

"Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself."

"In life, you'll have your back up against the wall many times. You might as well get used to it."

"I'm known as a recruiter. Well you've got to have chicken to make chicken salad."

"Hell, no! A tie is like kissing your sister!"

You boys were eight and ten years old last time Alabama was on top. That was before any of you were paying much attention to it. What are you doing here? Tell me why you are here. If you are not here to win a national championship, you're in the wrong place. You boys are special. I don't want my players to be like other students. I want special people. You can learn a lot on the football field that isn't taught in the home, the church, or the classroom. There are going to be days when you think you've got no more to give and then you're going to give plenty more. You are going to have pride and class. You are going to be very special. You are going to win the national championship for Alabama." -- Coach Paul Bryant in his first meeting with his first team at Alabama, 1958.
Title: Re: The Bear Speaks!!
Post by: sliding_billy on August 24, 2013, 08:03:44 AM
Love Bear.