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Outdoor Cooking Equipment => Charbroil Infrared & SRG style Cookers => Grills & Smokers => Infrared Grills => Topic started by: Ka Honu on May 28, 2012, 12:29:49 AM

Title: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: Ka Honu on May 28, 2012, 12:29:49 AM
… a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.  SWMBO is on the mainland till Tuesday night for her daughter's bridal shower so RED and I are having an NBM (NOTHING but MEAT) weekend.

Saturday kinda slipped buy (ran into a couple of friends at my neighborhood dive bar) so I "settled" for leftovers.  Of course since the leftovers were  pulled pork nachos and crispy pork belly (and a pulled pork & kim chi omelet this morning) I didn't suffer too badly.  This morning, however, I got serious.  On my visit to the commissary (military grocery store), I found oxtails on sale for $1.66 (usually over $3) and beef back ribs for $.99 (usually about twice that).  Picked some up (about 4 pounds of oxtails and 5 slabs of ribs).

Decided to start the oxtails (takes about 2 days to do them right) and a rib steak today. 

Browned the oxtails on the RED with some smoke and put the steak (lightly rubbed with gunpowder) on the side to slow cook a bit.


When the tails were browned, I put them in the crockpot with oxtail-enhancing things like onion, garlic, and herbs and set it on LO for 5-6 hours (after which I'll add some other stuff like carrots and celery).

(http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt269/KaHonu/brownedox.jpg) (http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt269/KaHonu/oxinpot.jpg)

Finished up the steak with a nice sear…


... and let it rest for a few minutes before plating. 


As usual, my photos are only slightly better than dee's so you'll have to accept my word that it was done to a perfect medium (I've been cooking for SWMBO for so long I forgot to take it off at rare or medium rare).  In any case, it was excellent and there are no leftovers for the vultures among you (unless you're willing to argue with my friend's 90-pound Akita for the stripped bone).

Stay tuned for the next episode - beef ribs, chicken thighs, and ropa vieja.
Title: Re: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: ACW3 on May 28, 2012, 03:29:17 AM
Looking good!!!  I want to see how you finish the oxtails.  That intrigues me.

Title: Re: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: smokeasaurus on May 28, 2012, 09:01:17 AM
We don't have to worry about the turtle not eating well when the misses is gone! That was one heckuva meal!
Title: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: mikecorn.1 on May 28, 2012, 10:10:29 AM
That looks mighty good!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: teesquare on May 28, 2012, 10:33:34 AM
KA - YOU are a MAN among Turtles!!!!!! ;D

THAT looks like "man food" all the way....well - I did not see any malt/hops based beverages. But I will they were just outside the frame of the camera's view :)
Title: Re: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: Ka Honu on May 29, 2012, 05:44:06 AM
Okay, it's Monday.  I decided to make soup out of the oxtails so added some carrots, celery, wine, and other stuff when I got up.  Had some for lunch…


... cooled and stored the rest in the fridge, and went to meet some friends for a Memorial Day toast to absent friends.

A few cocktails later, the bartender and her guy and another friend and his wife decided that dinner at my house sounded good so I came home and prepped the beef ribs (rub and boated in the oven for a couple of hours) and chicken (brined and rubbed with Jan's Rub).  I told them that since I'm on an NBM weekend, they'd have to bring their own veggies and/or salad and that they were eating on paper plates because I didn't want a full-on cleanup hassle.

Fired up the RED and browned about 7.5 pounds of bottom round for ropa vieja (for a birthday party this weekend). 


After browning, it went into the crockpot with some broth, a bit of vinegar, and taco seasoning.  Should be good to go by morning.

Cooled the grill a bit and then put on the chicken and finished the dino bones (with some mop sauce I had in the fridge). 

(http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt269/KaHonu/P1060992.jpg) (http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt269/KaHonu/P1060993.jpg)

They brought fresh corn and salad and we went to work (properly lubricated with whisky and wine).  Just enough leftovers (along with the oxtail soup) to get me through until SWMBO comes home tomorrow night.  After that, it's probably rabbit food for the rest of the week.  At least I'll be able to say, "Damn, that was good!"
Title: Re: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: africanmeat on May 29, 2012, 06:34:02 AM
Man you killed me with this oxtail soup .great job
Title: Re: I love her to distraction but sometimes…
Post by: Old Hickory on May 29, 2012, 12:44:12 PM
Party time at Ka Honu's house, at least until tomorrow. ;D  Good looking cook